If you had to quit watching movies what would be the last one you watch?

if you had to quit watching movies what would be the last one you watch?

Other urls found in this thread:


Lawrence of Arabia. Preferably on a cinema screen.

Cumtown > Chapo

Big Trouble in Little China, then I'd kill myself.

It's funny that the socialists and libertarians (not the insufferable Dave Smith types, the lighter ones) are the ones on the left/right who are still funny.

Probably thor 2 or iron man 2.

Just so i don't miss it at all.

Very well, Mr Chapo. It is I....... GORKAAAAAAAA!

>tfw no uglycute socialist Amber gf

>ywn goto your gf's apt, do several lines of coke with her roommate and your friends, spend an hour talking about the finer points of woodgrain, and sit around for an hour talking about all the articles you read that week

Sniper Special Ops

Jarhead 2

Felix / Nick / PR Rattlesnake / Tim Dillon

Terminator 2

It was a classic in my house growing up. The quips are unending. I fucking love it.

>More like 5am

What did he mean by this?

>IBM had to completely ditch their expensively made commercial because their star has a cum podcast

is that the clown prince of the alt right?

I tried that podcast out to make myself more rounded politically.

They're really dumb though. But it was kind of funny.

Really hard to find anything on the left that is both intelligent and funny.

Nah it's the President of the DSA

they're caught in a weird place between comedy and activism

I preferred them when they were just ripping on how much Hamilton the musical sucks

Can't believe pixar cast Mulldog as the dad in Inside Out

I started listening for the same reasons but kept listening for their teardowns of assholes on both sides. Sometimes though one of them will state something that completely sums up how I feel about something.

Felix's rant about the concession speech not going down

Matt's opinion about the whole unrest in the country (exactly sums up what I've been thinking for months--it's all a battle for resources)


>that patch
Fuck off Collin

I mean I rewlly like that stuff, coming from the Right, because that's the shit I hate about Liberals and they actually get why it's cringe worthy and don't just go "hurrrrr fags and niggers" like Sup Forumsacks.

But the more political stuff demonstrates a real lack of understanding/politics/economics...listening to leftists who do understand this stuff, like the Zero Books guys can get snooze worthy really quickly.

The Right Wing podcasts I listen can be funny, but it gets old because it's literally only "anti". Like just starts to become listening to guys bitch about stuff that's wrong.

Their tear down of Faraci was so fucking spot on it hurt.

That rant about resources is exactly right. Whether you're a leftist or Sup Forums tier crypto nazi you have to understand that the world we're living in at the moment is completely unsustainable.

The Fifth Element

What the fuck are you talking about. America alone has more oil shale the rest of the world has oil. Nuclear Fusion will be here way before oil runs out. All you have to do is keep Africa in Africa and everything is fine.

For real. You see the squeeze happening on the service class. Silicon Valley is becoming a sort of Liege Lord 2.0 who is also trying to squeeze the humanity out of humanity--a bunch of autists who can't understand why people act like people so they resent them for not being good little predictable consumers and worker bees. Banks/drug companies/similar ilk have their clutches in the Dems who want to keep replacing parts in this broken down train until it goes completely off the rails. Oil/military-industrial/espionage/similar ilk have their clutches in the Repubs who are doing the same as the Dems with the added benefit of trying to find more ways to abscond with our tax dollars before the train derails. BLM/LGBT/etc. leaders are creating Outrage Jobs for themselves, another way of skimming off the top before the fall. White Supremacists/Nazis/etc. want to put the hurting on "those other" groups first so they can be the first line of defense against the fallout from the derailment.

It's all fucked and everyone's scrambling like rats on a sinking ship.

The Searchers

Sup Forumsacks understand this fully.

It's just that their solution is "kill everybody else".

Chapo is for faggots

t. Monkey Mentality audiobook purchaser

Blade runner

Looks like this guy needs a bong hit transplant.


No, IBM PR thought Nick might be alt-right and went into full panic.

The ad agency (Ogilvy NYC) knew about the cum podcast when they cast Nick.

>chapo thread
>cumtown kuks have to come in and flood the thread to prove that they're relevant

Childhood is idolising Chapo, adulthood is realising crytpo-fascist Nick Mullen makes more sense

He's the clown prince of the alt-right

Problem Child 2

I just discovered these guys (thanks to that Verrit idiot tweeting about them. Good job, you gave them more attention). And I can't actually tell completely where these dudes stand.

Are they are socialists? They seem to like ripping on both Hilary and alt-right people but don't sound like just 100% Bernie supporters.

They're further to the left of Bernie