So it's pretty much confirmed at this point that Margot Robbie will win an Oscar and replace JLaw as the go to blonde...

So it's pretty much confirmed at this point that Margot Robbie will win an Oscar and replace JLaw as the go to blonde bimbo,right?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Claudius

>So it's pretty much confirmed at this point that Margot Robbie will win an Oscar and replace JLaw as the go to blonde bimbo,right?
i hope so, margot robbie is fucking hot

JLaw's career has been in shambles since her nude pics dropped. She only got the role in mother! because she's fucking the director... for her to use the casting couch after starring in two successful franchises (X-Men, Hunger Games) and winning an Oscar is bizarre to me and proves her status.

Margot is a horrible actress compared to JLaw.

Jlaw has the same dopey great Dane look on her face in every movie, don't be retarded

Poster looks kinda nice but I hate ''I this I that'' kind of names, who fucking name these movies?



Women are all bad actresses it's just that Margot Robbie is more of a box office draw

She's really not. Margot actually has a bit of range.
Lawrence is basically, miserable bitch who occasionally shows emotion in every movie.

is this a new robot movie?

>it's just that Margot Robbie is more of a box office draw
Name one movie she was the box office draw for that isn't Suicide Squad

>Name one movie she was the box office draw for
>But first let me quickly name off one movie she was the box office draw for

So you admit you can't do it, not to mention they cared about the character she played, not Margot herself. All her other movies are piddling shit that barely break even, sorry to bust your bubble.

No, it's the I Frankenstein sequel, part of the Universal Monsters Dark Universe.

That's not so much the point. You asked to name off ONE, and there it was. What the other user was saying is that JLaw hasn't done anything of value this past year. Sure she had her time to shine in the previous years but now she's basically box office poison. Compare Passengers to Suicide Squad. She has lost her touch. I can admit that, outside of SS, Margot Robbie hasn't done anything notable. But you have to accept that, in a way, MR is the new JLaw and shes having her 15 seconds of fame before becoming the same kind of annoyance that JLaw has become.


*cold emotionless mumbling*
*sudden fit of rage with comical yelling*

2010s Acting 101

>Women are all bad actresses
>implying Jodie Foster, Naomi Watts, Cate Blanchett, Frances McDormand, Laura Dern, Isabella Rossellini and other great actresses are bad

>That's not so much the point.
The point was to prove Margot is a box office draw, and one successful movie is not evidence of that compared to Jlaw.
You're wrong, fuck off now.

Why are Awards separated by gender if they are so great?

Why are you fags such jews?
This confirms its a pile of shit

Robbie and Jlaw both can't act fuck off you shilling fags

Both jlaw and robbie have no talent. Robbie isn't a draw.

No, it was to prove who was MORE of a box office draw you dense fuck. This past year, considering Passengers was JLaws only movie and MR had both SS and Tarzan, it's obvious that MR is more of a box office draw. You're wrong you fucking idiot. Have fun being the only one in the audience watching "mother!"

That's true. Neither is JLaw.

Yep I hope so


>Average rating 7.8/10

Way to perpetuate the way idiots continue to use RT improperly, shill.


>...the list goes on
kek fuck off

I fapped to Margot before I even knew who the fuck Jennifer Lawrence was, so for me she was always the preferred masturbation fantasy, this little tight whore.

You have to be extremely desperate to attribute Suicide Squad's box office to Margot Robbie. You're making the claim that other actresses wouldn't have been able to sell the role of Harley Quinn? I'll need to see more evidence of Robbie's marketability before I'm willing to believe you.

>Jlaw, who's known mostly for being a box office draw, is not a box office draw.

>box office draw
Top kek why is tv so uninformed

Sorry bu the verdict was in after Joy. She attracts people with her atar power alone and is thus a box office draw. Does this mean she can make ANY film a success? No, that is not and has not ever been what the term means.

Is there anything else I can teach you today?