Winner of Part 1 final HoH: paul
Winner of Part 2 final HoH: TBD
previously on /bb/
Winner of Part 1 final HoH: paul
Winner of Part 2 final HoH: TBD
previously on /bb/
tfw I can't vote for Meagan
i wish we could vote for megan for AFP so she could donate the money to #vapes4vets
RHAP gonna be lit tonight
who the fuck is megan
>paul doesnt use the veto
>paul says xmas went rogue
pretty pissed I can't get lost to work on netflix since I'm tryna watch episode 2 after this shitty bb ep
Hehe, they know people too well.
I want Paul to win
Josh isn't deserving the win and neither is xmas.
I hated Steve for winning BB17 and ruining the ending to that great season
can't remember if they ever fully explained the smoke monster
She quit after a few days because she was overwhelmed by the social side of the game.
I couldn't tell, was Kevin shocked/upset about Josh's reveal?
>I hated Steve for winning BB17
Would you rather have had Liz or Vanessa win?
I haven't even watched it and I know they don't
he's too stupid
I might be jumping the gun here because we still got till Wednesday to wrap things up, but did anyone get the impression that Paul didn't learn from last year and almost guaranteed himself to lose in the final 2?
So the only conditions in which Paul doesn't walk away with the 500k are if Josh wins final HoH and takes Xmas or Paul takes Xmas for some reason instead of the biggest goat the game has ever seen and Cody, Elena, Mark, Jason and Josh vote for Xmas to win? that would probably be the best possible outcome for all of this. Paul losing the game by a single vote again because he ratted out too much and then seeing Cody win AFP would be a pretty sweet cherry on top of this shit sundae of a season.
don't get your hopes up based on the jury clips, all of those fags are going to be voting for paul
production is just desperate to make this season seem like it has an interesting conclusion
i doubt josh gets more than 1 vote,
>overwhelmed by the social side of the game
I think it's important to note that she's a combat veteran with likely PTSD who probably shouldn't have been cleared in the first place.
Vanessa obviously
Paul vs. Xmas
>Alex (maybe)
Paul vs. Josh
>Cody (he would do it for Mark and Elena)
Swing vote:
he was upset for sure
If he doesn't take Josh to F2 he is making a massive mistake. No one is voting for Josh. not a single person. all the pots and pans shit guaranteed that. but if he takes Xmas? there is a high chance that most of the jurors are salted enough to vote for the cripple.
Maybe, he is trying to actually play the game this time (instead of just covering his ass to the end), but the jury seems to hate him more for it.
I like this post.
Cody's smile gives me happiness. I like this autist
paul's taking josh to the end, he's admitted so on the feeds, he doesn't want to risk losing to a girl again.
f2 is either paul/josh or xmas/josh
hey guys, don't know if you've heard, but tuns out Raven was the mastermind all along. Her and Matt.
Paul is going to lose...and hopefully by only 1 vote
and hopefully he has contracted untreatable super-staph in his gaping nose wound
Unless Xmas wins final HOH.
Mark's face is everyone when they listen to raven speak
is it too late to somehow poison the houseguests?
That's because you were already spoiled but you don't remember.
I haven't watched any of this season except for a few episodes. Who should get my votes?
I might have missed it, why do Mark and Elena in particular hate Paul (as opposed to the others)?
Cody might give him a vote out of respect for gameplay.
>His entire strategy was to make Josh look like the most annoying retard that ever played the game by harassing everyone in the house
>Josh didn't realize it until it was too late and most of the Jurors hate his guts
Fuck this timeline.
cody obv
sup enter poster
Hasn't it been shown she wasn't combat at all? (besides you know woman)
Rat Andy on RHAP tonight, should be good
>the holy trinity of reactions
Mark and Elena realized they were bottom of the totem pole pawns for almost the entire time they were in the house who's only use was getting information from Jess and Cody and once that was over they were instantly betrayed and subjected to the same treatment that Jody was.
whats up with production letting josh fuck up pauls game with the goodbye messages?
Because you shouldn't be lying in your goodbye messages.
its a sad attempt to keep the game interesting, production is just going to get dr will to brainwash the jury anyway
>Rat Andy
>should be good
Kek, nice one user
>voting Josh
it's the only gameplay from the HGs to oppose Paul in last 4-5 weeks
Would Xmas vote for Josh if Paul fucked her over like that?
