ITT: Characters who are 100% /ourguys/

ITT: Characters who are 100% /ourguys/

>Ray, how many rip fuels have you had?



Why did he get so mad at based Rudy over nothing? All the pent up stress and anger he tried to shrug off with humour just started to seep out? After he attacks Rudy for no reason Rudy even tries to come and make up with him.

Rudy was the best.

Stephen Colbert


inb4 kenfags


>ray that low
Terrible taste
Also Sixta was shown to pretty much be putting on an act so that the guys would have someone to rally against

Sixta sucks, better than Encino man and Capt America but hes low tier

Sixta>Encino>>>>>>>>>Captain America


for you

>not fruity Rudy


rudy cup checked him when they were playing, but to be fair ray was being a smartass

That is an old military tactic. It gives the warriors something to bond over but with hate and angry. Then GodFather can point that angry at anything and they will destroy it. Ive been in war too fucking long now.

>ayyy sledgehamma



Lance please stfu

What Sup Forums thinks they are
What Sup Forums actually are

*what Sup Forums actually is

A girl called me creepy the other day. It pissed me off for a while, but then I realized she's kinda right.

Didn't happen irl. Producers added it in to make some faggy statement.


ok dylan


this show made the invasion look like a really fun adventure, I would join the military if it was like this



>god father
>Above any of those guys
go fuck yourself

Exactly as intended goy.

t. HBO




how do I get that scar over my eye look natty? seems difficult to get even in real circumstances, especially without going blind. Like who just swipes a blade or knife perfectly vertically alongside a face with barely any depth?



>get a blade
>slash it across your eye
>when people ask how you got it just say you got in a bar fight