Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray? I can't even swim. Never even had a bath.
Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray...
Casper knew this
People say you watch the pennies, the dollars will look out for themselves. Honestly Ray? I'm already exceeding my overdraft and I've only ever used cash.
They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Well ray, I've been falling my entire life, and it turns out I'm a fucking pear.
>They say to start with your right foot forward, but Ray, I got two left feet and I'm ready to step on some toes.
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Tell you the truth Ray, I'm a fucking pencil, and the sharpener has bust.
More pls
brainlets ruin vinceposting t b h
>They say brainlets ruined Vinceposting, well Ray the truth is it was never even good to start with, it was fucking shit Ray.Caspere knew this.
>Ben Frank had a saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned" well Ray, I've been saving my god damn pennies In my piggy bank and I havent double my investments. Time to make the pig squeal.
They say where there's smoke there's fire ray. Well guess what, I'm fucking surrounded by fire and I can't see any goddamn smoke. Smokeless fire.
what the actual fuck does "never doing anything out of hunger, not even eat" mean
Don't let your urges control you.
They say that Sneed's used to be formerly Chuck's, but Ray I've just opened up a kino and named it after me. It's called the Fee & See.
>One nail drives out another, my father used to say. Well, guess what Ray? There's not a single nail in sight, and I'm the fucking hammer
I've never even seen this show but this is one of my favorite me mes and I'm glad you're keeping it alive
They say if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball Ray. I don't know about that, but I've been dodging bullets my whole life, and I'm the MVP. Caspere knew this.
So then I asked myself Ray "What is more powerful? The pen or the sword?" then i realized my fucking breath had killed more things than either
the first ever vinceposting thread was the best desu.
This is a good one lmao
They say if you give an inch they will take a mile Ray, I've been giving about 8 solid inches my whole live and nobody's taken me for a fool.
They say those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, ya know something ray? I'm a fucking boulder, and I have home owners insurance.
They say the grass is always greener on the other side, well guess what? Ive been eating green peas all my life and the only color on the other side is brown with yellow chunks. So who's the real victim here, Ray? The missing grass in my wallet or my ass flora?
work in progress, first attempt
Can we all agree that this scene was fucking kino?
they say the grass is always greener on the other side, well ya know something ray? the earth is flat, and I just bought a fucking lawn mower
fixed it for you
Damn, you make it seem effortless l. Took me a few minutes to come up with my low quality one. Tbf, Ive never actually watched TD
it is effortless,
Think of a common phrase or limerick,
then make Ray be something that usually wrecks or destroys one of the objects in the phrase.
you are over thinking it if anything
Is Vince really and """""""""""""Actor"""""""""""?
ha ha nope
Don't usually do this, but just for (You)
are you stupid?
t. brainlet
Especially that scene, but most of season 2 was great anyway.
Sure there's some awkward dialogue from Frank, some intentional, others probably not, but it really had a charm to it. I'd like to think frankposting is in good taste towards the show, but then I see brainless like this
>Smokeless fire
I could see Pizza writing this
You're supposed to blend several idioms into a pun you fucking retards. If you're going to all copy the one exception that's just a subversion you could at least make them funny.
this and the dream lounge were really the only two *good* parts of the season.
it truly was trash
>bar scenes
>confrontation at Frank's house
There are plenty of great scenes you pleb
>They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, Ray. But they also say you can kill two birds with one stone. So there I was, parked outside the bush with the first stone in my hand. But for some reason I couldn't let go. Could you have cast it, Ray? Are you without sin?
bar scenes were good. everything else is so forgettable that i'm not even sure i know what else you're referencing
>not browsing using the catalogue
fucking chicks
Your dementia is not a valid reason to think a show is bad.
> You know the early bird gets the worm Ray? Well I don't have any wings and my alarm clock is busted.
>Whenever I'd fuck up, people made excuses for me, saying things like "you've just got to get it out of your system". So here I am, Ray. Been dropping all this shit behind me my whole life and this time I think it's the system that's gonna hit the fucking pavement.
they say the early bird gets the worm, well ya know something ray? I own the fucking bait shop and it never closes.
fixed that for you user
Damn, you make it seem effortless l. Took me a few minutes to come up with my low quality one. Tbf, Ive never actually watched TD
They say you learn to walk before you run. Well Ray, I've been running all my life and I was diagnosed with a learning disability at age 7.
They say the masters make it look effortless, well ya know something ray? I've never put any effort in to anything my whole life, that's why I am a master shitposter on Sup Forums
was this actually a fucking line
season 2 was so shitty i wouldn't put it past them
People get into this life for the fast buck, Ray. That's what gets you a snug-fitting grave. Me? I'm after the slow nickel.
>this was the best thing about s2
>making shitty vince posts
>waiting till other people post better ones
>give them "Damn, you make it seem effortless l. Took me a few minutes to come up with my low quality one. Tbf, Ive never actually watched TD"
what's your endgame?
watching TD wouldn't help you be good at them, the meme is barely related to Vince's character at all, it's the most absurd extrapolation from a few of his mannerisms and dialogue, he never actually said any shit like this, he was just self important, faux-philosophizing, emotional and self-mythologizing to a really pretentious extent
>They say it's a dog eat dog world out there, Ray. Well guess what? I'm the fucking chinaman.
You gotta break a couple eggs to make an omelette Ray, and I dont see any chickens.
Vinceposting template
>Dispense a saying as though it is some kind of old wisdom
>Throw a curveball into it that implies that Vince separates himself from the pack
>Go one step further and throw in one last thought that tangentially ties in but makes Vince seem like bizarre freak rather than some kind of headstrong rogue
>Capser knew this/Guess what Ray?