Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
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There's nothing to defend.
Both were/will be great leaders.
>Those are bad things.
What is there to defend those claims from?
Both are controlled oposition and Jewish agents.
>Hitler: Vegetarian
>Trump: Not A Vegetarian
half of that isn't true
why would I try to defend a strawman?
thank you for correcting the record.
keep up the good work.
Nice strawman, m8. Really gets the neurons firing.
Trump has great reasons to deport Mexicans, Hitler was just butthurt because Jews controlled the wealth, the media, and the businesses, Trump is right to blame illegal immigration on a plethora of Americas BIG issues.
Look at some statistics of illegal immigration rape, murder, animal sacrifice, scams, welfare fraud, and many more. America has put these people before us native born, flooded the population with 3rd world immigrants who have backward ideologies, but you must enjoy clitoridectomies.
I hope you were just shit posting though
Hillary and Hitler both start with an H
>Trump is Hitler
Would that it were so
Hillary is the democrat: Eager to fuck up Iraq and start a war with China and Russia
Trump is a republican: Wants to improve relations with Russia and doesn't want war.
Isn't that weird? And OP will defend Hillary.
>Uses racism to rise to power
Name one race Trump has discriminated against. Don't forget, Mexicans and muslims aren't a race.
>Proposes mass deportations
...of people who aren't legally allowed to be there in the first place. That law is already in place, Trump just plans on enforcing it.
>Promises to make America great again
Well, promising to make America the cumguzzler of the world won't get you any votes, will it?
>Anti-muslim Facist
Islam is a facist ideology in and of itself. Would you consider it wrong to act facist against facists?
>Blames immigrants for America's problems
He blames America's problems on the establishment, which is why the establishment hates his guts.
2/10 made me bite
The meme that Trump wants to deport "Immigrants" or "Mexicans" is complete baby-shit.
Trump wants to deport CRIMINALS, GATE-CRASHERS. This is a Marxist/Globalist scheme, this "open borders" national suicide. The purpose of it is to OVERLOAD THE WELFARE STATE. With the resulting terror and misery, they can easily get the herd to beg them to impose full, Venezuela-style Socialism. Why do the bankster globalists, like Soros, openly call for "Socialist Global Government"? Look at Venezuela. While rank-and-file Socialist "revolutionaries" are disowning Venezuela's FORCED LABOR as "not real Socialism," the banking families (who have all the wealth and are now seeking to consolidate their gains in a neo-feudal, global prison planet) see Venezuelan FORCED LABOR and see their dream coming true in microcosm.
This Socialist ploy of overloading the welfare state is called the "Cloward Piven Strategy"
Funny how Obungo has been deporting the most illegals but nobody talks about that
>Trump is Hitler
I wish...
You'd go into the oven with the other roaches
My answer to you, stupid shill.
>pic related