>we're not so different, you and I
We're not so different, you and I
>Character taking a shower
>He doesnt shove a finger inside of his poppy hole so he can get it clean
Wtf do burgers really do that?
>"Where are we?"
>"No, WHEN are we?"
>looks like I picked the wrong week to pick up a new hobby
>I'd start talking if I were you
>*spits in face*
>wait i can explain!
>doesn't explain
>Wait I can expl-
>Character blows his brains out
>guys sees teenage girl naked
>"I didnt see anything I promise"
>girl punches guy
does anybody who is not autistic do this?
>not a bar of soap
It's like you want your anus to smell of poop
>ogres have layers
>think a movie will finally skip exposition
>hey did you hear me
>info dump from the carefree person in the back
>We're gonna need five months
>You have two days
>"what time is it"
>"I dont wear a watch"
Anus and finger
>MC trips over female character
>situation gets all lewd and they are all alone
>about to give her the dick
>some secondary character comes to interrupt everybody's good time
>what's plan b
>watching black mirror
>episode about bees killing people
>so whats plan bee?
>some secondary character comes to interrupt everybody's good time
That happens a lot actually
Im still a virgin because of it
>I was the Ancient Evil all along
>This is gonna take at least two days
>You have 2 years top
>situation looks bad for the protagonist
>antagonist says "face it kid, you lost!"
Then you were not all alone from the beginning but yeah it happened to me once
>gonna need a week
>youve got 2 hours
>spend 30 minutes talking instead of working
>girl show pusy
>no 1 fuk pusy
>protagonist pulls the moral high ground and lets a villain live after defeating him
>villain then tries to kill him
>protagonist kills villain
>women masturbates
>sensual and tasteful
>guy masturbates
>ooga booga where the pussy at
>We're gonna need plan B
>What's plan B
>I need 1 hour
>you got 60 seconds
>*gets a blowjob*
>not >time for plan B
one job
>Quick, hack the GUI via the FIOSnet! Double stat!
>"I can fix it but theres only one problem"
>"I need a plasma injector and we dont have one"
>everyone spooked
>child pulls out plasma injector
>"whered you get that?"
>kisses their forehead
>"youre a lifesaver kid"
Sechs Jahre genügten, um die Träume von Jahrhunderten zu erfüllen. Ein Jahr, um unser Volk in den Genuß jener Einheit zu bringen, die die vergeblich angestrebte Sehnsucht zahlreicher Generationen war. Da ich Sie heute als Vertreter unseres deutschen Volkes aus allen Gauen des Reiches um mich versammelt sehe und unter Ihnen die neugewählten Männer der Ostmark und des Sudetenlandes weiß, erliege ich wieder den gewaltigen Eindrücken des Geschehens eines Jahres, in dem sich Jahrhunderte verwirklichten. Wieviel Blut ist um dieses Ziel umsonst geflossen! Wie viele Millionen deutscher Männer sind bewußt oder unbewußt im Dienste dieser Zielsetzung seit mehr als tausend Jahren den bitteren Weg in den raschen oder schmerzvollen Tod gegangen! Wie viele andere wurden verdammt, hinter Festungs- und Kerkermauern ein Leben zu beenden, das sie Großdeutschland schenken wollten! Wie viele Hunderttausende sind als endloser, von Not und Sorge gepeitschter Strom deutscher Auswanderung in die weite Welt geflossen! jahrzehntelang noch an die unglückliche Heimat denkend, nach Generationen sie vergessend. Und nun ist in einem Jahre die Verwirklichung dieses Traumes gelungen. Nicht kampflos, wie gedankenlose Bürger dies vielleicht zu glauben pflegen.
my exams in a nutshel
>Hmm, maybe if we reboot the software, we can get into the operating system and-
>In English, Einstein.
>I'll do it in 1
>don't kill him or you'll be just like him!
>Listen, do you hear that?
>Exactly. It's quiet. Too quiet...
danke, user
> undercover character about to die
> bad guy shoots henchman instead
> see? I know everything that happens in my business...
>then something happens
>and so I was tasked to protect the precious ultimate weapon that will one day vanquish evil
>and what is this ultimate weapon?
>Spy movie
>over shot of the Eiffel tower
>Text on the bottom say "Paris, France 3:30pm"
Name one example of this.
I shove a (TP covered) finger inside my asshole when I wipe it after taking a shit. Why would I do it in the shower?
>Pan view of the pyramids of giza
>Cairo, Egypt.
>Overview of the pentagon
>The Pentagon, Washington DC.
>Shot of a double decker red bus and Big Ben
>London, England.
I can name a book but not a movie
>tvtropes frog thread
>Character rationalizes that it's the villains fault he's killing him in the firstplace and so it's not his fault when he murders him
Sailor Moon
>an ancient evil awakens
>*fart noise*
>Antagonist and character locked in mortal combat
>Antagonist gains the upper hand
>Pauses to gloat/laugh manically before the delivering the lethal blow
>Gets shot by guy you thought was dead on the floor
>He was actually only wounded
> wait l can explain!
> doesn't run after and do everything possible to explain it was a misunderstanding
>which wire is the red wire
Wonder Woman
> character has hit rock bottom and is shitfaced
> gets a chance to fix mistakes
> is immediately sober
>and your other gun
>Mr. Politician sir, I'm a scientist and look at this science reading I got on my science machine!
>I dont care
>the science says you have to do something or we'll all die!
>I have a social gathering to attend dont bother me with this shit
>ooo noooo how could this happen????
>School cafeteria lunch lady
>Serves the protagonist some disgusting slop
>A storm is coming
>"as you already know..."
>explains shit the character already knows
>My name is _____
>This is my story