Just bought a Looney Tunes DVD and got this message
Just bought a Looney Tunes DVD and got this message
you are 7 years late buddy
Oh, you're in for a treat
Honestly, it's pretty commendable compared to the frequent leftist tactic of trying to erase things from the past because they can't understand the concept of historical context.
The difference is that people actually think Coal Black has artistic merit (because it's a masterpiece of classic animation)
>drawing black people as black is racist now
yet Elmer J. Fudd in the same style is normal
This. At least they didn't censor or remove bits of it and left it as it was.
It's good to not be American and grow up watching old cartoons never noticing """"racist"""" depictions and not turning into another race obsessed adult
this. I'll take an easily ignored disclaimer like this over outright censorship or a refusal to ever release the material officially. it should obviously go without saying that any form of media will always be a product of its time and reflect its era's ethics, morals, prejudices etc. you cant expect libcucks to be reasonable however.
Burgers are a pathetic breed of people. Absolutely obsessed with race and identity politics.
I saw the original on tv some years ago in a local channel, I'm not from america.
upload for the future.
why do you guys always find any oppurtunity to complain about America? You don't see us going "wow germans do that?!" or "haha the french are fucking garbage!"
Why do you guys have such an obsesssion with our country?
it was a different time
>Murder Inc
>we rub out anybody $100
>midgets half price
>japs - FREE
I never knew that Raimi got his start at Looney Tunes before making the Evil Dead films
because other people don't do the stupid shit Americans do
Ironically the war era anti-jap racism is the only mean spirited part of it, the black stereotypes were completely sincere.
>1.5% of Americans owned slaves
>Americans now have to reap sins of the father
>have to literally be taught to feel old guilt in school
Most countries hate us and love using us as a punching bag. It's just how it is.
Meanwhile Disney won't even release Song of the South because it had a black man who didn't spend the whole movie crying about slavery.
and black culture was like that
ah yes, because the europeans also did not own slaves, thank you for opening my eyes
Because french and germans don't use media as a propaganda tool to spread white guilt.
french, sure. Germans? Uhh, user...
sins of the father
I don't feel sorry for you so stop begging
I've heard otherwise. Those countries sound like they got some SJWs running around too.
Germans are pure cucks in their own country but they leave it there. They don't mass produce media showing blacks fucking whites 24/7
no it's because he's literally a house slave
if it's the sins of the father, then why the fuck do only the americans take the rap? Fuck you.
maybe it has something to do with how america are world police
That French leader sperged out recently about how African's were having too many kids and they needed to fuck off thinking they can come to Europe.
>americans make all cuck porn
Who else is making it user? You fucking weirdos are obsessed with black dicks going into white roasties. Cuck porn is as American as apple pie.
Do American people genuinely believe that they live in the greatest country in the world and that they have the greatest democracy?
Saw a clip of Graham Norton plugging his book on some shitty American chat show and the host just let slip "the world's greatest democracy" without pause or any self-reflection
They're jealous of an actual first world nation.
you can literally google "{country} cuck porn" and see other country's cuck porn. Stop trying to make America look bad. Also, you might wanna know that according to Pornhub, the UK is rapidly growing an interest in cuck porn
I don't know why Americans take the wrap, on a statics scale it wasn't that bad
It was worse in the Arab world where they would literally castrate you by the millions
in western terms slavery is just a blip focused in a small percent in the Americas befitting a bygone government
They have a massive inferiority complex. It's hard for eurotards to let go.
>jealous of the country that gave you white guilt, feminism, gay marriage, transgenderism, cuck porn, hate crime, immigration and minority rights
Wow thank you so much america
The fact that you think all of those started in America says a lot about the """"""""education""""""" in your mud hut country.
>i google other countries cuck porn to nake myself feel better about my own countries sick obsession
Cuck porn is 100% a burger creation. There was always interracial porn but nothing like the past few years and it's being created by burger studios using burger pornstars.
The fact that you sad cunts adopted them without a whisper of defiance and then try to push them onto every other country on the planet says a lot about your spinelessness. Thank God you'll be replaced by Mexicans soon.
Have fun while Ahmed rapes your wife, eurocuck.
uk is much worse with cuck stuff, at least in us there's still racism and they're doing that cuck shit consciously, as a dirty disgusting 'kink'.
in uk theyre not even realizing it, or just trying to hide it.
btw im not from both of those countries. uk is begging for a dictator in this day and age
>it's not us i swear
Strong argument.
>goal post moving
So this is the power of foreign """"""education""""""
>Murrica is duh best country in duh world ya'll hear we git our guns n we git our democracy and we can shoot Mexicuns wot are tryin to take our jobs amd when we get cancer we git to die because we can't afford the treatment to live
I live in a 99% white country. You live in a 50% white country. My land will be mine when yours is Mexican. I'll laugh at your demise. At least Mexicans aren't cuck porn obsessed liberal idiots.
