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where is he and what is that behind him
Holy shit is this for real?? lmao modern Hollywood is dogshit.
The fuck is this
*scares you in millennial*
I could literally make a better shot at home.
LOOK ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ TOP ᵒᶠ ʰᶦˢ HEAD
Oh wow it does apply
>the way he opens his lower mouth
is he burping or something?
okay that's fucking hilarious
OK. Go ahead.
Is it safe to assume this movie is laughable if you aren't one of those "I'm scared of clowns" fags?
well I dont think they were (poorly) attempting to viral market it for an entire year because they were confident in the end product
I laughed a lot desu. horror movies are meant to be funny to anyone who isn't a child or female
At this point in the movie It was basically just throwing shit at a wall to see what stuck, It couldn't scare her with its other tricks
The whole point of the movie is Pennywise is a bully and a coward, and once you get past it's shenanigans, it's not that scary.
we have this thread every. day.
pasta, boys
no really the only thing is that he's dressed like a clown when it's actually him appearing and not his illusions. and then turns into a monster as he attacks.
but why?
Disappointing movie.
I like to think that this is literally what It thinks "dancing" is. Like, the It in the 2017 movie is WAY more alien and inhuman than Curry's was. So, like, maybe it was supposed to be a creepy "Dancing Clown" entrance, but 2017 It doesn't actually understand how Humans work so it just thought dancing meant whatever the fuck that was.
am i missing something
where did he learn to move like that bros
>alien and inhuman
Except not
At all
What do you call this move?
>kicks prop to his left
This can't be real
>LOOK ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ TOP ᵒᶠ ʰᶦˢ HEAD
What did he mean by this?
*falls off chair*
why do fucking retards on the internet say this shit?
>lel it's not real amirite
jesus that is truly unsettling.
Not him but when I first this gif I thought it was some mock up somebody made
isn't pasta supposed to be funny? baka desu senpai
I assume the head tracking focus lock felt too gimicky and lazy and jarring in the context of the rest of the movie and ruined the scene, which could have been shot in a dozen other ways.
it represents Sup Forums when bev turns 18
>nice reply
Absolutely disgusting
The clown was too edgy in some parts. This is why I still prefer Curry's performance because he made the clown appear non-threatening at first, even approachable.
The new guy has warning flags from the start and is already baring his teeth.
Feels almost the same as manhunter/hannibal comaparisons. Brian Cox's version was a subtle and disarming psycopath, what you'd see in the real world. Hopkins is menacing from the start and more of theatrical performance.
Still a nice IT movie though. They could've easily thrown this to shit and made jump scares every five minutes.
She's in her prime now.
this movie wasn't scary at all, but was still pretty entertaining, it was like an R rated goonies. desu, the clown had no personality, they needed more scenes with him where he's not just jumping out at people.
Every time I see this I feel bad for the actor and everyone involved
But for that actor in particular...
He had to put on all the makeup and costumes and work up that face and dance...
...then some artists had to look at this scene over and over again and put all those flames animation in the background...
>The clown had no personality
If someone told me "she" was a boy in drag, I would not be shocked.
>chapter 1
>reddit spacing and wrong as fuck
>Chapter 1
>clown acts like a clown
Really wrinkles your brain.
When It grabs Bev by the throat, you can see It smell her and sort of retch at the scent of courage like it just took a big whiff of sour milk. It was a really nice touch.
is this actually in the film?
this looks like youtube poop cancer
>Chapter 2 is going on focus more on Flashbacks of the kids
At least it's not going to be complete shit.
>They cut Bev's rape scene
In the context of the movie, it's actually scary.
Also, OP is a cheater because the montage is not like that in the movie.
The whole idea sounds stupid
>Forgetting about niggers
Exactly this.
It's not scary so much as it's disturbing and unsettling
How the fuck she can be so cute
It looked like shit in the theater too.
As did his teeth and the end when he had his head all fucked up before he went down the well.
>OP is a cheater because the montage is not like that in the movie.
thats exactly how it went in the movie though.
Fuck off Curry's performance was so fucking bad I fucking swear it didn't scare me at all it was just him being silly and nothing else!
Where the fuck is the scary performance?!?!
Also, I fucking swear, TRY TO DEFEND THIS:
looks like she's reciting her lines in her head
Laughs broke out on multiple occasions during my viewing of this film but it was when their insolent tittering continued for nearly a full minute during this scene I just couldn't take it any more. I stood up and I screamed, "SHOW SOME RESPECT, YOU PLEBEIANS!" I spent the rest of my time peering over my headrest at the unwashed masses as they munched their popcorn and suckled their soda pop. Their gluttonous faces were truly a more disgusting sight to behold than even the great mind of Stephen King could conjure.
Actually it keeps in tone with the rest of the movie, in fact one of my favorite touches when was there was a bathroom covered in blood after appearing to the redhead qt and when the dad saw the room he didn't see blood but the shot remains the same and the first act of bravery is the kids actually cleaning the bathroom and the blood (in fact is a qt montage of blood cleaning which is always nice imo).
Would have believe you cause the hottie next to me did "shush" some annoying girls behind us but by that point no one could have had more soda or snacks, we got high right before and bought a bunch and we were all out.
Steven King has always been a hack and the plebs praising ANY of his shit have never actually read them.
>my name is doug and i can cut a rug
>i can cut a rug
>i can cut a rug
Sitting in the theater, I literally thought to myself "Sup Forums is going to have a field day with this" when this scene happened.
How many times is this going to be argued. His performance is objectively phenomenal and carried the whole movie.
>it didn't scare me at all
Cool story faggot. He's still miles ahead of the new actor in every way, and will be remembered long after this shit blows over.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand IT. The horror is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the scares will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Pennywise's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these scares, to realize that they're not just scary- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike IT truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the terror in Pennywise's existencial catchphrase "You'll float too," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Stephen King's genius unfolds itself on the silver screen. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Pennywise tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
post the scene where pennywise starts uncontrollably dabbing and hurling fidget spinners at the kids
I fucking hate clowns
None of that existed on the 80s, bitch boy.
I cant stop laughing at his foot kicking that thing on the right.
i find it strangely satisfying
Can't wait for Part 2!
I don't want to watch this movie, but honestly when it zooms in on his face it's kind of unsettling I guess? Not the worst thing I have ever seen
Yeah the way his moves are so "punchy" or whatever is neat
there's cuts of the kid between, it doesn't cut straight to a zoom like that
best version
dr. connor's class :(
Holy fucking cringe. This new guy sucks
Just saw it. Preferred the original for the mildly eerie but also kind of pastoral and relaxing feel. This one was way more of a typical modern horror
Underrated post
t. Millennial
Why is the heas shooped on?
Could the actor seriously not manage to learn that dance.
*twits Italian mustache*
Spicy meatA-ballA!!!
They director definitely Victor Salva'd her.
kek, that guys laugh is contagious