anybody else think grindhouse and exploitation films should be brought back
Anybody else think grindhouse and exploitation films should be brought back
I just watched I Spit On Your Grave 2 and 3 (sequels to the remake). 2 was actually alright. 3 was dumb trash but watchable. Both chicks are pretty hot.
No, people who watch bad movies for fun should hang.
>grindhouse and exploitation
They still make cheap shitty movies
Isn't that in direct to DVD stuff? There's gonna be like an official Video Nasties streaming service wont there.
I enjoyed Blood Drive, shame they canceled it
Why do people watch cheap flicks for fun, Sup Forums?
fortunately there's an endless supply of Italian horror and giallo
You're kidding right? There's over a fucking hundred new exploitation flicks and grindhouse movies released ever since big budget flicks adopted the look and feel of 80's schlock.
Didn't Tarankino and Robert Rodriguez try that already? It didn't exactly take off. Hell, Eli Roth has been trying all his career.
im talking about good exploitation films like the original Texas chainsaw massacre and cannibal holocaust
I fucking came when Arrow released it
Camille Keaton was so fucking hot. What an incredible body. Especially the bathtub scene where her body is arched. Just breath taking.
Seen one where cop and few dudes rape girl and throw her into water, thinking she was dead. She returns for revenge with quite few creative torturous ways to kill them.
Those aren't exploitation films they are just low budget. Exploitation films by their nature are never good because they are rarely actually about something. Think beach movies.
>tfw i'm literally matthew lucas
Eli Roth seems polarizing because of his penchant for gore porn, but I appreciate his Black Comedy films. Pic related especially is one of the best of the genre
They never went anywhere.
You just won't see them at Regal or Showcase because muh family friendly studio money makers only.
But good exploitation and horror films come out every year VOD and Bluray.
>tfw could watch actual quality films made with passion and love by experienced auteurs
>tfw I waste time watching shitty 80s flicks for brainlets instead
What did I mean by this?
I try to watch Roth's movies with an open mind and take them for what they are, but there's always something that seems off about them. I think it has to do with the pacing of his scripts.
Eli Roth = tryhard, failhard
there are some good grindhouse movies out there but most them are shit
I've seen them all, the 2nd was more watchable then I expected. Wouldn't call any of them good. The 3rd was horrible though.
This is why I subscribed to Shudder.
The primary purpose of all films should be first and foremost to entertain. Anyone who says otherwise is a pretentious art house faggot pretending to be intelligent.
Who says they're bad movies, queer bait?
its because his movies are usually not very good
the writing in general is usually terrible and not in a good way
What an embarrassing post.
Honestly I thought Green Inferno was his best since Cabin Fever. Hostel 1 has it's place though even if it's not that great.
>woman kills 5 people
>haha its okay bra she was raped
>americans unironically think this
Quite honestly the dumbest nationality on earth
1: obsessed just like always
2: implying that rapists shouldn't immediately be killed like subhuman trash
How does it feel to live in Sweden you fuck.
Green Inferno was surprisingly good. And I enjoyed Hostel 2 a lot more than it deserves.
Definitely, but the remake should be done right by all means... Just like your post "I Spit On Your Grave".
Does she cut his penis off? Is that what happened?
OP, grindhouses were a product of their time, most famously in New York's 42nd Street in Times Square in the 1970's. You had theaters lined up on the block, porn houses, live sex shows and it was Valhalla.
We can't go back to that time and exploitation films are more a state of mind about being transgressive and plumbing the depths of debauchery. You can't make those types of movies today without people freaking out. Crank 2 is the only modern movie that truly feels like the sort of crazy shit that got made back then.
Best to enjoy what was because of civilization sucks shit!!!FACT!!!
Oh and here's a small list of some of my favorite exploitation flicks:
Goodbye Uncle Tom
Water Power
Blood Feast
Corpse Grinders
Ilsa: She Wolf of the S.S.
>that hour long rape scene
Fucking brutal and it's a wonder it got released and shit like the tree rape in Evil Dead was tame in comparison.
>The primary purpose of all films should be first and foremost to entertain. Anyone who says otherwise is a pretentious art house faggot pretending to be intelligent.
100% correct, faggot!!!FACT!!! :)
I havent seen Green Inferno yet, is there much humor aside from the whole 'SJW's getting what's coming to them' angle or is just standard torture porn?
>Honestly I thought Green Inferno was his best since Cabin Fever.
That's because it was, not that the bar is exactly high. Then again I've seen people on this board defend Knock Knock
What the literal fuck is wrong with Syfy(lis) channel? One of the very rare moments when they manage to finance an original show with positive reviews, they decide to cancel it after 1 season.
>that scene where she stabs a dick and slices it down the middle during a blowjob before biting off the head
Boy, I'm really glad you reminded me of that
you can say that about movies in general though