Are asians really capable of human emotions?

Are asians really capable of human emotions?
Harold from Harold and Kumar I thought did a great job, but everything else he's in just didn't do it

Is OP really capable of not being autistic?


It's true though. Sad thing is that if she didn't "flip off the camera" no one would know what she's feeling. Asians are not very good actors t b h.

t. part asian

koreans but only after tons of plastic surgery

Honestly, without the middle finger her face isn't that expressive.

You know OP is autistic when he post a screen cap of a twitter post







I genuinely do not believe that asians (or anyone with black eyes) have a soul

most people believe this though

Have you tried anything but directly at the camera?


Based Diceposter

Is there a woman alive that has that raw sexuality to play Makoto?

Glad I don't have that holes chin.


Cover the finger and you see a failed attempt at a duckface. Asians are inherently autistic and she managed to do worse than just not proving her point

not even a MEWfag but she was pretty close

I dunno if she's a good enough actress to play that character though

What do you think of these expressions?

When will we have a full compendium of fish heads proving the point?

What expression does this convey?


They are all watching someone eat right?

>i-i think it might be in
>how do real men even do it from this position?

What do you think these 2 Asian men are trying to say?

Roon could have done Oshii/Arise mix. She got the spooky eyes

asian masculinity australian is here lmao

Arr rook same

no fucking way the guy on the bike just got insta smashed directly on the head WHAT the FUCK

Its ok the dude on the right made it. Karma corrected.

How do you fucking fail at exaggerating an expression?

What is his face trying to say?

She looks decently expressive because of her big eyes

What does his face telling you here?


i bet you op is a nigger

>What does his face telling you here?
If you can't view the webm, here is a pic

>fag flag


>>What does his face telling you here?

>I hope some autist from r/hapas or r/asianmasculinity won't use this pic to shitpost on a mongolian shadow play digital agora.

damn how did that femboy get that blue-eyed beauty?

nailed it

must be an expression you make often

Holy shit how insecure do you have to be to post pictures of people from your race (not even you, that would be embarrassing too but slightly less so) with attractive white females.

I don't think I've met a race that's as sex obsessed and as bad at it as Asians living in the west.

What does his expression here tell you?

didn't mean to quote a white guy is it time to admit that asians win?

>What does his expression here tell you?
Another pic of him with his blonde girl so you can tell me

I mean the odd porno still, or an asian guy with a huge cock I can see. But the endless pictures of random people this creep has saved from social media is just sad...

like clockwork
this guy is amazing

Does his face give you the impression that he is happy or mad?

I kind of hope it's just a white racist who hates asians who's doing this to make asians look bad. But I know enough asians irl who are insecure enough to do this so it's not very likely.

Do you have that video of an Asian dude doing interviews in Isla Vista or Santa Barbara on a beach and kissing/groping white women?

That video triggered Elliot Rodger to go on his rampage.

I think you posted it before.

>one guy desperately posting amwf
>one guy desperately trying to slag asians
step it up kids, at least make it funny

>Does his face give you the impression that he is happy or mad?
Same guy, is he happy or mad here?

whoa shes qt ngl

>>Does his face give you the impression that he is happy or mad?

>one r/asianmasculinity poster ruins potentially funny thread
>a few guys call him a loser then leave

asians aren't even real people, they're actually a species of ant

no jokes necessary when you're in the thread

came here to make a worse dice joke. thank you

I'm really starting to hate Asian Americans

She is a real qt - on the right here. Just compare her with the other girls in this pic and you know there is no competition.


Succes of one chink because of his deviant gf won't change anything. Does succes of RDJ makes all manlets better? No.