The ancient, hyper-advanced, Lovecraftian precursor race is defeated by a stern talking-to

>the ancient, hyper-advanced, Lovecraftian precursor race is defeated by a stern talking-to

Was this the most disappointing ending to a story-arc in all of scifi?

They also took several nukings.

Agreed. Very Kafka-esque.


Should have done their research on Captain Sheridan. Guy loves nukes.

>Nuked the Mimbari
>Nuked the Shadows
>Nuked the Vorlons and Shadows.
>Nuked the Third Space aliens

>load your ship full of nukes
>slam it right into their shit while you nope the fuck out

Sheridan > Sinclair

This. People can't stop throwing that term around anymore. The prerequisite now seems to be "anything that looks icky."

They were in an abusive relationship with a compulsive nuker. It is why they left when he yelled at them, they were afraid of what he might do.

They also missed all their old friends who left them behind.

Give me a run down on these fags.

What were they exactly? What did they want ?

How did they fight ?


Bioblacks flying in bioships that do bioshit and were kind of powerful but not that powerful and then they fuck off.

the shadows arent the the lovecraftian race in the b5 universe, that would be the thirdspace aliens.
shadows are more like the vorlons in reverse.

Shadowy oversized shrimp with cloaking devices and purple lasers.

The Shadows were the ancap aliens. Do what you want, survival of the fittest, growth through competition.

They're a really ancient and powerful alien race. They use organic ships. The ships are controlled by a person that is forced into them and taken over to be the main computer for the ship. They had a chaos and conflict makes someone strong philosophy.

"If you go to Za'ha'dum, you will die."

No one said I couldn't bring motherfuckers with me!


Humans violated the NAP when they went to Za'ha'dum.



B5 was obsessed with power levels being defined by "whoever has the bigger laser." Earth-Minbari war was all about lasers cutting shit up and that just seems to be the only way to fight for the entire run of the series.

They're agents of chaos. Ancient aliens that wanted other races to develop through conflict; were ideologues. They'd make deals with others and aide them with technology, weapons, or force them to increase strife. Antitheses of other ancient aliens who wanted development through cooperation.

Earth got its shit wrecked in the Minbari war because they couldn't target their ships.

B5 remake when?

Or they could just give us the first shadow war the membari fought and the first captain went back in time to lead.

Probably never. Maybe if JMS dies.

Every year or so JMS brings Babylon 5 up and says it is being remade or a movie or some shit and then nothing happens.

Also: who has biotech ships, telepaths, and ultimately that none of it matters because the big players are OP manipulative spacejews who were willing and capable of exterminating anyone who isn't an ideologue.