Where would they be today?
Where would they be today?
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thanks for the gold, kind stranger
c'mon hothead, LET'S GET BETTER
Rick and Morty seems more of a show for "them" 2bh.
>ywn again revisit the scene of your boyhood in Surrey, romping with your schoolchums in the thins and spinneys...
>yfw when the reason niles, not frasier, was the main character in this plot sequence was because kelsey grammer was in rehab
Kelsey had a tough life.
Eddie would probably be dead.
He really did. He'd show up absolutely fucked to the set and then snap into Frasier Crane mode when the cameras were rolling.
So was Gil a poofter or not, lads?
>it's a Roz episode
Radio Niles was comfy stuffs
>Falling again
Why is Bulldog even in that picture? He's not in the main cast like the rest are. Might as well put Gil and Daphne's mom in there too.
>but I don't know what to do with those dark shadows and hidden ledge
>it's a Niles episode
Three out of those four guys were gay.
gil >>> bulldog
Still in Seattle. Except now they just complain about how expensive everything is, and can't decide if the Californians or the Chinese are worse.
Gil has/had a wife
Yeah IRL, but on the show was Gil a bum bandit?
was she ever seen?
hehe nice
Yes. All characters in every tv show, movie, book, play or comic book are secretly gay. If they're not secretly gay, they're full tilt boogie gay. But yes. Gay.
PUHleeze. Gil was one of the stallions in the KACL corral.
I'm not sure, I don't think so. She might have visited Les Freres Heureux, but don't quote me on that. I think she might have been a Maris/Norm's Wife case - mentioned but never seen.
Would they ever bring this show back?
Roseanne is coming back, why not this?
Frasier would be retired and back in Boston to be closer to Frederic, who is the new owner of Cheers. Woody is the new "Coach", and Carla's daughter (played by Leah Remini) is the bar "Carla" now. Norm is still sitting there and so is Cliff despite the senile dementia.
So is Will and Grace
That costume would be so problematic in Seattle today.
>tfw you've stopped watching all contemporary media and instead watch Fraisers over and over again in an endless loop.
please no
geez at least do Cheers Frasier Cheers Frasier...
iktf. Prob catched every episode 10x in the last 12 months
Frasier is my go-to gap show when I'm between series.
They tried to force him as main cast member for years. He was always with them at the Emmys too.
Is Frederic still goth?
Scrambled eggs all over my face. What is a boy to do?
I honestly don't remember the last time I watched a TV show/episode made after 1995. I guess I'm just haunted by memories of a lost paradise.
No, he grew out of that phase and is a pretty normal guy who took a chance to get out of the wonk job he hated by buying Cheers but is still a bit on the "not-enough-self-confidence" side, especially with the ladies.
That episode. I nearly burst into flames from the cringe a few times.
Freddie was such an uppity little insufferable cunt, especially on that spelling episode.
The original Freddie was far better. The kid that played Fudge. Although the second one does have a Lilith look and vibe about him.
But Frederic had a little game. He unabashedly put the moves on Daphne, and got a kiss from Melody.
>yfw they just KNOW what a tortured soul you are
we're all little babe-magnets as cute kids, only later does the paralyzing fear and self-loathing come
More insufferable than Zooey Deschanel's proto-hipster?
I'm sure that Cliff and Woody and I would get on great. I'm sure that Cliff would know what my sort of 'pain' is like.
Is Cliff a Trump guy?
he'd love to tell you all about pain, yours, his, ancient pain, the origin of the word "pain"...
Cliff was a Carson guy IMO. He was on a whole 'nother level.
What a great guy.
>women age like shi-
>british women age like shi-
What is wrong with that actor's face? He has a jowl on only one side. I tried looking it up, but there's nothing about it
>ywn call out Norm as he walks into the bar and hear his ad-lib approximation on life
>ywn be served the wrong drink by Carla but be shit scared to send it back
>ywn sneak a peek up Diane's skirt as she crosses her legs on a barstool whilst reading Chaucer out loud
>ywn hear one of Sam's 9th inning stinking drunk tales
>ywn roll your eyes as Cliff Cliffsplains to the bar
>ywn watch from the bar as Woody finally gets a joke Sam told him last year
Why even live bois?
I'm not familiar with any of the kids who played Freddie in Frasier, just the little tyke that played him in Cheers. I imagine him as a pretty normal late 20s guy without any major flaws but definitely a desire to try something new in life and maybe some confidence issues. Maybe he has a "bad for him" girlfriend, at least until he meets "the one".
this was great user
but a couple of nights a week I get drunk on suds and hang out with the gang, it is really really comfy
next-level insufferable cuntishness
Jeez that's rough, seriously.