Many people are defying them, including the president himself. Not to mention that most of these things have been adopted by other regions as well. Also, let's not pretend that some of this stuff originated in America. Hate crime, for example, has been around since before America existed. Please stop pretending that America is this source of ungodly things. Also remember that this is an American made website, without Americans, you would not be here right now
Kek. American education is the worst on the planet you spastic.
posting because it's true
>direct copy of a weeb website
>owned by weeb
>servers in euroland
>burger website
In your dreams maybe.
Nobody's saying it's the best. I genuinely can't grasp your obsession with us, you guys just seem to take any opportunity at hand and use it to scream "AMERICAAAAAAAAA"
>america v europe
Please leave the thread. This is national shitflinging not retarded burger """politics"""
reading comprehension much?
So what does that mean about your country's education since you can't even maintain a coherent argument?
Lay off the watermelons, Nigs
Huh, I got a very similar message at the start of the Spiderman trilogy bluray
Civil Rights Act 1968 was the first codified "hate crime" legislation. It is an American thing.
>have to be taught guilt
Lmao if you feel guilty that's your own problem whiteboi
I don't get guilty I get woke
now where's the test for your country, smart guy?
Can you? He said it's an American made website. It's a weeb website. Moot CTRL-V'd it.
"American made", as in the site was created by Americans, in America. Of which it was. It does not matter what the site was based off, it is American made.
How is that relevant to your original
Claim that America created feminism, trans people, hate crimes, and rights for minorities? It's pretty obvious your just deflecting because you realize how retarded you look. Maybe don't have such a inferiority complex towards American next time and you won't sperg out and make stupid claims.
>It's you guys I swear
Strong argument
America created hate crimes user. Civil Rights Act 1968.
>implying I'm that user
>implying that isn't my first post in this thread
>not realising that anonymous image boards have more than one user
>calling anyone retarded
chin up fatty
>created by burger studios
>using burger funding
>and burger pornstars
>it's not us guys i swear
Who is creating all the cuck porn out of your studios user? The fucking Indians?
my god you're fucking retarded. This is like saying that the word "car" was first coined in rome, so that means that cars are a roman thing
The modern trans """movement""" is very obviously a burger creation. As was gay marriage before it.
hahah you're fucking nuts dude. Euroshits were having gay marriage long before us
No user it's pretty obvious you are a fucking mongolian. Burgers created hate crimes, defined them and legislated for them. Deal with it.
>dat patch RIGHT over the pussy
what did they mean by this?
Whatever you need to do to save face
My insecure foreign friend. You wouldn't have felt the need to make that post if you didn't feel flustered.
To be honest it's white people mostly. Australians are obsessed with abbos, and Europeans are obsessed with muslims. For America it's black people.
>America makes cuck porn
>Therefore America makes all the cuck porn and invented the idea
Very smart and strong arguments
The only thing "burgers" did was define them and create laws regarding them. Hate crimes have long since existed.
>we haven't been pushing homosexuality acceptance through every facet of our media control for decades user we're innocent
>dude those Americans are obsessed with identity politics
the irony is palpable
>saving face
>on an anonymous image board
>on an anonymous image board
you aren't very good at this, you got called on your bullshit and now you're doubling down. You're going to give yourself a heart attack - it's still weak after all those McBurger Kings you shove in that piehole
yeah neither have we. There are tons of people and pieces of media completely and actively shitting on homosexuality
>american studios flood market with cuck porn
>hurr durr it's not us
>produced by brazzers starring nicole aniston and lex steele
god i really cant stand the fat jokes. Say whatever about our education, laws, whatever. Just stop with the fat jokes. I hate fat people so fucking much. I wanna kill every single one I see.
Trips of truth.
>hate crimes existed!
>they had no name and no one ever thought of them
>we made up the definition
>but they had existed before really
Nigger obsessed country on suicide watch
This level of self-hatred is genuinely depressing.
Don't kill yourself user, just live each day as it comes - burger by pizza with full fat coke
America makes a lot of porn so they also make a lot of cuck porn. They make a lot of every kind of porn. I mean are the big bad America porn studios holding down Yuropoors and beaming the cuck porn? Do you get mad when you see Blacked.com billboards in bongistan? What are you actually trying to say here?
>1.5 percent of americans owned slaves
imagine being so indoctrinated by rightist memes like this that you actually start to believe them?
Americans are race obsessed cucks.
not really
oy vey
I'll bet they're still censored though.
>Yuropoors invented the idea of races
>yuros invented the idea of cuckholds
Really boggles the mind.
Cartoons were literally made for adults back then. Animation allowed horny filmmakers to get away with more naughty shit than in a real movie.
>i'll blame everyone else for my countries love of seeing a niggers cock up a white roastie