Do you accept PewDiePie's apology, or should he be demonetized?
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Those two things have nothing to do with one another, OP.
I respect him less for apologizing
Pretty much this
Demonetize the nigger
and then apologize to him
People need to stop being so uptight.
People cry for Pewdiepie to be demonitized over fucking everything now. Retards, the lot of them.
>hate on the dude for years
>this happens
>suddenly we like him
Neo Sup Forums is the worst.
Fuck pewdiepie for whatever fucking reason. Fuck all of the niggers and non niggers who are with him and against him.
Only fags with low IQ follow this shit.
Why did he do it?
Why are people acting like nigger is a new term among gamers? Im sure he said it many times on other videos.
Who is that?
>false dichotomy
it was blown out of proportion. he exclaimed the way one would when stubbing their toe on a coffee table corner. that doesn't inherently bring out one's racism.
i'm angry that the people that once defended him against MSM suddenly decided to throw him under the bus.
Lauren Southern kino time
KEK, you seem to be following it pretty closely, you retarded faggot
Theres literally nothing in my post that will give you any grounds to conclude I am following closely or not.
The fact that I know who he is and that there is some issue with the word nigger cant possibly tell you that.
Now stop replying to me, low IQ fag.
I think advertizers should pay Pewdiepie extra for saying nigger. Nobody would have ever heard of that Firecrotch game if the homojew from the dev company hadn't sperged out about the nigger word which had nothing to do with his low budget game
The """"game"""" was fucking awful too.
Why are you so defensive about being a Pewdiepie fanboi, you dumb gay nigger?
YouTube should no longer support him after his anti-semitic/racist tirades.
>YouTube Celebrities
you somehow know that for four years Sup Forums hated him, and that Sup Forums now likes him. so you've clearly been following it closely you stupid nog
It's Sup Forumsedditors
You can tell by how surface level they always are
obviously people are pretty blase about it here, but you have to remember a lot of kids watch PewDiePie and his channel has influence so when he fucks up it fucks things up for everyone.
just dont give me patricia again
RLM threads every day, so this thread is ON topic, thanks to shit mods.
given that he makes youtube videos for children, he should be demonetized.
For starters, the hate towards Pewdiepie has been present since the fucking dawn of time, not just 4 years.
Anybody who's been here for a reasonable amount of time would've come in contact with threads that talked against him (and others youtubers / streamers) on some of the popular boards (like v).
Eventually you will simply read those threads due to interest or boredom. Doesn't necessarily mean one is "following the situation or the man closely".
What you are saying is the equivalent to somebody calling you a "faggot cuckold who worships nigger dick" simply because he knows of the popular BBC threads that get posted on Sup Forums every night.
Now fuck off please.
>pewdipie says nigger
>all of a sudden he's a hero in Sup Forums
the absolute state of Sup Forums
>blue-haired stoner pushing 30
Fucking awful, guaranteed to be either a communist and anarchist (((free thinker))) and hate me for being a white dude. I don't see it working out
People didn't hate Pewds they just knew he was making low quality trash because it made him money.
He meant to say faggot.
>For starters
your a dumb fag who is now packpeddling
Which is more than the average Sup Forums reddditor who pretends to be edgy and talks shit about pewds has ever done.
>People didn't hate Pewds
Now now lets not rewrite history here, user.
He meant to say kike so it's cool.
How do we get this cancer off of Sup Forums and Sup Forums lads?
I accept his apology.
Does it even matter? He has more money than god, and enough fans willing to support him on Patreon or wherever no matter what happens.
I think the real issue is why people like PewDiePie exist.
Not an argument, buddy.
Now please go get in a car crash or something. N*gger.
Fuck off reddit.
You have to go back you fucking 2010s parasite
kys, you are packpeddling . its obvious you were keeping up with pewdiepie
I don't care.
>People didn't hate Pewds
The hell are you talking about, just a little over a year ago it was cool to make fun and hate pewds. But internet politics, gamers, sjws, pc/anti-pc, etc,, got in the way and they have to take sides. Now Sup Forums defends this guy.
because children are stupid.
Give me ronald
Does that make you a redditor since you only started posting here after the reddit invasion?
If we want to move past racism, wouldn't it make sense to let the words roll off our backs and grow thicker skin when it comes to seeing them?
idk, how do you get cancer off of cancer?
I fucking hate this asshole and I hope he burns in the deepest circle of hell.
What'd he apologize for?
He's too powerful to be thrown under the bus. He is immune to anything the libshits throw at him.
Linda is the best. No contest.
I want this Louis back
I also want Patrice back but that should go without saying
Yes, and because he doesn't care that hes the most influential and popular children's content creator. Also roll.
Hey janitor reading this thread
I know it's you posting the "is cunny the path to enlightenment" threads with actual child porn. Your repose to delete them is far too quick compared to when someone else posts the real shut
Reported to hiro and the feds :^)