I don't care what anyone says, Diane was adorable as fuck.
Nice work, user
Will read again
Why was Diane so cute?
>tfw no hipster Niles bf
>where nobody knows your name
Roz and Daphne were hot af, but Lilith was prime A no.1 Duke of New York pussy..
Almost every woman on Frasier has aged so gracefully.
Diane was so pretty and probably a great hate-fuck 2bh.
>[smooth jazz intro plays, interstitial card with try-hard pun flashes on screen]
>Niles bursts into the room in a frenzy
>*laugh track*
>Frasier: "Why Niles, I haven't seen you in such a tizzy since we went to [insert opera here] last Saturday!"
>*laugh track*
>Niles: "It's my wife Maris. She won't let me buy another Ming vase!"
>*laugh track*
>Frasier: "That wretched woman wouldn't know good taste if it hit her like [insert 17th century European history reference here]!"
>*studio laugh track*
>Martin: "Will you two fruits shut up? I'm trying to watch Buxom Bimbos Gone Bananas 3?"
>*studio laugh track*
>[Upkempt British woman enters from other room]
>Daphne: "Did somebody say banana? That reminds me of the time back in Manchester when me poor mam was sat queueing for the new Oasis album and slipped on a banana peel that fell out of the rubbish bin. She must have had a bruise on her arse for 6 months!"
>*studio laugh track*
>[Martin's dog urinates on Frasier's shoes]
>Frasier: "I just bought these Mantellassis!"
>*studio laugh track*
>[cut to radio studio]
>Frasier: "Hello Seattle, Dr. Frasier Crane here. Today's topic is marital disagreements."
>[Ron Howard is today's first celebrity call-in guest]
>Ron Howard on phone: "Hi Frasier, my wife says she wants to try new things in bed."
>Roz: "He has a small penis. Trust me, I would know".
>*studio laugh track*
>Frasier: "Stop it, you wench!"
>*studio laugh track*
>[Bulldog enters]
>Bulldog: "Nice melons, Roz."
>*studio laugh track*
>[Niles also enters, having somehow gained security clearance]
>Niles: "Yes. Capital knockers".
>*studio laugh track*
>[caller hangs up, dial tone sounds, Frasier turns red with fury]
>*studio laugh track*
>Frasier: "That does it! I'm leaving you imbeciles and going home. Thank Freud for expensive sherry!"
>*studio laugh track*
>fade to black
Needless to say she was/is beautiful, but her as the aunt in Jumanji was her peak IMO.
How many times will the shill hothead post this unfunny pasta?
His sister was murdered by a you know what
This pathetic samefagging
All I've been watching recently is Frasier, The West Wing, Northern Exposure, The Sopranos, The Wire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and old documentaries from PBS or random theatre performances from the 90s.
>Fraser get ipad
>Roz on EHarmony
>Northern Exposure
Haven't seen this since it aired. A good re-watch?
It is unironically one of the most comfy shows ever made, do watch it again user.
Nice jammies. Italian?
His father was murdered too.
Was it kino?
Will do, Frasierfriendo.
It has cuffs. Think that's a shirt. Fraiser rocks boxers and a dressing gown.
Happy watchings, my friend
Lilith > Early Daphne > Early Roz >>> Late Roz >>>> Late Daphne
I wouldn't put Lilith in with the other women, but I fundamentally agree.
well-spotted sir. obviously you are an user of good taste
Getting away with selling cocaine in college and then supporting people who want to continue the war on drugs since it won't affect you directly because you're rich. Oh wait, wrong guy.
>tfw no dressing gown
Frasier > cheers
she was top-shelf quality and a very clever girl, when she said she and Frasier only spoke French to each other on Sundays I was hooked
Yes. But Fraiser > everything
What the fuck was the deal with Bulldog? Why did the newer writers want him to be a main cast member so bad?
How would a Frasier revival work?
>apparently the last two seasons aired in HD
>in 2002
>somehow the series has never gotten the Friends/Seinfeld full HD treatment
Fraiser/ True Detective crossover.
Crabe Boy Mysteries just got REAL
It wouldn't. Some things are better left untouched.
where there's a will there's a way, don't be such a negative Nelly
It fucking deserves it!!
They would never do it. Frasier doesn't have the same lasting power among the general public as other 90s sitcoms. Same reason they won't go back and rescan the film negatives into HD for use in syndication and streaming. Because the show just isn't that popular anymore to justify it.