America was never great.
America was never great
I agree.
Today OP was not a faggot.
Yeah but we still have to deal with their shitty cultural influence like the good cucks we are, I say fuck em.
Name a greater country.
>the 50s never happened
Fucking leave my country faggot
New Zealand was never more than the set of LoTR
You ain't even Australia. What the fuck have you ever done that Australia didn't do better? Not one thing. Why exist? Why not just join the country that is better than you in every single solitary conceivable way? You are Australia's Puerto Rico.
>shart in toilet
>big cocks
>Implying racism is great
>nz in charge of having opinions
No shit.
Came here to say this. Thanks burgerbro
Sweden, Denmark, Norway, you take your pick of one of the Nordic countries.
>What the fuck have you ever done that Australia didn't do better?
The kiwis are world class sheep fuckers, the aussies couldn't hold a candle to them in that arena.
Mart sharters BTFO
name one thing wrong with racism
It's wrong to judge people for things beyond their control.
America was great a long time ago.
Climbed Everest First
Split the atom
Number 8 wire
I agree with this, but Drumpf won't return things to how they were then.
Oh New Zealand, you are truly the Canada of the Southern Hemisphere.
>Comparing my country with the one with the highest HDI in the Americas
Damn, I'm insulted
Yea their HDI is higher than yours. But the USA is higher yet. So is Australia, the USA of the Southern Hemisphere.
>It's wrong
From what fucking authority? Where do you source your "morality"?
Apparently it wasn't great enough of a system to defend itself from invasion.
Are you saying it's OK, to judge people for having cancer, because they have more control over that than their race. I can't even right now.
ill agree with this, everyone should. It's fucked up to judge someone for being the way they were born. But as a nationalist, I think it's in the best interests of all countries to keep their own people and have their own systems.
>Canadians in Canada
>Whites in America/Europe
>Muslims in the Middle East
>Mexicans in Mexico
>blacks in Africa
>degenerates in Antarctica
There can still be peace and deals made with each other. That way one country such as the US isn't one big mixed bag of races, religions, and over populated areas, which causes lower wages/more competiton. Also wouldn't have to deal with the drama of
>That's racist!
>muh equality!
I don't think it was morally the right thing to do but I see why JFK and Lincoln were assassinated. People were generally afraid of what the US was becoming. If they lived in today's world they would shit their pants and probably just end up killing themselves.
What race are Americans?
>So is Australia, the USA of the Southern Hemisphere.
White. We came from Europe. The revolutionary war cemented whites as THE race of the USA.
But you brought over blacks after killing the native people, are you beginning to see why everyone hates white people, you should be more apologetic.
I think that extreme irrelevance of NZ is making you silly in the head lol
It's code for "Make the ECONOMY great again."
Left wingers try to make us out as rampaging murderers. While every race has a few bad eggs, we didn't just start slaughtering the natives like absolute mad men. I believe it was our intention to get a long and work together but just didn't work out, so there were MANY wars.
I'm against slavery. It was wrong. Should have left them in Africa.
I'll never apologize for being born white.
>t. McOopsIaccidentallyranover4abosthisweek
>spend all day hunting and fishing
I'm sure it totally wouldn't be depressing to do tha every fucking day for 60+ years before slowly dying in a tent with only basic medicine to slightly numb your suffering.
You two cunts are out of line tonight.
Well, maybe you should. I'm descended from Indian slaves sent to Fiji, white people destroyed my family, amongst millions of others.
You started off by saying don't judge others for being born a certain race, yet you just did by saying I should apologize for being born white. You lose.
>I'm descended from Indian slaves sent to Fiji
>white people destroyed my family
Did I really? Your opinion is an edgy fringe one, you are an outcast of society. The world will keep getting more anti white and whites will be bred out. Your "le rope day" will never come because most white "men" look like pic related.
ok, island-nigger
You must be new here
Do you realize white Americans have won nearly 100% of their wars? Good luck trying to wipe us out. Glad to know you're anti white, which makes you a racist, ironically so since you began this entire conversation by saying racism is wrong.
>Power+ privilege
>Implying the descendent of Indian slaves has either
I cant be racist.
You said I should apologize for being born the way I am (white). If you actually think that's not racist thing to say, you're being dishonest and there's no point in going back and forth any longer. You are racist.
Yes it was
When it was a white country
>>Power+ privilege
>Using SJW definitions only accepted by your cancerous hugbox echo chambers
C'mon, my sheep fucking neighbour, just admit you're baiting and we can all move on.
>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
That's not what racism is you dumb duck
You'll never shitpost to the same quality of your neighbors. Try something else to get good at.
Hating people just because of their race is stupid.
>Try something else to get good at.
He could start with this. I'm sure it's familiar territory.
Murica is europe recycle bin aka detention work camp it threw in all the criminal , disobedient slaves and retards and guess what .... it is still the same today
turkey, iran, saudiarabia, mostly all middle eastern countries
protecting your culture and everything your ancestors fought for
staying safe since black people account for 13% of the population but commit over 60% of all crime
go fuck off you potato nigger
Europe for Europeans
Shitskins aren't Europeans (mostly)
Africa/Everywhere else for shitskins
im gonna redpill Lorde and there is nothing you can do to stop me