Vegetarianism/Veganism is the ultimate redpill

Reminder that Hitler and many prominent Nazis were vegetarian as well as planned to shut down slaughterhouses after the end of the war:

Reminder that Hitler and many prominent Nazis supported animal rights:

Reminder that vegetarians live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's funny how Sup Forums worships him when he believed in many policies they'd oppose.

Hitler was an extremely intelligent man. He was right-wing where it mattered, and left-wing where it mattered.

He permitted abortion if the woman's life was in danger or if the fetus suffered from a physical or mental defect/disablity because he wasn't a retarded Christshit pro-life faggot who wroshipped a kike on a stick and sought yo reduce unnecessary suffering (he was a deist and hated Christianity immensely in private and persecuted the Catholic Church)

He was vegetarian because he knew it was a superior, healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. He wanted whites to become vegetarians because they'd become greater as a race if they did. Meat-eating is for shitskins and kikes (israel ranks as one of the top consumers of meat and mudshits love it)

He supported animal rights because again, he sought to reduce uncessary suffering and believed that the true master race treats animals with respect and dignity, while shitskins and niggers don't.

The christshit retards on this board who Hitler would have very much likely hated do not deserve this amazing man.

Sup Forums eternally btfo

>worshipping a dead kike and a kike religion
>implying christshitianity is not inherently hostile to the white race

Following Nordic and white gods.

>dont eat bacon
>lose war

Reminder that bacon = first world country

I follow the enlightenment.

The only reason the human brain developed as it did is because we started to eat animals and gained a good source of proteins. So if you stop eating animals you are taking a step back in evolution.
Also Hitler and the Nazis in general were idiots

>source: my ass

>IQ Tests
Fuck off!

>m-muh iq isn't valid

fuck off closet leftishit

IQ is the best predictor of success and one of the best for health

Cooked starches, not meat.

Vegetarianism/Veganism is for liberals you shill.

Proud vego reporting in.

Causation vs correlation

Indians are the highest earners in America because not the smartest came over, many are culturally vegetarian. Being vegetarian does not make you smart, but the people who become vegetarian are probally smarter than average.

You mad snownigger? Catholics and Hitler were bros, u mad cuck?

>vegatarians keep die constantly for stupid reasons
>looks guys they are smart!

This is how you sound.

No. Protein

>vegans are just as healthy and strong as other people I swear!


Now "niggers" are the big bad meat eaters? Blame blacks for everything.

fucking lel

Hitler was a Christian when he was younger. He stopped being one after he took power because he rightly saw it as a retarded belief.

Doesn't mean that if we keep eating it it will continue to have good evolutionary results. Enter Cancer.

So what do you actually gain from not eating meat anymore?

Aside from not shitting out something that once had a nose, eyes and mouth?

>vegetarians keep die for stupid reasons

Fucking idiot.

Niggers LOVE meat. Have you looked at Southern cuisine or African? It's filled with meat.

Thats stupid. You can get just as much protein in a vegan diet if you eat the right foods but you don't have the negative health effects caused by meat so its better as long as you make sure to get enough protein.

Diets have nothing to do with political ideology you retard, there are a ton of conservative vegans and vegetarians. Improving your physical health through eating better has nothing to do with politics.

She must have fucked up by not eating enough protein and enough nutrients/vitamins and must have only been eating vegetables. Anecdotal evidence dosn't prove anything and there has been no research showing a change in the strength or endurance of people who are vegans/veggies vs. normal diets.

Liberal cucks, if they aint on buzzfeed, they're shitting up the place here.

Reminder that jews are basically vegetarians, and thus some of the most redpilled people

That's funny because he was frail and unhealthy as shit towards the end of the war

Meat causes inflammation

inflammation causes cancer and contributes to the development of a large number of other health issues

>Vegetarian diets confer protection against cardiovascular diseases, cardiometabolic risk factors, some cancers and total mortality. Compared to lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets, vegan diets seem to offer additional protection for obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular mortality. Males experience greater health benefits than females.

