>white people will fix everything
wow i didn't know the writers were white supremacist
South Park
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This is what happens when your wife is black.
Daily reminder that south park makes fun of literally everyone and you're a filthy hypocrite if you can't take your lumps along with everyone else
everyone but black people, and muslims.
Getting told i'm a piece of shit for my skin color never gets old! I loved this episode!
Senpai they took the piss out of both of those groups.
>literally everyone
Not anymore and not in a VERYYYYYYYY long time.
>literally made fun of black people back in the day
>nearly got their network bombed because they had a superhero league with Muhammad
nigga you're retarded and should keep to your containment subreddit
Not since they bent the knee to Muslims. Probably afraid of getting Hebdo'd. If only white people weren't so cucked and had Islam warrior spirit.
neither of those happened you idiot
The best part of the episode was that people watching it at home with Alexas had new shopping lists created for them by Cartman.
South Park of the past did, not South Park of the present.
>I want to make something even my wife's son can be proud of and not think I am a monster.
They pussied out in the end with the mudhammad thing by censoring him. Modern south park is a joke, in the negative sense.
>it didn't happen because i was still shitting my diapers when the episodes aired
Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants is probably the most famous SP episode ever, and they literally said that arabs are camel / goat fuckers.
Not anymore fampai.
ol' good South Park, back to reality. Enough this SJW/BLM/PoC shitting in nearly every damn show and movie already.
i love how you people jerked them off 2 season prior when they made fun off the "Dude-bro PC" culture, and now you can't take a joke?
Arabs aren't black so how is that relevant? and the 'bomb threat' wasn't about superfriends, that was the one no one cared about because it was in season 3.
>Try to remember every time they trashed black people
>The joke is always based on white people's ignorance around black culture and most of the time it is said by Cartman.
I am curious if anyone can come up with a moment where they truly trash blacks.
Nobody is actually triggered becasue they "made fun of" white people. People are mad because the episode sucked ass.
>>nearly got their network bombed because they had a superhero league with Muhammad
There wasn't much backlash for that episode for some reason.
Wow, making fun of reality shows. That was hilarious like 10 years ago.
It doesn't
The only show that bashed Blacks was Boondocks
>jerked them off 2 season prior
SP has been trash for like 8 seasons
Seriously tho, what was the joke there?
Just a dumb parody?
Wasn't the writers' choice. The network pulled that.
Didn't they make an episode that made fun of Token's self-righteousness?
boondocks as much as I've seen anyway only does it in a shallow manner
I think the joke is that people think all white people are the same upper-middle class people. That is why Randy makes every house exactly the same.
Matt and Trey never bent the knee, comedy central did. And unlike other networks that bullshited about it being for sensitivity, they at least admitted it was the fear of being murdered.
That episode with all the black rich families invited to town by Token comes to mind
>parroting literal Hillary Campaign talking points and liberal twitter is "making fun"
Imagine being this delusional.
how did that trash them?
doesn't changed the fact, that people here made /ourguys/ thread every hour when a new episode aired.
It just shows that there is a crowd of certain redd-fugee's" that show up here, spam their shitty forced memes, and derail threads
That there is no such thing as the 'black experience'.
the fuck does that mean
Wow they made anti-arab sentiments right after 9/11 the only time it was ever socially acceptable... Now that muslims dindu nuffin and are peaceful minorities south park cucks shut their face.
Rich black people are just as shitty as rich white people, just because you're the same skin colour as someone doesn't mean you're going to associate with them any better than anyone else. It completely destroys the idea of the inherent bond all black people share based on their institutionalised oppression because whether you like it or not, Will Smith isn't actually oppressed. Which, I'm not sure if you've been paying attention or not, is a massive fucking part of black identity which they took apart.
Look at Obama. He grew up in Hawaii with a white family. He can't relate to black people in the hood, so he didn't experience what a lot of black people go through. That episode proves that black people are just like everyone else and don't have black cloud hovering above them.
Since they were acting like preppy old money New Englanders that episode proves taht culture > race
>cartoon proves reality
you guys are literally retarded
das rite, now watch black panther to see how the world would be like without white people
The observations exist for a reason, jackass.
What if I haven't liked South Park for quite a few years?
I know they've always had political elements and lampooned current events, but in the past, these elements took a secondary role to the plot and what was happening in the episode. These elements took a subsidiary role to what was occuring in the episode. Not any more. Now these things are given emphasis in the episodes, and very little a part from it is given much exposure. It has become very preachy and 'topical'. I watch cartoons to relax and laugh, not have an agenda pushed onto me that will "really make me think". The newer episodes also lack re-watchability and feel very dated even after six months.
Not to mention that South Park has lost its comfiness. In earlier seasons, South Park CO was depicted as a sleepy redneck mountain-town, where things move rather slowly and has its quirks, and everyone knows everyone and they have a communal spirit with an implicit sense of trust and ease with one another. In the later seasons, South Park has come to be depicted as a metropolis that has all the trappings and worries that a city like Minneapolis or Pittsburgh has. It is now like a big city where stranger shield their eyes down every street. South Park CO is no longer South Park - it is Denver 2.0, and that is not comfy.
>successful blacks all collapse into a carbon copy of the same superstitious house nigger behavior when "ghosts" are involved
I mean if I was black I wouldn't really like that
>reee they made fun of my race
Yet it's ok for them to make fun of every other race for almost 20 years. Go back to your safe space, drumpfkin.
It's also kinda hard to make biting satire of black people when there's only 2 major black characters in the show, one of them is a rich hlack kid named Token who likes Tyler Perry movies and can play bass, and the other was a soul-singing fat chef named Chef who mainly sung about wanting to fuck white women who eventually became a rampant paedophile before being killed. Minor one-off characters include the rapper who threatened to shoot a child for not voting and the teens who instantly picked a fight but were only interested in dance-offs.
