Hi, let me just leave this video here, theorizing about things that were revealed in a movie already released...

>Hi, let me just leave this video here, theorizing about things that were revealed in a movie already released, and saying things that are assumptions based on trailer editing, that don't fit with the movie at all, and then reveal at the very end that I made this whole thing without seeing the movie.

How does this person even have subscribers?

How do you not?

I'm still wondering how this guy got to meet the freakin' Pope and tell him to play Undertale.



I don't understand how he says this with a straight voice.

He annoyed the Papal Guard to the point they ran away.

Is it weird that his use of the word "theory" is what gets me above all else?
He uses it like uneducated evolution or global warming deniers use it. "We don't know for sure! It's just a theory!"

Fucking no.
A theory isn't just a collection of guesses. If you're going to speculate a bunch of random shit, that's not a theory, that's a hypothesis. A theory actually has evidence to support it.

>puts research, editing, writing, and time into videos
>Sup Forums hates him more than people who just record themselves playing games

>didn't actually watch the movie

How is this Sup Forums

He didn't got to met him actually

>hates him more than people who just record themselves playing games

They're not pretentious ass hats looking into every minor detail for artistic significance or " deep lore."

I don't like either, but given the choice I would rather watch the Game Grumps be bad at games and scream bad jokes at each other than listen to this idiot talk about 5 Nights at Freddy's like it's a modern masterpiece

He collects evidence that supports his hypothesis (or that he presents in such a way that it supports his hypothesis) and then calls it a theory.

Matpat is an idiot but he enunciates well and has a nice voice, so hes more watchable than many others.
Also his gf is kinda hot.

There are different meanings to the term depending on context. You're thinking of a scientific theory.

He gives people what they want: he helps them justify the blockbusters they watch and the vydia they play as more than just mindless entertainment. He knows it's dumb I'm sure, he made the point in his early videos to be as asinine as possible.

>Sup Forums hating on harmless fun

Never change.

Sure it's harmless, that is up until people start parroting the theory like some sort of fact and now nobody will fucking shut up about it.

Wouldn't true mindless entertainment give us nothing to discus or look for after the fact? If art or entertainment doesn't have any after effect, then it's just a waste of time. What is a modern master piece or what would be one in your opinion?

If he wasn't an asshole about it, and his "research" wasn't 90% bullshit, then yeah, sure.

Fucking fan theories are a cancer these days.

>How does this person even have subscribers?
Five Nights at Freddy's.

Those videos basically turned him from just another Youtuber to one of the biggest ones on there. Now he gets thrown Youtube bucks to make paid shows for them and was able to expand outside of video games (likely what he wanted to do in the first place honestly).

His old stuff when he was actually just calculating the science in games was fine. He didn't shove his face into every single frame, the jokes were more natural, and while it was ultimately all "VIDEO GAMES AREN'T LIKE REAL LIFE!", it was still a fun thing to see how broken video game logic really is.

Now it's just bullshit dark "it was all a coma dream" shit because that's what pays the bills.

It's a Sup Forums movie

>puts research, editing, writing, and time into videos
matpat, i've come to bargain

How does he still have subscribers when he has hyper cancer like gaijin goomba festering on his channel is a mystery.

>an theories are a cancer

> what if they were dead ?!
> what if _____ is purgatory/hell ?!
> what if _____ was just in the imagination of this other character ?!
> what it ( friendly character) is the true evil mastermind?! Let's take one scene and over examine it