>A low-fat, starch-based, vegan diet eaten ad libitum for 7 days results in significant favorable changes in commonly tested biomarkers that are used to predict future risks for cardiovascular disease and metabolic diseases.


Yeah I bet vegans are real happy when I chow down a juicy delicious rib eye.

Now blacks love meat and are savages for it and whites don't love meat I've heard it all.

what are you, 12?

I'd take an Indian buffet anyday.

The truth is that today (let alone 1936,) there are a lot of unknowns about human nutritional requirements.

Its likely possible for someone to live a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle and have a nutritionally complete diet, based on our *current* understanding of nutrition. However, new information on nutrition is discovered every day.

Humans have historically been omnivores. I think its safe to say eating red meat is fine, and could possibly be better for you than a strict vegetarian diet, as long as you don't consume too much. Red meat is carcinogenic and can cause high cholesterol. Americans eat significantly more meat than the rest of the world, and the health issues have become apparent here.

As for the moral argument for veganism, I'd say that once lab grown meat becomes as cheap and available as the real stuff, only then would it be morally wrong to eat real meat. This is only my opinion though.

If there were some unknown factor that means its unhealthy to not eat meat it would not make sense that almost all of the research shows vegetarians and vegans are healthier and suffer from disease less.

Could it be that vegans "watch what they eat" more than the average omnivore? By default, vegetarians/vegans are conscious of what they consume. Vegans are less likely to eat fried food, fast food, and junk food than the average consumer (regardless of if those types of foods are made with animal products.)

Is there a study that shows that vegans are healthier than people with a similar diet, who also incorporate grilled chicken breasts and beef in their meals?

Its hard to control for these studies, because diet is complex.

Live longer as their bodies starve and force themself to work slower , because their cells reproduce slower. "checked"

Healthier , less toxins and less things can contaminte you since of the huge diffrence between plants and animals , "checked"

Happier ... most vegans and vegetarians are unhappy lack of meat and high calorie diets things which does not reward the brain as much such as fatty foods , ends up building up. They may be healtier but they are not happier.

Meats do have their draw back , too much meats can increase toxins in the body. Animals being much closer to humans means that things that effect them will effect us too.

Also meat digestion forces the body to go into overdrive , meaning it burns more , faster ... it means more speed and more energy for the body but that also means more damage to the cells.

Fact is too much of everything can cause problems.
Too much water means water poisoning which can kill or if jump in a body of water and drown you've basicly just had too much water.

So keep it light , keep it varried , eat a little bit of both , consider variation for a happy and healthly life style.

Also "living longer" because you are are a vegan doesn't mean you'll actually live longer , depression can cause a body to "lose the will to live"

A person who wants to live may live longer , especially one which is happy will want to live longer.

here is a random article from joogle ,

Do your own research.

Consider there are pros and cons to everything. And best thing to do is embrace a little bit of both.

And I don't get this bullshit of animals vs plants , like it or not you are killing something just because its a plant which doesn't feels that doesn't mean it's being killed off.

Big whoop , muh animals fears... Most animals that we eat today don't even have time to feel fear when they die. Of course not all , but in most cases they don't.

This, the gypsy is right.

not really

everything i find says it was cooking


You hit the nail on the head. These comparisons aren't that easy because usually people in first world countries that eat meat aren't people that care a great deal about what they're eating most of the time. These people likely eat fried meat, fast food, drink soda, and all sorts of garbage. Many meat eater health problems stem from obesity, which points to a lack of control over their calorie intake and not meat itself being a problem.

While it's harder for vegans to be fat since most of their foods are just lower in calories, you still do see fat vegans or vegetarians sometimes. Particularly if they gorge on shit like potatoes and sauces/dressing.

So I don't think that's an indication that meat eating itself is causing problems(correlation is not causation), but that obesity stemming from people not watching what they eat likely causes these problems. You'll notice that many asian countries with meat eaters don't suffer these similar health issues.