The house renovation shows have been a recent trend.
>implying they didn't insult black people
Are you familiar with the character Chef?
wow an intelligent insightful singing ladies man (despite being fat). much insult
>the rapper who threatened to shoot a child for not voting
lmao That actually happened in real life. Look up P. Diddy's Vote or Die campaign.
They made a travyon martin episode where they blamed (irrelevant) guns laws and cartman being a racist.
There was an episode making fun of 'hate crimes' in 2000.
>South Park never made fun of blacks
The crip walking all gangster like and the kids thinking he had ceberal palsy was pretty funny
Meanwhile they refer to whites who want jobs or a homeland as retard rednecks
Look at how even "conservatives" accept marxist concepts like blacks being able to just move anywhere they want.
the fuck are you talking about?
It's Always Sunny made fun of that shit like 10 years ago
>accept marxist concepts like blacks being able to just move anywhere they want.
Yea, once upon a time we had something called "segregation", which the marxists called white supremacy.
>"conservatives" accept marxist concepts like blacks being able to just move anywhere they want
>if you're not a LITERAL Klan member you're a cuck and not a REAL conservative!!!
but I thought the liberals were the real racists
>token black kid
>kanye west episode
>bin laden episodes where they literally
make fun of the way they talk
>sadam hussein episodes
>Look at how even "conservatives" accept marxist concepts like blacks being able to just move anywhere they want
Holy shit, how dumb are you?
imagine being this angry
Wow you're just a complete fucking idiot
Matt and Trey are now super cucks both married to black women raising another mans black son
Go learn a little about reality & history
It was less than 60 years ago that people had neighborhoods, or apartment buildings, or businesses, that were WHITE ONLY.
Hell we were a fucking white country.
How many trillions of dollars has it cost because whites refuse to defend themselves in any way?
this isnt even a white thing
I hope you're joking otherwise I feel bad for you and your family.
Fuckin' whitey. Staying hydrated.
>only does it in a shallow manner
You call that shallow manner?
>thinking you're being "threatened" by having people who don't look like you in your vicinity
unless you're in the ghetto you shouldn't have to worry about it pussy
Is there a good place to watch this online?
The internet.
you're right there are no problems caused by forcing blacks in neighborhoods at all
>Fat beaner there on a quota scholarship has no concept of staying hydrated after a cut or heavy workout
How surprising. Next you'll tell me that water is wet.
>why have a country
>why have a community
>why have a neighborhood
>why have a race
>why have an ethnicity
>just move somewhere else lol thats free & takes no trouble huh
Meanwhile these animals live on our tax dollars while committing a holocaust of crime against us, and the cucks just accept it... No wonder our countries are going to hell.
Oh, boy, the good old idealized times.
Sure your country turned into shit because black people are allowed to move anywhere they want, my friend. It was like magic.
Of course your government doing shit and your economic system being retarded as fuck doesn't have anything to do with it.
Fucking Martin Luther King, destroying muh american dream
Finally, someone who gets it.
When you increase blacks in neighborhoods, it's only beneficial.
Crimes, on average, go down and property prices go up.
>while committing a holocaust of crime against us
obvious false flag is obvious
try harder tumblr faggot
>Sure your country turned into shit because black people are allowed to move anywhere they want, my friend. It was like magic.
Yea its called white fucking flight and it destroyed most cities in America
As well as the biggest wealth transfer in the history of the world all because of leftist animals like yourself.
Do you not have any idea of the reality of crime in the USA?
This guy gets it.
Do you have any idea of what tiny percentage of whites are actually assaulted or killed by people of other races, and why it's retarded to call that a "holocaust"?
crime has been on the dramatic decrease since the 80s. sorry blacks scare you and you get your news from Sup Forums
>crime has been on the dramatic decrease since the 80s
Anywhere on the Internet to watch it?
Do you think a China man would walk into a 90% non-chinese Beijing and think its a wonderful result of diversity?
Are we a continuation of the "native american" civilization, or did we replace them?
It's hard to have any discussion with someone who has been so brainwashed with marxist concepts. Learn or think about how a sane non-brainwashed person would view the horrors of modern life.
How many tens of millions went through the hardship of leaving their home because you libtard animals want to pretend blacks are "equal"
And that makes it ok that thousands of whites are murdered every year? That tens of thousands are raped? That hundreds of thousands are assaulted or otherwise victimized ?
Once upon a time whites didn't accept this, but our civilization has been in decline for a long time now.
>another literallyfag
I literally know how this conversation is going to go. This is the "tattoos and blue hair" of shitposting.
lel it's spelled holocost lol I swear I always thought it was hollacorse lmao this is like when I thought dude's name was dark vader when I was a kid. Whoops.
Just give me sources, man. But uh, i'm just predicting it will be some Sup Forums meme or some stormfront shit. You people are just dumb, you can't think beyond the appearances. Most of you need to be in debt forever to have at least access to the educational system and healthcare. A lot of your parents lost jobs because of stupid government decisions and muh free market Inequality is rising and people nowadays can't even own a fucking house. Great part of your tax money goes to fighting wars that you people didn't want to fight, and nothing to give Americans a better life.
But yeah, civil rights surely turned your country into shit lol
That's the so called superior IQ of the white people, i suppose.
You haven't seen much of it then it's very earnest, all of its critiques come from a black man and he hits everyone his focus is on his own community. Watch the first three seasons it's great and based
bravo Sup Forums
watch out for this evil racist pol meme
you are clearly a foreigner, and so I have nothing more to say to you
Wonder what a hypocritical piece of shit like you would say to your own home country being overwhelmed by low IQ foreigners
can you really blame the guy?
You aren't the only one Tyrone Jamal DeMarcus Bixnood Smif.