>Reports are saying that black British actor Ciwetel Ejifor is playing Hellboy's adversary the ancient Irish being known as the Gruagach who leads a supernatural rebellion to save his people from extinction and seeks revenge on the kind heated demon for being wronged years before the events of the film.
HAHAHAHAHAHA chiwetel ejiofor to play the Irish fairy Gruagach in Hellboy reboot
I fucking hate this guy.
How will Irish fans ever recover?
>it's ok if black people play irish characters
>it's a shitstorm if a white guy plays an asian
redpill me on this
>insert black Irish joke
The character is literally a pig monster. Who cares?
How is this fucking ok? that is two Irish characters from Hellboy now being played by non Irish and non white actors. Fuck this.All whites can be replaced right? we have no culture
Grugach totally isn't an ancient Celtic god or anything.
Gigantic fucking morons that don't even bother to look up the character.
And you're just a retard.
He was a white Irishman before he turned into a fairy. He's literally an ancient Irishman he should be played by an Irish actor.
I'm actually not seeing the movie because of this. Call me triggered idgaf it's my money
No source
Your meme 'laughter' is more of a joke than this, who cares it's a fucking made up monster, faggot
>it's a shitstorm if a white guy plays an asian
There is a shitshow over jackie chan playing an asian
More kike propaganda, notice they literally target the whitest roles to be blacked?
in before Irish aren't white.
his origin is a normal guy living in Ireland, he should be Irish, not a black "Brit"
>It's a monster from Gaelic folklore (white)
>He was human before he turned into a fairy.
>He was an ancient Irish Celt.
Should be white.
So he's playing a black irish supremacist?
Actual fake news
Its a supernatural folkloric irish fairytail being, not an actual fucking irish human being
He'll be made up to fuck
This is so progressive and a big win for us!
but there's no source to be found on google so whatever
Yeah, and to respect that he should be played by an Irish actor. How hard is that to understand? or else we'll get a shit accent. Also he's a white humanoid in the flashbacks. Retards.
t. cuck
>evil shortsighted petty trickster who helps end the world and is literally a manpig for most of his page time is one of "the whitest roles"
Something tells me you didn't think this through...
>He was a member of the Tuatha De danann he was a white Irishman before turning into a fairy.
Read the comics properly. He should be white. Also why as an Irishman would I want a creature from my folklore to not have an authentic Irish accent, believe it or not we are protective of our mythology and cherish it, and for a non Irish actor to molest it with a fucking shitty accent is cancer.
the character is a pig made on CGI, no problem on that user
also, you are right but not on this flick.
Man i bet del toro loved these news and wont be feeling the paranoia of "what if they make it better than mine"
>Implying the accent is not the most important part.
>Implying a black english nigger can do an Irish accent
>Implying anyone wants to hear another Orish accent tom cruise tier disaster.
So some asian supernatural character can be white?
Ditto for some african folklore character?
it's not real how many times do you all have to fall for these threads with no source attached. Try googling about it and see
For fuck sake, Allen Leech who is Irish is actually playing the Character. Everyone relax.
you fucking retards are literally no different from sjws. who the fuck cares if its played by a different race? if you don't like it don't watch fuck you
Honestly just fucking execute this darkie and Idris Elba.
They're being thrown in every fucking film that takes place in Britain or are often standing in place of Britons in international films. All because yanks have a panic attack whenever they don't see a wog on screen.
They don't even have the excuse of representation when niggers are only 3% of our nations population whilst muzzies make up near double that but they're never shown in these films (granted, not that I'm complaining.
Gets my goat something chronic I tell you, America's got a lot to answer for.
that's exactly what people do, and you're left bitching when they laugh about it flopping.
were you too busy eating mum's crumpets to read the thread m8, you got bamboozled
This is bait. But I would not be surprised if the Gruagach isn't played by an Irish actor. They ruined Alice Monaghan all ready.
Darkie scum has no place in Europe mate.
Americans made their bed and they can lie in it but I'm fed up of them trying to drag the rest of us down with them.
I get that he's not in the film which is why I made no reference to it but that doesn't change that him and Elba are tossed into all manner of productions as Britons and it quite frankly is beyond the joke.
Why are niggers so fucking useless? They can't even come up with their own fairytales
Oh boy, is it another filthy Irishmen pretend to be white thread?
Are Americans the ones behind the BBC crying that "Hollywood Let Idris Elba Down"?
>hellboy reboot
wait what
fucking what
>Man, fuck niggers! Only the pure Irish masterrace should have the privilege of playing warthog fairies!
The state of Sup Forums
No but Americans are the ones behind global acceptance of Africans through refusing to sort out their negrified culture.
I'll grant you that you don't share all the blame given that France had been doing the exact same thing (just at a much slower pace) for centuries now whilst a certain Kraut properly fucked things up for everyone 70 years ago (and I will grant that we're responsible for that as far as how nobody did something about Churchill.) but America bears the brunt of the responsibility for the negrified pop culture of the western world.
You do realize most people are pissed because of the accent right? Gruagach has a Kerry accent according to Mignola. Should have picked Fassbender as he grew up in Kerry.
I never said the n-word...why are you being such a racist cunt?
Stories told of a nations mythology should represent the nations people.
No exceptions. Even blacks should play mythological characters from their cultures, fathers for example.
Meant for:
Should probably pack it in for the night.
I support your cause, Irish user. Irish and redheads continue to be oppressed by the false minority niggers.