I will start...
You Feel You Lose Sup Forums
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"Brother Blackshirts, my comrades in struggle.
Our fight is for the soul of Britian, and in that battle we go foward till victory be won.
Our struggle is hard, because we are fighting for great and great things are not likely or easily gained. We are fighting for nothing less then a revolution in the spirit of our people.
That great character of the British has been reborn, and for that reason we carry within us the destiny of Britian. We care not if we win tomorrow morning or at an end of a lifetime of labour and of struggle. All we care is win we will because Britian demands it and no power on earth can hold down the will within us.
Struggles we have had, and will have. Blows we have taken and will again. Victories we have had and will have again, yes greater victories then even Britons have ever known.
Together we have lit a flame that the ages shall not extinguish. Guard that sacred flame my brother blackshirts until it illumines Britian, and lights again, the path of mankind."
-Oswald Mosley
> "Comments are disabled for this video."
No shit.
Silly bong, look what you did, you made the poor lady cry.
>letting your kids choose for themselves
>in this day and age
You are meant to manipulate and lead them to the right path. To instill the sense of awareness of how truly massive and caustic the world can be and how to have fun and enjoy within the unseen shit that happens in the world. Truth is always more powerful than any other contrivance.
>thread theme
Man, Bruce Willis can't catch a break
this is hiIarious, not sad Imao
>'Hi nice guys! I'm unattractive now and its harder to be a whore, so I guess I might as weII start taking advantage of one of you instead, thanks!' :)
skip to 3:50
The way that father reacts when seeing it. Poor man.
So fucking this.
That's so sweet and so sad.
I don't know if I should cry or laugh, but I feel like I'm doing both.
This makes me sad
M,an copypasta used to be weak and easy to write, look at this mess.
Fucking dogs, kill them all i say. They do nothing useful except being mollycoddled by spineless pussies who never got laid once in their own pathetic life.
Dog owners are weak. And whoever has aggressive breeds (especially pitbulls) should be shot on sight along with their parasitic animals.
And no, dogs are good. Meat is a little bit chewy, but perfect if you cook it in a slow cooker (especially if the dog is still alive inside of it) and add some spices.
I've tasted both dog and cat meat, and i can assure dog tops them all. Cow meat is nothing compared to a good spiced dog
I feeI sorry for Jeb.
I reckon he never had a proper chiIdhood, was forever in the shadow of his sibIings and forced to be Iike them.
This. I just want to hug the man.
Dear slut,
Be warned; while I am a nice guy, I'm also a huge pervert.
I will expect you to drink my piss straight from the hose.
Face fucking will be a daily activity.
My dog will probably want to fuck you too.
You'll have to blow me while he fucks you though.
the more Italian posters I encounter the more hate I feel for your kind, it is truly not the roman race in Italy, but a savage mongrelized race of shitskins
i felt a feel i didn't like
Oh, you're a tough guy, user... Real tough..
You have no right to say shit Sweden youre the laughing stock of the world
Audio of the speech
Hail Mosley! Hail victory!
You're a hue monkey, not even white, why are you here?
I have all the rights and no matter how many times you faggots assert this I'll continue speaking my mind
Apart from cooking animals alive,I kind of agree.
Brazil is whiter than Sweden for all i care you can suck my BBC
>Cow meat is nothing compared to a good spiced dog
Seems unlikely.
Carnivore meat generally is not as good as herbivore meat.
>I have all the rights and no matter how many times you faggots assert this I'll continue speaking my mind
This is one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever heard
Yeah sure buddy, whatever you say, by the way, you have a tiny penis.
>pic related
and i lost.
lel your dickette cant even penetrate a pillow Sweden and your saying you dont the BBC? Simply ebin my friend
Stop derailing the thread you edgy faggot
Nice effort, but you're no leaf. You're just
Look at these two drama queens, instead of having white babies they have lame ass dogs, tattoos, and make nu male tier videos in which they cry for the old hairy cunt who kicked the bucket.
Meanwhile Jamal and Laquiesha spit out 12 kids and these 2 cocks will have to pay for dem programs
Poor dad, shit...
We can close the thread now.
I lost mostly of the time when i see pictures of Hitler smiling next to little kids that seems happy. He just wanted to make Germany other thing than a starvation shithole, and he stood firmly against a world who was enslaved by bankers. He wanted the best for the german kids. He wanted freedom.
sleep well pupper
Thish as been out 4 awhile now.
Has this bitch been smacked with blunt objects or culturally enriched by Africans/Muslims yet?
>I-in this thread we feel because we're betas
Fuck off. We're winning and you're acting like it's 2014. Fucking faggots.
Yeah I hate it when people get that attached to animals, it's just so obviously a surrogate for children. It's absolutely faggy and pathetic and degenerate. Have kids and help continue the race instead of some dog or cat that wouldn't think twice about eating you if you died tomorrow.
The white population of Brazil is not more than ~5%.
By white i mean un-mongrelized Europeanoid people.
But nice bait it worked.
This is fucked on so many levels, the fact that this lil shit had the audacity to hurt everyone around him for his own little pleasure by becoming a faggot trans.
I just can't come around thinking the parents will accept this "thing" around them just think of the shame the father will have sitting at dinner with other family members and neighbors, they may start supporting him, but it's just fucking wrong and they know that.
A fucking leaf
The fire rises
Fucking shitskins.
Italian filth.