ITT We post screenshots of our movie library and we rate each others taste

>ITT We post screenshots of our movie library and we rate each others taste

I'll start



>Lawrence of Arabia
>Take shelter
>The good, the bad and the ugly
>Le samourai

impeccable taste OP. 10/10



>tfw plebtician

Horrible, subhumans like you are the reason this board is so shit.

Kill yourselves


>I buy physical media

>the hunt

>Downloading Movies

move aside fags

(Live Action)
[Animated Film]

Should be a little something for everyone here. The Blue Sky folder only contains Rio 1 and 2.

>as if i can put my library in a single image

you literally can

A tiny percentage of it.

what a pile of garbage

I'm going to marry you.

You sure do love Video Dead, Alien.



>4 copis of Zombie
>15 copies of The Video Dead

probably only the movies starting with numbers and the first part of A will fit on one screenshot

im not gonna spend an hour cutting and pasting and resizing

I do
I'm up to 19 for VD now.

Last time I watched any movie I downloaded was like 7 months ago
I just collected them


also ticks are movies that i've seen

>made for full absorbency!


I just now realized your name + trip is a reference to The Alien Dead.

>putting each individual video file in its own folder

What a bunch of inefficient faggots.

>Tropa de Elite
my man, true operatorkino

did you find these in a dumpster?

>literally 20 movies total or so

Movies I need to watch.

5 movies are already a lot to me

you downloaded Jarmans Blue?

i think it only works in a theater
its an art statement

watch it on your phone


some good shit here

Kudos for the tidy folder. Also, you can start by watching Double Indemnity. It's the best movie on that list of the ones I've seen.

feast on this, plebs.

It's a short zombie movie about tampons spreading the zombie virus. The tape has a string and it made to look like a dirty tampon from the other side.

Alien is also one of the main characters of my favorite movie. Works for both!

I fucking wish. Would have been a lot cheaper.

how are some people so pleb

i just asked for a movie that was colours in a screen and they suggested me that

and that's just the ones I decided to keep. there are a lot of movies i own on media not here

>American Pie 7 the Book of Love

wat? I thought it was called Reunion?

am I missing am ovie?


>microsoft windows

There are a few American Pie spinoff movies. They all suck dick.

It came as a pack, so idk. I've watched them all though because I'm worthless.

pick a folder

He Got Game



Why haven't you put those movies in the folders?

what are some good lesser-known movies? like, beyond IMDB top 250.

How big is your folder lads?
t. 351.36 GB

help me out if you think i need to add more

ITT: The absolute state of Sup Forums.
I didn't think it was this bad.

haven't seen them yet, except for team america

post your folder, pepe

what do the numbers mean?

this is basically imdb top movies
plus james bond

>movie library
Why would you keep a movie after you already watched it?

This. After I watch it, I delete it. And if I liked the movie enough I'll buy the blu ray or DVD.

You are all like little children.

not that guy but he's just an entry level newfag. we've all had pleb taste at one point, how is he killing the board?

>t. spic with a tool folder

basically this. i'm so ashamed help me guys

Obviously you only watch easily available shit.

disregard the double indemnity poster, watch the GOAT noir and GOAT film the Maltese falcon, then watch the third man, then casablanca, then in a lonely place, then chinatown, THHHHEEEN double indemnity

I only have a few movies on my PC. All my movies are legit DVDs and Blurays.
I hope you cunts at least watch these movies on a proper screen instead of your monitor.


>All my movies are legit DVDs and Blurays.
Confirmed pleb.

Yes, I use Plex and stream to my living room 55 inch 4K television.

Disregard this post. Double Indemnity is much better than any of those other movies. Especially Casablanca.

just my laptop hd
not my kino external

this is just what i have on my computer atm i have another 400-500 movies on externals

>that small of hd space for that many movies

cute op.

A part of it is on another partition, but many of these are obscure af and you can't really find them in Blu ray™.


The LOST cover is lost

You are like little this


hello smoothhands

hello my child

try watching something made before 1970 you fucking embryo

Why? Film has improved a lot since then.

spoken like a true intellectual peon

I'm im pleb dependent on public torrents and all the old movies are hard to find or have no seeders

having less than 1000 movies or less than 10T.... plebs

What file/media browser is this?

Windows 10 explorer directly

You just add custom cover instead of this


That's cute.

double indemnity is overly-long, the romance doesn't feel genuine, the story isn't very interesting and the main chick isn't really that attractive. edward g robinson is the only really strong aspect.

>The Raid

My absolutely huge fucking NIBBA

Just avoid the sequel.

But that's pretty gud too. Rama fucked everyone's shit up.