/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Name A More Iconic Duo Edition



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dead general

>Hawk... /tpg/ is dying
Goodnight /tpg/

Friendly reminder that its been confirmed that "The Return" has been renamed "season 3" in order to proceed with a season 4 and wont confuse people. It confirms that Season 4 is already in pre-production. (Pic is season 3)

Me and my friend are almost done with S2 of Twin Peaks, what do we watch next? Fire Walk With Me? Unsure about the order.

Fuck man, I wish.

Yes, FWWM, then The Missing Pieces.

Yes, Fire Walk With Me and then S3

DOGue miss tpg

Holy shit, last thread archived at 30 replies?


Mods didn't approve of the TMZ garbage in the OP. Not very surprising. I've had /tpg/s deleted for more innocuous shit.

It didn't have the subject head or the words Twin Peaks in it anywhere

I want to vedderlieve



Hahahaha you'll see

Between this and Lynch saying season 4 is possible... I want to believe lads. I will be buying the series when it's available.

>Lynch says he's open to doing season 4, and that it depends on the timing while mentioning it took him over four years to write s3

ffs everyone will definitely be dead or too old by the time shooting would start in 5-6 years (Harry Dean Stanton for sure). let it end desu

I just started reading the Secret History to fill my TP void but so far it's some boring FBI paperwork and some barely legible letters from an ancient literally-who that frankly I just skipped.
Does it get any better or should I just drop it?

No, that's pretty much the whole book until the last pages where it closes some unresolved arcs from season 2.

>it took him over four years to write s3

it took him four years to write a bunch of random shit and scenes of people sweeping? bullshit

Writing S4 should be a lot easier Tbh
There's already a solid framework to continue the story

>Harry Dean Stanton is 91
what the FUCK
Thats unbelievable. The man has aged amazingly. What a guy

Why did Lynch leave so many things unresolved? Did he really think he could get away with a season 4? What an idiot.

The money goes directly to the Mark Frost Resist Drumpf fund too.

Yep. I'm a filthy pirate and I'll be buying it too.

I think season 4 will happen, it'll just be like 5 years away since Lynch likes to take his time.

I can't wait for his half finished scenes as he dies 2/3 of the way through production and becomes a coffee pot.

>reading Mark Frost trash

He seems to be in good health, 71 isn't that old. Clint Eastwood is 87 and still directing films.

all-time great actor, too (see: Paris, Texas)

Lynch wants Twin Peaks to be a perpetual mystery, so no surprise there

Harry Dean Stanton's character isn't even integral to the plot. They could easily write around him. Not that I want him to die as he is a good actor and part of Twin Peaks.


>it took that fag over four years to write scenes about sweeping, turkey jerky confusion, a retard playing slots, a talking teapot, a talking meat tree, and a midget hitman


Reminder that Sheryl does not like when you post lewds

>Why did Lynch leave so many things unresolved?

The entire point of Twin Peaks is mystery. He doesn't want you to know everything, he wants you to come to your own conclusions.

Lynch is only 71, of sound mind, good health, and his stress levels are incredibly low from meditating with his cult all day and banging Crysta Bell whenever he feels like it.

thank you for carrying my meme on, I was out and missed the beginning of this thread

>good health
smoker, at least half a pack a day

>it took David Lynch over four years to figure out how to make the cryptic red room lines in the first episode actually make sense by the end of the season while still keeping them ambiguous

fixed it for you

how the fuck is he in good health, he smokes like 5 packs a day

>implying his smoking isn't counter balanced by the 15 cups of black coffee he drinks daily

Please do your research before (you)ing me.

is anyone making a fanedit with the original score added in throughout season 3? I remember everyone really liking the idea during the first few weeks of airing....

Asians smoke 5 packs a day and live to be 150.

Season 4 will tell the story of Donna's return to Twin Peaks.

Do you think Kyle minds?

>she browses /tpg/ and probably sees all of them

>banging Crysta Bell whenever he feels like it

But he's married with a child...


okay satan

Those scenes were all great, except the evolution of the arm was kinda meh. If you want to meme on Season 3, bring up the anime fight. Nobody here likes the anime fight.

Season 3 wasn't perfect, but it's still the first show that's been worth watching in years.


Is that supposed to stop him?

are you saying ole' lynchie-boy is degenerate scum?

