So, uh, earlier today, Donald Trump...
So, uh, earlier today, Donald Trump
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AHS can make fun of both sides and that was made by liberal faggots. Both sides likes the colbert report and that had jabs at both sides
And so the Ameritard NEETs roll out of their cum-encrusted blanket to being another 18 hours of shitposting
He caved!
>let's give the narcissist more attention
These people never learn
I wish I had a dollar every time his hack said Trump or Donald since 2015
this dude is mad that there aren't enough blacked threads
So uh, Richard Nixon...
So, he used more mayonnaise than ketchup...
>I still support Trump
imagine being this docile now. I mean I guess things can only get better after going against promise he made
it's about as predictable as Sup Forums getting out of containment and being immensely triggered.
It's great, apparently Trump is being singled out. It's unfair!!!!
For me personally, I don't mind them making fun of Trump. I'm right leaning, but Trump does a lot of dumb things and makes stupid mistakes, and it's a ton of material for a comedian. Trump is begging for jokes to be made about himself. The problem is that I don't feel comedy is Colbert's highest priority. That Letterman bit is hilarious. But Colbert's jokes are barely jokes, they're just snarky jabs at a man he truly hates. It's not funny, it's just an anti-Trump sermon. I'm not a big Trump fan either, but I don't find the current late night guys entertaining at all.
I heard Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on Stern before the election, and he made a ton of Trump jokes, and they were hilarious. That's because Triumph was telling jokes, not preaching.
look how triggered is this kekistani nazi
Uh, how about that hair? Pretty stupid, right guys?
Ok seriously, has there been any single episode of any late night talk show that HASN'T mentioned Trump once since he won?
He's not the.
We are Sup Forums
so uh, George W. Bush...
>this dude is mad that there aren't enough blacked threads
Do you seriously believe this?
I'm sure Fallon and Kimmel have had shows where they make fun of him in the monologue, but that's it. Colbert and Meyers devote basically the entire episodes to them, including asking the guests to talk about how bad Trump is. Colbert is such a sick in the mud when he can't ask someone to trash Trump. See his interviews with Kate Upton or Bill Burr.
>Projecting this hard
Let the loony libs have their little safe spaces. We don't need anymore of then to snap start shooting Congressional leadership again.
>it's a pol tries to pretend that big daddy trump didn't stab them in the back
Which one is the narcissist? Both seem like people I wouldn't want to meet in person.
>implying there's an equivalence between Colbert and Trump's narcissism
At least the Jews didn't hang us democrats out to dry, and are giving us a few wins to give us hope.
I'm just saying I feel Colbert is kind of douche in person. He just gives off that vibe... regardless of narcissism.
I didn't vote for Trump because I like him. I voted for him because he's doing less damage than Hillary would have.
Who wrote this for him do you think?
A year from now:
>Don't... don't worry guys Trump signing the "every white man in the country must watch his daughter get gangbanged by 20 La Raza members" law is just more four dimensional chess! He's got the globalist right where he wants them! #MAGA #Trump2020
Put a quarter in your ass faggots you done played yourselves.
I wonder how retarded you have to be to believe that liberals want things like that. I mean, ten years ago I couldn't have imagined having to have arguments like "no we don't want white women to be forcibly raped by black males" but somehow enough people are that dumb to make shit like this a daily occurrence.
Awful lotta DRUMPF supporters tonight. Got something for ya right here, bucko!
Why do you keep inviting Muslims into your countries if you don't want your women raped?
You're in for it now, Grumpf! I just found your address on Google and I'm comin' for ya, chump! Your days are NUMBERED!
>...but ....but Hillary
No buts about it. Trump keeps fucking up, but I don't regret voting for him.
>are giving us a few wins to give us hope.
Well if you didn't have hope, you'd get angry. They only give you tidbits so that you stay placated.
>The Rape Case
I guess I'm not the only one then.
Tell me about your alternate universe where there was a genuinely valid third option.
But user, he does not have the name of every city on the planet memorized. He can't possibly be better than trump who thinks exercise is a hoax.
Not him but the way you responded makes me think so.