The only interesting end would be Paul losing f2
Matt and Raven are the biggest retards on the planet though.
dude there's been a lot of gameplay this season didn't you see josh's last DR, and um Josh's DR before that, and well um all the other gameplay? this season was very strategic, there was a lot of gameplay. did you see josh's last DR?
Cody really doesn't care who wins and would do it for Mark.
Why does RHAP always take so long to start after the shows? Not like they don't know when it's going to end
no, she is on the rebound and has fallen in love with paul
3 gays on RHAP right now
do what for mark? Mark is voting Paul because he played the best game
Maybe he's still mad over how his game would've gone a lot smoother if it wasn't for the dumb safety temptation they gave Paul
Just gotta say, cheers to fucking Mark for calling out Raven on her bullshit during that jury segment. She looked even more stupid than she currently already is, which I didn't think was possible. Matt looked just as stupid due to association.
>ay-nons thinking Mark, Elena or Cody will be bitter and not vote Paul
>ay-nons trying to rationalize how the jury is bitter and he'll lose somehow
Let me remind you little ay-nons
Paul WON the second he was giving every advantage in the first week.
>Mark is voting Paul because he played the best game
>"the best game"
No one in the jury buys into that reddit-girl bullshit. Winning BBUS is a popularity contest, and Paul is very unpopular in the jury house. There is no "deserve" to win, you either get the votes or you don't.
>Matt looked just as stupid
hey whats your problem, guy?
huh guy?
you're not gonna participate, guy?
>tfw preordering the new iphone at midnight
I'm sure you were saying the same thing last year, paulfag.
>kevin wont actually be in the jury house but sequesterd in a shitty hotel
well gg paul
wow I'm so surprised kevin is still a paulfag after being evicted
>he likes apple products
and just like that you exposed yourself as a Matt/Raven fag. just out of pure shit taste.
I share a board with people who watch this trash.
It's not like Kevin sacrificed much for him like the others. There was no way Kevin was going to win any comps he threw.
Larping poorfaggots buy apple
They don't need Kevin. All the anti-paulfag crowd (Cody, Mark, Elena, Jason) have to do is convince Alex and they got it. This is assuming Paul doesn't piss off whoever gets third place.
t. rick and morty and game of thrones fan
>being proud of being on the most board on this site
>It's not like Kevin sacrificed much for him like the others
he only sacrificed his entire game
Who else /note8/?
exactly, do people really think production is going to let paul lose (either by being cut at 3 or bitter jury) after investing so much riggage into him?
They compiled a cast almost wholly of gullible Paul fans, gave him three weeks of safety, have only done comps that he did well in (notice, no chickenwire comp for paul's stubby fingers), and worst of all kept Xmas in the game, even letting her cast a vote from a fucking hospital bed so it wouldn't disrupt Paul's plans.
Paul is going to win the Final HOH (he will probably be given the answers), he is going to take Josh, there will not be a bitter jury, because if there is, Dr. Will will brainwash them. Paul will probably get all 9 votes. I only pray that Grodner is merciful enough to allow us the consolation prize of Cody winning AFP (which he will if there is no riggage).
The game's done, let's just hope Survivor doesn't suck this season.
lmao people like this faggot exist who think CBS shows are worth watching.
>jason the only one to get a family segment
any jury segment only streamables?
>buying apple
sup poorfag
i havent showered in 8 days
not this
nah, but they should be on the big brother youtube tomorrow
i call BS on her reason. she was embarrassed that she called out jess for being racist and turned out to be wrong. she felt she couldnt show her face in the house, so she cut her loses and decided to go vape with vets
you literally have a 0/10, boring no-thoughts-being-fucking-thought opinion. way to go retard
watch the f-bombs
not this
thats gumpy
>CBS so cheap they won't buy the HGs deodorant
I'm so surprised
desu paul losing at F2 with a 5-4 vote twice in a row is way more drama and ratings than paul winning
Buying apple is for poors
>ooooh look i wasted $1500 on a phone maybe people will think im rich
Any fag can do this.
best possible time line
plus it gives them an excuse to bring him back