I liked the anime fight.

You know what, saying 'nobody here likes' was very presumptuous of me and I was wrong to do that. I still think it's probably safest bet if you're trying to bait people about the quality of season 3.

>thinking the man who regularly beats, rapes, and abuses his actors and has been divorced eight times gives a shit about being married with a kid

has anyone ever told him about his BIG BUTT?

Considering Kyle has posted some of the classic Kyle pictures from here on his Twitter, I'd guess if you tweet to him enough about that picture he'll eventually answer.

>mfw Kyle almost certainly posts in /tpg/

You're going back to ________!

>Sheryl posts here and dislikes lewdposting
>Lynch posts here with behind the scenes photos of him abusing the cast
>Kyle posts silly pictures of himself
>Ray posts looking for black grannies

did I miss anyone?

Imagine being Ray Wise in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sheryl Lee, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and lovely symmetrical white face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is Google another black grandma on his iPad in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Ray and not only sit in that chair while Sheryl flaunts her attractive body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her curves and Caucasian skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that sob. Not only having to tolerate her beautiful fucking visage but her kindhearted attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SHERYL LEE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her adorable fucking Anglo-Germanic face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of teen anals and black grannies and later alleged Lynch rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missoula. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her porcelain stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "CUTE" (for that is what she calls herself) beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ray Wise. You're not going to lose your future acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Frost is the one who makes all the posts shitting on Lynch.

Frost shilling his books

He can't keep getting away with it

Post characters that remind you of you're self




Evolution of the arm was cool, he should've got more screen time

Anime fight was meh, but at least they hinted to it being a dream / breakdown of reality / decoy ending. If ep18 wasn't a thing, and it was the final scene, I'd feel cheated.

Like iconic how ??? If you just weight on a word "Iconic", I just go for them !!


kyle's dune hair was perfect.



>whole show is about Laura
>Laura is the one

But what about Maddy? What about Ronette? What about Teresa? What about Annie? Why doesn't anyone care about these girls that were also raped/murdered by BOB?

Sounds pretty gay, user.


Episode 17

Episode 18

This has to be from the angle the pic is at, his ass isn't huge in any other caps you see from the original series.

>seeing pics of yourself at your prime that people still obviously drool and masturbate over when you're a shell of yourself, nearing 60 and looking ghoulish
That would depress the fuck out of me. I don't know how Kyle handles it.

>Kyle has his ears pierced
>in an era where the only men who had their ears pierced were gays
What did he mean by this?

Because Laura was the only one who could see BOB in his true form, hence why he wanted to possess her so badly. And she was probably manufactured to kill BOB once he possessed her (hence the scene where the Giant creates her).

>The officially credited writers for this episode are Mark Frost, Harley Peyton, and Robert Engels. However, David Lynch revised their script significantly sans credit
>In the original script, Pete Martell does not accompany Andrew Packard into the bank. Instead, Catherine Martell rushes into the bank just before Andrew accidentally sets off the bomb.

d-did Lynch kill pete to send a message? was MJA telling the truth?

I think it was a wise change. You'd rather keep Piper Laurie in the show if there was to be a third season.

What /tpg/ meme will you miss the most

they were all fucking monotonously terrible 2bh
gonna miss having new episodes to watch though

:( me too dougie. me too.


Vedder posting was the kino meme you are actually retarded

had only been in Twin Peaks for a week, only interacted with like 10 people in the town
literal who prostitute
literal who prostitute from a different town
had only been in Twin Peaks for a week, only interacted with like 10 people in the town



Did you email your $25 to the David Lynch Foundation for a complimentary free Rare Sherylâ„¢ JPEG file digital thank-you, hand selected by David Lynch himself?


>April 1990 - Aug 1992
>Two series and a feature film

And we're meant to believe it'll take lynch/Frost 4 or 5 years to write/shoot the next series.

Yeah m8, sure.

based lunched poster I will miss (You)

Lynch didn't direct season 3 like a TV show, he shot it like a film, which takes a long time and a large budget. He also didn't direct every episode of the original show.

>this is what normies truly and honestly think of Lynch's work
>it's scurry
I had never seen Blue Velvet before until recently and it's not the least bit psychologically damaging, at least not as much as these people act like it is.