Spider-Man #9 Storytime

By Bendis

Featuring Miles SJW stalker




Did they really have to repeat this 2-page spread again?

How many fucking times am I going to see this spread


Bombshell better not hook up with goldballs...

So how much of a timeframe was there between the end of the fight at the Triskelion and Miles showing up in Washington? Hours? Days?



I think it was the next day.

There she is

I need to make a collage of Bendis trying to hype up this lame ass spic sometime

Starting with "Poink is the new thwip"


Well this page was pointless

God Sam stfu.



He really thought that some literally who internet blogger would know where Miles is, really?


Wait, is that actually part of this comic?


Wow, never say Marvel don't give you a good amount of bang for your buck. I'd almost forgotten what this page looked like.


Why is Bombshell's outfit white now?

So SHIELD still has bases set up under barbershops? Amusing.

just fuck my shit up

>Say no more

I like this comic and even I though this page was pointless.


Giving King run for his money.

Is Ganke gonna hit that?


You could also arrest Miles for joining up with Stark and the others in attacking the Triskelion for no fucking reason, beating up government employees and massive property damage.

Really Ganke? You go to the fucking blogger?

Poor Nova, He gets no love

I get his plan: ask the stalker, but Ganke is a fuckin moron.

I wonder if that youtube link is to an actual video...

Ganke stop giving out Miles secrets damn it

They should give Nova's comic to Loeb, he'd get all possible love.

Maybe Ganke just wanted an excuse to talk to her


>not a fan of him
>he's clearly white


HOW did Miles go all the way from New York to Washington in just a couple of hours? He can't take a flight, he can't drive, he doesn't have access to the Quinjet or Nova...

It might be there simply to remind people that Bombshell exists...and that Goldballs is there.

Tony going to fight Carol in a War Machine suit is retarded

Please no. Fatso already stole ultimate Gwen.



I loved that part in where Venom fought Miles


>>Not a fan
>>Because Bendis didn't grow up with him in the 70's.


So is Ganke the new Kong


>you can just tell
She knows he's gay.

>We're going to poink the bat

>Tony going to fight Carol in a War Machine suit is retarded
ESPECIALLY since War Machine's death isn't even Carol's fault in the first place. Making a vision about Thanos be the instigator of the conflict was a huge mistake, since it has nothing to do with any of Tony's complaints about the problems with using Ulysses. Even Spencer is calling Bendis out on this bullshit.


I think that was the black girl

Kong never won the Kitty bowl though.

>They're going to kill him

He's a high school student and she's in college, would be weird.

Then you didn't read Ultimate Spider-Man #200 or whenever they did the "Peter is Dead" party right after Cataclysm.

well i like the art, its decent....otherwise.....its meh, for a so far meh day of new comics.

Well America's record on black teens isn't as.

I just don't get what Miles is thinking. Wouldn't it make far more sense for him NOT to go anywhere near Washington?

In this issue: Miles gets cucked from two more potential waifus.
That aside it was good to see the aftermath.

Do you think Bendis plans out his issues? Or does he just wing it every month? I mean, he's the writer with the most inaccurate covers to every other issue.

Welcome to Retards.
The only way to let everyone know that you're not going to do what everyone expects you to do is to merely pretend to do what everyone expects you to do, but asspull an "I'm better than that" right at the last moment when everyone is ready to kill you.

I stopped reading this when Jessica Jones was stalking him and Rio was trying to be relevant.
When the fuck did Bombshell appear?
Is she relevant or she's just there sometimes?

Fuck this book and fuck its lie of a cover.

I tried and no, it's not.

So did Bendis just change his mind about what he wanted CWII to be about half way through? Is that why Venom is on this cover?

Wtf? Miles hasn't even been introduced to his stalker yet and he's already being cucked by Ganke.

Somewhat relevant to Miles, was I supposed to notice ANYTHING in CapHydra's version of the Ulysses Vision?

>I stopped reading this when
>When the fuck did Bombshell appear? Is she relevant or she's just there sometimes?
READ the fuckin comic!

>(I don't mean the Holocaust)

I think he intends to turn himself in.

How would she know where to go then? She's searching with Kamala and company.

No, fuck you.
I only cared about whatever was left of Peter's supporting cast back when he was Ultimate. There's nothing left of that but Bombshell and she isn't worth another Bendis book.

>Thor drops him at New York
>The Triskellion is right fucking there

I should be happy venom isn't in this crap

Did they even mention Venom in the last few issues

I think Miles Venom Blastedâ„¢ him in Civil War II.
It's probably why Venom is sperging out again.

He just learned of the news when he was with Thor. It was obvious he need some time to absorb everything. He went to that spot because that is where he supposedly commits his crime. Really only the heroes are looking for him.

Don't ask such a stupid question and claiming to know what you're talking about then.

Oh look... It's this fucking spread again...

Ganke you fucking idiot. Do NOT get tumblr involved!

Why is 616 Ganke so much worse than Ultimate Ganke?

The context. The state of DC and Miles killing Steve has meaning to Steve. Where everyone just saw a horrible tragedy, Steve saw where his plans go wrong.


>They're going to kill him
If Miles weren't Black, I'd call that a hell of a jump in logic.

Eh, less antagonist to start. And Kong survived the fall of the Ultimate Universe too. He was shunted into the Star Brand and Night Mask book.

He looks kinda Asian. Are you sure that wasn't the Korean Kong from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon?

He didn't. Kitty was still in love with Peter till the very end. And more proof of that is the fact Kong is completely gone by All New Ultimates, and Kitty is somewhat thinking about getting with Parker's clone.

>100% accurate portrayal of a third-wave feminist


I read but I can't think of a reason why

I thought the page where Ganke was raving about fat representation was tongue in cheek but now I genuinely believe Bendis has some sort of fat persecution complex.