>ahh, I see. Are you familiar with Freud's work? Because what you are expressing is a latent Madonna–whore complex.
Ahh, I see. Are you familiar with Freud's work? Because what you are expressing is a latent Madonna–whore complex
kill yourself moron
Don't think Feldstein can pull off cool intellectual.
too harsh. wouldn't work.
>It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
just let it go already
>where do I go?
no....we're close. I can feel it.
>basic psychology is "cool intellectual"
Hello *burps* Reddit!
>*Break down crying and throw a temper tantrum so embarrassing to watch that the network has no choice but to erase all the footage*
And THAT is how you do it.
>freud almost did as much coke as you do
And your other super-ego?
one year later...
>you have the most absurd dreams honey.
The single best response is LITERALLY and will ALWAYS be:
"Isn't that how you got this job?"
It's light hearted banter, genuinely funny, shows no butt hurt, and is somewhat clever.
all you have to do is just act like a normal fucking human being and take a dump on the table
Omae wa mou shindeiru!
>le freud
Such a cliche. Why do the jewish writers always bring him up? Is it a big joke? No one actually believes anal/oral fixations and family sexual complexes right?
Does Jonah make these threads in an attempt to get revenge someday?
>And then what?
Easy. You either force her to explain the joke, which ruins it, or she drops it and you move on.
Jettisoning Jonah in a sexual fantsy is how she got her job????
Doesn't really make sense.
formerly Chuck's
Sleeping with two men. People would get it.
>I-It's smart. It's a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it
He looks better fat honestly
Most probably.
>5'10 vs 5'9
When you're jewish everything he said makes perfect sense.
fucking roasties
Is Sup Forums aware of Jonah's brother, Jordan Feldstein? (pic related)
Because he's the only psychologist that knows widespread recognition, despite most of his theories now having falling out of use
Way, way too much. He'd look entirely in the wrong.
fucking kek. was he the mayor of Toronto at one point?
Uma Thurman?
He was right about literally everything
So much of the state of the world can be explained by this picture desu
>No one actually believes anal/oral fixations and family sexual complexes right?
What? You don't?
He would probably come under fire by the media if he told someone to kill themselves, it's not the Internet bro
>*fakes laughing*
>haha, that was a good one!
to his agent after the show:
>hire someone to break into her home, trash the place and decapitate her dog. Tonight.
Honestly, that's the only valid response.
I agree actually. To add to that
>Two old men in a hotel room? Is that how you got this job?
>after the show she checks into her hotel room all alone
>as she goes to turn on the lights in the bedroom, a shadow sits on the bed
>she screams and runs to the door
>Jonah jumps from the darkness and grabs her and slams her onto the ground before she reaches the door
>Jonah pins her down and whispers into her ear
>"Don't worry, I'm not going away this time"
>Jonah starts ripping off her clothes as she cries and her nightmare begins
That the only true comeback
Maybe if you overdose on anime and have been jerking off to hentai for the last 10 years you'll develop a voluntary complex simply for fetishistic reasons, but even then most people who fap to incest don't actually want to fuck their whatevers. I'm not a normalfag so I don't know what the normies think. I know they can't go 10 minutes without thinking about fucking something. I'm skeptic.
And the anal/oral fixation?
>Maybe if you overdose on anime and have been jerking off to hentai for the last 10 years you'll develop a voluntary complex simply for fetishistic reasons, but even then most people who fap to incest don't actually want to fuck their whatevers
I thought Freud was talking about how we unconsciously search for motherly or fatherly traits in a mate, not that we're ACTUALLY attracted to them.
t. lardass
sorry white bois, I love my men DARK.
>French "people"
Not even once.
>i'm glad that i'm the funny one in your fantasy because THAT was awful
Little over the top but it could work
Isn't that the dude from Justice
she is literally just as dark as him. french people aren't white.
I want to have sex with her froggy style
>they both came from the planned parenthood
>oh, so this is an example of French humour. The wit of the French. well, when it comes to a culture that entertains the idea of having snails - you know, those slimy slugs that crawl among the slovenly sidewalks and alleyways where spit, and shit, and old cigarette buds dwell - those snails, yes, eaten as a delicacy. Well I've got to say, in comparison, this little humorous story you've conjured up is positively French.
You know I may get sodomized by the Devil, but the French get sodomized by your immigrants. Next time you see a truck heading full speed down into a crowd remember this little joke of a fantasy you have, because it's all you have. You're just another little snail about to get ran over on the sidewalk. What a positively French way to go.
>Ah so I guess it's true, French people are the niggers of Europe
French russel wilson
Why would fucking Leo and Brad give her the weather girl job? I don't get it.
I'd swap "is" with "isn't" but otherwise perfect.
Funny way to spell Italian.
Oh no.
>Hey, I can make half of that fantasy come through
Objectively the best thing to say, come on.
He was right about literally everything.
Not bad.
We're getting there.
the guy isn't even white ...
>uh, Leo and Brad aren't my friends. We just worked together once.
How would that make you look better?
>what about my man Miles here? I don't want him left out. I want all my friends to be satisfied.
Thats the type of thing he'd say just before he comits suicide.
>not blowing his brains out in the front of the french woman
only way out desu
for you.
Elegant and to the point.
>good luck with that, lady. i'm pretty sure brad pitt knows a crab factory when he sees one
looks like he's on the cocaine diet
ffs jonah, EAT!
>*falls to the ground*
>*starts crying*
She'd get BTFO
>No, the reality is that I have two Oscar nominations, and you have two videos on my YouTube account. I have made films with Scorese and Tarantino and me, You made an advert for Spontex
But ultimately the crux of the joke was that she wouldn't sleep with Jonah, not that Brad or Leo would necessarily sleep with her.
In all honesty Jonah handled that pretty well. He didn't really need to fire back, the girl made herself look like a cunt, he was wtf about it, but kept his composure.
>can I watch
Is it worth sounding like a cuck to win the audience over?
I agree. It would have been even better if he didn't call her the local weather girl because he sounded a little salty but in reality there is nothing wrong with being mad at a bitch, only on the internet is having emotions a bad thing.
>calls her a weather girl and cancels all of his tour because of one tour
Nah, he shouldn't have gotten butt anguished with her and continued with why he flew over there in the first place.
>Tfw I read the description of the Madonna-whore complex and it applies to me perfectly
Someone with the appropriate knowledge pls explain the implications of this
Never get married
>kill yourself moron
What the fuck was Jonah's problem?
me on the right
>Southern and city dwelling French people aren't white.
too clumsy of a comeback
>88 posts and 27 image replies omitted.
Why do you faggot continually do this to yourselves?
Beta detected. She embarrassed him, it was obvious, and he's a "comedian" but had no comeback so the entire audience said "awwwww."
>>"Don't worry, I'm not going away this time"
We're getting close. Any thread now.