Why is there no Khan kino?
Why is there no Khan kino?
Mongol (2007) was kino
Mongol by Serguei Bodrov
your mother's mongolian gangbang was kino
Because Mongols are uninteresting sub humans with no achievements
Japanese made one. Never watched it seriously
except for conquering half of Asia
What would the world be like if he didn't get bored and RICED Europe?
t. Chang for Bejing
Because Netflix cancelled it.
>onquering a fucking wasteland where nobody lives
i admit they got the chinese good and also the baghdadis, but muh largest empire is a meme
>conquering vast swathes of desolate wasteland
wew lad
I want him to do an audiobook so bad
The entire European continent would more closely resemble Russia.
>i admit they got the chinese good and also the baghdadis
you mean the two most advanced civilisations at the time?
>Starring: Idris Elba as Gengis Khan
>Fucking Chinks and Sandniggers
>"Conquering" land where nobody lives
Who wants to see that
t. Mehmet Abdul Bokoglu
>Living in the Past
Who wants too see how these Slant Eyes conquer the Chinese and then basically change nothing
1. conquered China which at that time was the #1 nation in the world
2. destroyed Persia and ended the Golden Age of Islam which prevented Europe from becoming Islamic
3. conquered Russia and Eastern Europe
4. went as far as the gates of Vienna
5. At its height of power, the Mongols conquered land from the Sea of Japan all the way westward to Central Europe
6. Established the Silk Road which allowed Chinese inventions - most notably the compass & gunpowder - to come to Europe.
Mongols didn't eat rice though.
What would be the correct term? MONGOL'D?
i'm white, but why does it offend you so much that other people have achievements
Sup Forumsfags act like black we wuzzers whenever someone brings up any historical event that isn't about europeans
They wouldn't make it passed Poland
Fuckin' A. I loved this show and I can't believe they cancelled it.
It was decent that hiatus killed it though. Season 2 took too long to come out.
And even with all these, he still wasnt interesting because he's mongolian.
Found the Chinaman
you're the height of insecurity, stop posting, you're a second-hand embarrassment
Source on everything
attila > temujin
because of the trade routes, it also brought the Black Plague to Europe. because Europeans were so poor during the Middle Ages and had poor sanitation (they lived in their filth), it literally killed half of Europe while in the rest of the 'known" world, it had minimal effect.
This is the Japanese one I saw while browsing Sup Forums
Literally where you sub human
They fucked us up incredibly hard. We didn't get MONGOL'D as hard as Russia, but they were running raids through our territory, literally killed one of our kings in battle etc. If Genghis Khan didn't die (which forced his army leaders return to Mongolia to choose a successor) they would take over the whole Europe, no doubt about it.
i wasnt the guy you were talking to, i dont give a fuck about this thread and i only read your post
But that's exactly why he's interesting. Who the fuck would've expected back them some no name steppe nomads would conquer half the known world?
See the "Battle of Legnica" where a smaller mobile Mongol force defeated Polish army including the Holy Roman Empire's forces.
Too much rape, feminists wouldn't allow it. He's why russians look half asian.
1. the only reason they conquered china was because they enslaved fucking chink siege engineers
3. russia wasn't russia back then
5. most of it was empty shit land that barely anyone lived in
6. they didn't establish the silk road
All russian movies are mongol kino
The movie is not what people want.
People want the part he raids "Europe" and Persia. The movie instead was 2 hours about his humble beginning and stopped before he even became great
>conquer half the world and the only thing you built was a road
Mongols are fucking pathetic
half of these are wrong
Found the butthurt eastern euro/chink
i said you acted like we wuzzers, which you do, inasmuch as you try your hardest to downplay the deeds of anyone else not of your ethnicity, even if you aren't outright claiming them to be yours
>islamic golden age meme
Not sure if liberals or sandniggers...
What we really need is Mongolian hip hop
mongolian hip hop is throat singing
already exists.
