Uhhh you don't get to bring kufars.
>brave nobleman from a family with a long history of glory
>first to convert, youngest to convert, never worshipped an idol
>when Muhammads enemies sent dozens of battle-hardened swordsmen to assasinate him in his sleep, Ali slept alone in Mohammeds House to fend them off
>stomped on the meccan polytheists, killing their heroes
>ruled justly, punished his own older brother because he asked for a greater share of the Islamic treasury than he was entitled too
>as ruler, would walk around the city alone at night to feed the orphans and homeless
>dressed and lived modestly, fasting all the time
>out of respect to Muhammad, only married his daughter during her lifetime and did not marry again until she passed away. Also, was so brave in battle that Muhammad offered his daughter to Ali in marriage
>unflinchingly loyal to Muhammad, never questioned him
>killed in prayer, attacked treacherously by an orphan he had raised and saved
>set slaves free if they were angry at him
>multiple instances recorded (from sunni sources nonetheless) of him running away from battle
>low-born, unknown family, his mother is unknown
>multiple sources report he slept with men
>worshipped statues, used to beat his sister daily when she converted to Islam until one day he felt bad for how hard he hit her he "converted to Islam"
>not a single instance of heroism
>spread the treasury to his cronies as a ruler
>disobeyed Muhammad directly multiple times
>attacked the home of Muhammad a few days after his death and set fire to it
>was killed by a slave after he ruled unjustly in favor of his friend in a court case
>this triggers the sunni scum
>was a awoke buff wrestler
>dyed his beard red like an alpha
>elected popularly by Shura
>ruled 20 years
>didn't need an arbitrator
>wore kohl like some faggot
>sword bifurcated like a limp dick
>couldn't even handle some khawarij
>ruled only 5 years
>had to select an arbitrator
>can't handle some (((merchants))) from bani ummaya
>pussies out at Siffin cause he saw a Quran on a spear
ya ali
>t. butthurt saudi shitstain
t. Sandnigger
t. Rustam al-Majoosi
is it time?
>was a awoke buff wrestler
so, youre just proving user's point, Umar slept with men
>dyed his beard red like an alpha
How is dying his beard "alpha"?
>elected popularly by Shura
elected by his 7 friends in a mock election
>ruled 20 years
still killed over ruling unjustly in a court case because of his favoritism
>didn't need an arbitrator
what was Abu faggot Bakr then?
Honestly though guys, look him up. Ali was a real nigga. He was brave as fuck and if he wasn't so loyal, he could take mohammad down. Hell he could take all of them down.
That being said he wasnt fit to lead dirty arabs. To rule them you gotta be cunning, gotta lie, gotta be okay with all the disgusting shit and participate in them yourself, so that they won't feel insecure around you. They all felt that way around him, which is why he couldnt rule for long, and lost to a motherfucker.
Is he, dare I say it... /ourguy/?
also, all your "criticisms" of Ali are childish, if he wanted to be a tyrant like Omar, he wouldve ruled the world, but that wasnt his goal at all, his aim was to rule justly, which turned the dirty Arabs against him. Basically the same reasons why Stannis lost in Westeros, he was a just man among backstabbers, bootlickers and thieves
Of course your bakri brainlet cant comprehend someone having a higher aim than earthly wealth or transient shallow military victories
Ya Hussein.
You realise your god Ali was an Arab, you filthy subhuman Persian animal
You will always be our slaves. Now get down and suck my arab dick like you majoos were made for, it's what Ali would have wanted
>t. Takfiri
>a fucking arab trying to shit on anyone that is of human species
Im not that guy and im not persian, id say fuck you but your kind is so fucking disgusting i'd even feel bad to touch you. You guys should be nuked and wiped from the earth
All that oil money and yet you're uncultured disgusting degenerate subhumans. No honor, no loyalty, no hardworking, no nothing.
Arabs will rule the world, inshallah. You filthy beasts aren't fit to be our slaves. Good thing the west is already in the first stages of falling to our sword
I'm not a takfiri. Takfiris are western puppets that serve the Zionist agenda
The minute oil gets out of the equation you animals will start killing each other(as you're doing now but worse) and nobody will remember or miss you.
How does it feel to be the worst of humankind? Even your own kind hates you
>ISIS, we're Hezbollah.
You Persians are not worthy to carry the sword of Imam Ali. Reminder that Arabs adopted Shiism out of love for Ali, you Persians had to be forcibly converted to it
Arabs are not in the category "human". Not that Persians are better, but you should know your place Sandnigger.
Persians and Syrians carry the Zulfiqar of Ali and will be the ones to plunge it through the bloated stomachs of the Takfiri Wahhabi's and their Zionist and Saudi financers. Ya Hussein, Ya Ali, Ya Nasrallah.
>you Persians had to be forcibly converted to it
Im not persian, but thats simply not true. Sunnis conquered Persia, and the majority of Persia was Sunni until around the 12th century, they converted to Shiism willfully and turned away from the false idols of Sunnism
Oil will never run out, we literally have an ocean of it
Also so what if we kill each other, we still birth new children at a high replacement rate.
On the other hand you westerners don't have any children, instead you have abortions, adopt pets, and have gay marriages cause "muh feminism" and your culture is degenerate
When we slaughter you, you don't get replaced. Whereas we are always making new beautiful Arab soldiers
This is your fault for embracing Zionism and feminism. You should embrace Arab supremacy but it's already too late
>Arabs will rule the will world
t. 30 Camelfucker States lose against Jews and are still to puss to attack them after barking 24/7
I knew everybody in the Syria General was a larping Sandnig
All part of keikaku
Arabs in Israel pump out 5 times as many babies as the kikes
Found the MAGApede
>Obese Camelfucker Weab Islamist
t. Gets fucked additionally raped by Assad and Kurds
Forgot pic
Assad is a baathist Arab nationalist you 3uluji scum
Just cause he used Persian subhuman cannon fodder to clear our minefields doesn't make him a Persian fireworshipper
Assad = 6'1"
Ahmadinejad = 5'11"
Majoos manlets btfo
Ohhh that's why he is so incompetent and lost the entire north of his country
He regained it now. Even though the whole world and the Zionist puppets were against him
Israel can't do shit cause they FEAR the Arab Ba3thi warrior
On the map the entire North is Yellow
C U C K E D again
>Entire thread full of assblasted Dajjal worshipping salafi scum
The yellow is fallout from mustard gas
Another dead incompetent Arab
Is this a C U C K thread now?
We still have Bashar
Majoos-kun, where did you go?