Simple but funny. 8/10
At least I'm not on the kike side of history, fuccboi
>"What the...I'm black!? Well, makes sense...I'm never met my father and the police hate me."
>Uncle Ben: "Hey, Michaelangelo, don't forget...tonight we're painting a swastika on the Goldstein's garage door!"
>Peter: "Don't start without me!"
>Uncle Ben: "And don't start trusting the ZOG parasites!"
It was a different time.
>The part where Peter and Ben lynch those two black guys
I had to look away, How the fuck did they get away with that?
>Pete, with great power...comes great responsibility. Also, if a dame ever gets mouthy with you, feel free to pop her in the jaw. That'll shut her up good. Just be sure not to leave a bruise or someone's gonna catch on. It takes a light touch. I know, I know, "Uncle Ben, why not just punch her in the gut to stop that slag from yammering?" Bad idea, kiddo. Tried that with your Aunt May and I fucked up something in there. Why do you think we wound up having to adopt her faggot brother's "Iswear I'm not gay" kid instead of having one of our own? Whoops. Wasnt supposed to tell you that your biological father was a craved cock morning, noon, and night...well, cat's out of the bag now I guess. Happy birthday anyway, Pete.
>I didn't get you anything.
For those who want to be part of this epic Sup Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.
Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what movie this epic Sup Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Sam Raimi Spiderman movies but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other movies now. This thread however uses the Raimi Spiderman meme. Please pay attention.
Step 2: Take a iconic scene in the movie, any will do as long as people remember the scene. Greentext a quote from the scene and twist the words to use anti semitisim, racism, homophobia or any other edgy as fuck topic. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more vulgar it is the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....
Step 3: Make a regular post, taking the position of a normal person and pretend to be disgusted by that scene. I know, I know, this is Sup Forums, a site where gore flows like fine wine but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to be offended by that fake scene. Funny huh?
Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing!
>" was dark...he could have been...a nigger but I can't be sure..."
>"That's all I needed to hear Uncle Ben."
The following twenty minutes of Peter just beating the shit out of black people seemed a little much. Like we got the point Raimi, did we really need to see Spiderman setting up a bomb in a Birmingham church?
There it is!
Did you see the extended version?
I think they censored the part that comes after the lynching, where Peter and Goblin fight inside the holocaust museum
Maybe it's for the best though, movies like that just can't be made these days
What kind of person gets this upset about quoting movie scenes?
Sarcastically explaining why something is funny doesn't make it less funny my dude.
It's so fucking racist that black Spider-Man is far more violent and murderous for some reason. Raimi should be ashamed...most films from that era at least tried to be more accomodating to PoC even though it was the Bush days
Someone needs to get people together and dub the entire movie like this.
>eric andre posting
>dares to criticize others sense of humor
Only fitting reaction image I had
But yes
You don't have to make it any more racist
>being this assblasted about memes
Are you a 16 year old from Sup Forums?
its over guys
the meme is dead
bury it, consider this mercy
you're part of the problem
thats a pretty abhorrent post tbqh
>I was there, Peter. 1944. Joseph Mengele. I was with him when he did those things to those stinking Jewish vermin. I want us to revive his work, Peter. Together, we can make the world he dreamed of.
Fuck off
>literally admitting he's a redditor cuck
>no shame
Fuck yourself with a cactus until you start feeling so dissociated from this disgusting being that you call yourself, or just end your existence permanently right now.
You need to leave.
>wah a website exists
Seriously if you didn't think crossposti exists I don't know what to tell you.
Also reddit has been stealing shit posted on Sup Forums since...well, since there's been a reddit.
Sup ribbit, it's time for you to leave now
Fuck off reddit
raimiposting is reddit, you faggots need to fuck off
Thanks man, I never really understood this meme and now i do. Gonna go make a few edits myself now.
>And I gotta tell ya Pete, as I saw those kikes being herded into the chambers, I got more aroused in that one moment than I ever had in my life. That night, I smuggled your Aunt May into the camp and we fucked on a pile of corpses. I tell ya Pete, ever since that moment, I can't smell burning flesh without leaking pre-cum like a busted faucet--
>--Err, I'd better get to the Library Uncle Ben...
>Remember Pete, with White Power, comes great destructivity. Remember that Pete.
please be pasta... please be pasta...
its fitting if you were trying to come off as a faggot
The simplest response is often the best.
>Haha, Just like Dachau
How did they get away with it?
Of course I'm talking about the hoax, not the movie line.
Problem is that up until recently people used to lurk and going to newfag college before posting. Thats why you faggitors stick up like a sore thumb.
fuck off r*dditors
Get the fuck out trash.
>since...well, since
>he can only communicate via memes
>outdated memes at that
Terrible attempt. Kill yourself.
>Uncle Ben I was bitten by a spider at a lab today
>In some ways, Peter, we've all been bitten by a spider. A horrible, thieving spider called the Jew that spreads its menacing web across the entire world and traps good, honest people like flies until it can suck them dry. Well Peter, if you ever catch that spider biting you then you know what to reach for the bug spray.
jesus raimi really hated the jews huh? it really was a different time back then, this wouldnt be allowed in todays movies.
Go suck some more bbc cuck.
>Problem is that up until recently people used to lurk and going to newfag college before posting
nigga 2007 is not fucking recent
And it doesn't seem to apply here.
I was gonna post this
I even cropped the three images together better than you btw. Fuck you you shitposter
This shoop is very good
>Spider-man looks in the mirror
>"I spent so long fighting criminals, I became one..."
>*knockout games aunt may*
i hate you people
post it anyway, op's fatal mistake was that fuckin blue screen on the top image, he was so giddy about getting Sup Forums likes that he posted before double checking his work
Consider suicide
>"What do we have to talk about? Why now?"
>"Because we haven't talked at all for so long, your aunt May and I don't even know who you are anymore. You shirk your chores; you're using different soap; you've changed all our lampshades. You punched some jewish kid at school, and that's fine, but do you really care about the future of the white race, Peter? Remember what those vermin did to Christ. By God, there are millions of the Shylock rats and their pet niggers, Peter. Millions of them. For now."
>"I told you. I don't like hiāthem. I don't like them."
Jesus fuck, Raimi. The director's cut was a completely different movie.
... must go .......back.......
this meme picks up cancer like an electromagnet
it aint
at least he admits it, unlike the rest of us. not even mad lel
l... still think that 2010 falls into "recently"
oh but it is now