>>islamic golden age
only compared to Europeans who at that time were 3rd world savages. if you compared the Golden Islamic Age to the China, the Middle East was literally a backwater to the Middle Kingdom.
t. Mehmet
Kino civilization coming THROVGH
>.t Abdul
lmao, sandniggers y'all crazy
Building is for beta cuck white and brown bois
Alpha mongols just wave their BIG HORSE COCK arround raping and pillaging
>3rd World Savage
Lel no
And look how gigantic the gap today is
>you will never rape and pillage Slavs while throat singing with the lads
>have anything to do with mongols
lmao, you wish, Dogan, roaches are just greeko-arab fusion in denial
Damn I always thought that sound was an instrument
The black plague killed alot of people all over the world. In China it killed more people then the mongols (125 million people in 1200 and 65 in 1400 mostly because of plague not direct warfare), and the middle east probably lost between 1/4 and 1/3 of its population.
>big horse cock
mongolian horses are midget horses
>Mongolia has one City today
>This Town was established by the Soviets few decades ago
>Poor country
What a shithole
The mongols are looked down because today they are divided buried under Russia and China territories
So will be western europe in 200 years, bishmallah
>americlaps can't help themselves
t. Iannis Papadopulus Kaderyan
>be american
>clap to mongolian throat music
>get shot
White are wh*te niggers so triggered by other people's achievements?
Bigger inferiority complex than black, lmao
The Neo-Soviets will rebuilt it after the Great Demuslifcation!
>Only achievement is fucking your Horse
Sit down, be humble.
Also seem the europeans learned how fight the mongols after some time the third Mongol invasion of Poland ended in defeat of the mongols.
Also Egypt managed to defeat the mongols multiple times
t. Hassan """Atilla""" Erdogan
Op next time you might want to stick with existing movies rather than asking rhetorical questions and invite historical discussion
It's the other way around. For the past 500 years virtually all progress, technological or social, was white people and at far greater scope than everyone else. So everyone else has to make up shit to make themselves feel better how much more advance whites are. It's kinda cute.
All around ignorant take on history that only seeks to make Europeans out to be lesser than Arabs, who are in turn, somehow, lesser than the Chinese.
What are you, some kind of ooga booga chinaman?
why don't you come on down to Chuck's for a suck & fuck. tell em Sneed sent ya
This triggers the slav/chinaman/arab
The hungarians also defeated the mongols during their second invasion.
I would like to imagine that all posters ITT are all white
and 3rd
Hungarians ARE mongols
t. Mehmet
Well, they are horse archers, but different kind of horse archers
Mongolians were pretty bro. As long as the men served and they paid fealty they let people they conquered keep their cultures and religions
Unlike western Europeans who would either genocide a people or enslave them and force their ways on them
t. Vladmir bin Abdullah Al-Sina
>Unlike western Europeans who would either genocide a people or enslave them and force their ways on them
You confused Euros with Arabs again.
t. Mehmet
the mongols were savage barbarians, they were not 'bros'
You're retarded and know nothing about history.
Mongolians slaughtered people by the thousands leaving no children nor women alive. Genghis Khan is glorified today, but he and his descendants were monsters.
Same shit
>or enslave them and force their ways on them
China (Zheng he) explored the oceans 'officially" about 100 years before Columbus.
When they encountered peoples who were inferior to them, their 1st instinct wasnt to enslave them, kill them, or steal from them but to try to trade or simply ignore them. Contrast this to White European actions whose 1st instinct was to enslave, kill, and steal. SAVAGES
>Contrast this to White European actions whose 1st instinct was to enslave, kill, and steal. SAVAGES
Whites are not Arab, pls stop
What do Arabs have to do with anything? They never enslaved/killed an entire continent.
The funny thing is white people are probably the only people who would be interested in achievement of other peoples
I bet this thread is 100% American. There are no arabs or chinks ITT, even those praising the non-western sides
They are all mongolic tribes
If he hadn't died the mainland continents would look asian.
>What do Arabs have to do with anything? They never enslaved/killed an entire continent.
are you fucking retarded? islam was spread by the sword, they conquered the entirety of north africa and spain