Anyway, how's your sex life?

Anyway, how's your sex life?

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Women are such inconsequential pointless creatures. I realized this a few years ago, when my ex dumped me (she was the hottest girl i ever dated, literally a 9/10). I thought I would be depressed or lost without her, but i unironically felt relieved that she dumped me. I had spent years putting up with her shit. Free to my own devices, I decided to go a while without women.

3 years later, im /fit/, happy, well-read in my spare time, and capable of cooking and cleaning my apartment on my own, and am perfectly capable of giving myself orgasms. I have total freedom to do as i please. Also, all my money stays in my account, growing exponentially without a dumb roastie leeching off of me. The true red pill is that women are a luxury, but are used goods who come with a hefty payment plan and disadvantages that make it not worth it. They are NOT a necessity. They are merely fancy toys with no intrinsic value

Gonna see my gf later this year. Gonna be a good time.


Hahaha what a story, user!


so he has brain damage right ?

I don't know if I'd go that far, but you're right about the money. I just have more freedom for travel and self-actualization while I'm not in a relationship. I assume at some point I'll get that panic to reproduce, maybe around 35ish, but at that point I'll probably just find a desperate 30yo and marry her. We'll have a couple kids, stay together until they go off to college, and then probably amicably separate. I'll stay close with the kids, friendly with the ex, but regain all my financial freedom and independence for my retirement. Seems like a comfy life desu.

It Meghan and the people who were in it was a good idea for me but I can get it to be a surprise for you when you get home from work until it gets better

there is none, but the tradeoff is i dont have to deal with someone else's shit

>I assume at some point I'll get that panic to reproduce, maybe around 35ish
I'm 19 and having that now.
I feel like it's in my familys genes to want to reproduce.

Greg told him about a bad breakup he was going through with his gf then Tommy wrote this scene. He's a sociopath playing everybody.

Empty since 3 years ago and I think it will not change soon. I'm taking the path to become a mental virgin again.

Just play snowman
when no snow
Play in the fridge

>stay together until they go off to college, and then probably amicably separate. I'll stay close with the kids, friendly with the ex, but regain all my financial freedom and independence for my retirement. Seems like a comfy life desu.

How fucking delusional are you?

is that real?

Wtf dude


>toes have color

Why am I always reminded that this place is filled with fucking retarded newfriends?

>Tommy still hasn't paid for his lunch

>toes aren't black
>nose just has a dot of red


its real.

newfags will say its fake.

>Women are such inconsequential pointless creatures.

Untrue. Women are quite consequential however pointless they may seem. They are spineless cretins who mean to have a man do their bidding. No matter how small the scale, this is their ultimate goal, and it is sickening. I watch it in my life and in others. Women will literally bring out the worst in you- they'll have you obsess over meaningless slights, everyone else's opinions, and so forth. It's a terrible feeling and then, you have the ones that have no self-respect that practically beg you to treat them like shit. Women, I've noticed, tend to always bring out the worst aspects of myself, and I'm tired, literally tired, of feeling that they're company is necessary when all evidence says otherwise.

Someone should post this on /got/ threads

Thats where bitches who need to see it are at.

How far behind are you, user?

>china is full of betas that lose their virginity way later
the stereotype is true for a reason, kek

Malaysia tier

Their culture is just better. Men are more focused on academics and their future than putting their genitals in a wet hole.

haha only china tier i'm good

>china >focused on anything other than scamming and being a bugbrain with no empathy for any other living thing

Well tbf there's a short supply on Chinese girls

>focusing this hard on how much sex others are having
what are you hiding from user

subract 1 to 3 years from this and its accurate

>Women are quite consequential

only if you allow them to be, if youre still a slave to them, thats your problem, not mine

>if youre still a slave to them

It's not about being a slave. It's about engaging them directly and having to entertain their perspectives. You can pretend that there's no give and take, but you're not deceiving anyone but yourself.

>Tommy orders a glass of hot water

>muh stereotypes

Pooloo Land should be way darker.

>It's not about being a slave. It's about engaging them directly and having to entertain their perspectives. You can pretend that there's no give and take, but you're not deceiving anyone but yourself.

Im not deceiving anyone. By playing their games, you are a slave to your base desires. Im not claiming you can own a woman, Im saying stay out of the game and they will be inconsequential, or sleep around without commitment, and they will be inconsequential

>Women will literally bring out the worst in you
This is so true i hate it. I just broke up with my gf of 4 years and are just now noticing so my changes i did and went through. I'm working on becoming a better person, like i used to be. I used to be much nicer and less cynical about everything, i was happier. I'm now doing things i actually want to do and i feel so much better.

Pussy is great and i do miss it, but what the pussy is attached to is nothing but problems. Women are illogical creatures that are a nightmare to deal with.

That trailer for the disaster artist, man, it's looking good.

>friendly with the ex, but regain all my financial freedom and independence for my retirement.

I lost mine at 15 but haven't gotten laid in three years

I just watched The Room last night. It wasn't really that funny besides "Don't tauch me mauther fuck her". What's the big deal? Tommy Wiseau is interesting but nothing else about it is.

10/10 post desu

i felt exactly the same way when i broke up with my gf of three years

kill me pete

It's great, I'm banging your fiance Lisa.

Why don't you keep your STUPID comments in your pocket?

Wow, Scandinavia is degenerate

oh hai mark

What sex life?

I've at least touched a woman, but was never really interested in a sex life, since most girls I knew were into the sport/goth/musical/workout fags.

Plus most people need to "pretend" to enjoy listening to a female blabber on about her shit or give off that "confidence" I'm a badass vibe that makes me cringe.

Love is bullshit unless you've met your soulmate which is rare nowadays with tinder/facebook/pic spam.


t. divorced

Yeah a few lines are kinda funny but I never laughed and Tommy Wiseau has a shockingly small amount of screen time.

This might sound pretentious as hell but part of the laughability behind The Room is just the fact that the pacing and the editing/story is just all over the fucking place. You don't even have to have to go to film school or be particularly "tasteful" about film to notice it.

Stop believing in the whole "soulmate" thing. That's part of what's holding you back from finding someone. ONEitis is not healthy, and believing the "everyone has someONE out there for them" meme is doing just that.

das cold man

No I know that. There's an hour of the movie with no relevance to the plot. It's so shitty and bad but to me the idea and few quotes are funnier than actually watching it. Samurai Cop meanwhile is just plain constant shit in every way, and importantly, humorously. The Room is definitely funny but it's laugh out loud or giggle parts are few and far between.

Not bad, I still like it, I just don't know how it's so famous as the worst movie.

Is this movie worth it?????

Answer quick, I'm going to sleep

is it wort to watc hthis?

I'm hoping this is ironic because of the image choice, but seriously you can't think like this if you allow yourself to walk this earth. I get it I have the whole inadequate apprehension coming from a homogenous nation to the proximity of one of americas biggest cities and felt the shuck and jive (shock and awe if you're not Sup Forums) of abundance of choice and instantly replaceable attitude much more intensely, but every society has its merits, and if you let the pitfalls of this country get to you so much you're literally missing out on a lifetime of apt happiness.


And it has one of the highest qualities of life on the planet, really makes you think huh?

>6 years

>t. delusional swedecuck

TFW you're as unloved as an Indian :(

best post ive ever seen