>kind of a mindfuck is this?
So am I like... supposed to not hate blacks at the end of this movie?
who are you quoting?
You are supposed to hate the black person who shot the kid, yes.
>shoot a kid in a school bathroom
>gunshots are incredibly loud
>people will come investigate
>covered in blood
>obviously gonna get caught
Was this guy retarded?
I could see the remorse in his eyes, he was definitely coerced into doing it.
So why did he do it? Was he related to one of the guys Derek killed?
The moral of the story was that jews are pitting whites against blacks to keep them both down. We need to join arms and fight the jew.
>get assraped
>meet one cool black guy
>your legitimate and statistically backed criticism of niggers is now completely invalid
Really activates the ol' almonds
So uh, how often do neo-nazis stop being neo-nazis?
Whether you still hate blacks or not by the end of the film is totally up to you. It's not the point of the film. But you are supposed to walk away feeling that anger, hate and violence will only breed more.
Everyone should watch those two scenes at the dinner table with the kids' father and then with the mom's new boyfriend. I'd like to submit that aside from some very rude language there were no thoughts or ideas expressed that were terribly controversial or outside the mainstream of public political thought.
wrong, the lesson is that violence must be preemptive because you gotta get them before they get you
This movie isn't telling you to pick sides, its telling you to free yourself from unnecessary hate. Of course the difficult thing about accepting this lesson from this movie is from the ending. Automatically you want to just say "Oh, what a surprise - the nigger killed him" when Danny decides to turn away from being a white supremacist with Derek. You're meant to ask yourself, "What was the point of trying?" You're supposed to ask yourself why you should free yourself from hate when there's so many valid reasons to hate in the first place. This movie paints white supremacists in a bad light overall but throughout the film you're given genuine reasons to be sympathetic towards them. Another user mentioned the dinner scenes which are fantastic examples. How can you not be sympathetic to your father having to work with people who may not be qualified to trust his life with; the loss of your neighborhood; thieves attacking you directly on your front lawn.
That's the point of all it. Freeing yourself of emotional baggage is difficult because its often justified. It will take humility, and at the end of the day you may not be rewarded for it because there's guarantee the person next to you is attempting to do the same. You can see in the black kid's eyes when he kills Danny that he regrets it; that he wishes he learned this lesson. Ultimately I don't really agree with the film or its application of its message to the circumstances its tied to, but that's another argument all together and really if you consider the time frame it was released it makes sense why the film was ever made in the first place. I doubt this movie would be made in today's climate.
You're allowed to hate the black kid. You're also allowed to hate Danny. Most of all, you're supposed to hate the mechanism that they both operate within. Its not about either of them as individuals.
Yes, the kid was retarded by killing Danny in a place where he could possibly get caught easily
But he didn't get the memo that Danny had stopped being a nazi the night before
>whites turned against you
>spend 3 years of your life in a cage because of your white supremacist "buddies"
>cool black dude keeps the feral apes from killing you
The statistically backed criticism of niggers was never invalidated. He just left his radicalized group of inbred retards in favor for sophisticated hidden racism like the rest of the civilized world.
What I took away from the ending is the following:
You are supposed to feel anger at the society and the environment that has built the racism the black kid has created for himself, and while the white kid has left his racist cult, his actions still will turn around against him and affect his future because once you do the things he had done, you will get your share of karma, even if you yourself back away from all of it and say you're done with the whole thing. His actions are what led to this situation and there was no going back. It's sad but it's what reality is.
Now to the black kid, it was stereotypical of him to do what he did in the atmosphere of the movie. He was raised in violence and guns, and he was taught by gangsters all his life, he is the white kid, but without his brother who came out of jail with a new mind-set to set him straight. It's sad really, but both kids deserve to be given the chance to rinse and repeat and to carry on with life, sadly one can't, that doesn't mean the second one should be punished. Without Edward Norton's character, the white kid would've been as much of a criminal as the black kid.
whitey, don't retaliate, don't defend yourself
>cool black dude keeps the feral apes from killing you
He stopped hanging out with the nazis and they didn't see him as a threat anymore.
False, niggers can't feel remorse
Yes because white prison gang members are bad people too!
Te original ending has Derrick going back to being a Nazi after his brother is killed.
So take that for what it's worth
No. That is not what happened at all. If you watched the movie you would know they have a conversation in the laundry room after he gets raped, after he doesn't sit next to them in the cafeteria. The cool black dude says they were the only reason he was still alive because his gang was protecting him. Now the feral blacks are going to rape and kill him. Then when Derrick leaves that's why he says "I got a feeling the only reason I'm getting out of here in one piece is you" and the cool black guy jokes "You really think I'd put my neck on the line for some crazy ass peckerwood?"
You seriously must have missed the whole conversation in the laundry room after he's raped.
>dont hate no more
>get shot
Great lesson.
>sophisticated hidden racism
>Haha yeah take all this money and destroy my town in a "protest" fight da power and fuck my wife!... but in my head I think you're a nigger
Very sophisticated
More like not hiring blacks of equal qualifications because of the inevitable theft of goods, or avoiding majority black parts of town because of the inevitable theft/rape/murder etc. The usual accepted social racism not based on just skin color but statistics and science.
Around blacks never relax, that's it
The ending means that stereotypes are real
The only thing I took from the movie is society is shit and being a good person is pointless. Is there any other point?
Also, off topic but did anyone watch Imperium? What is up with that movie presenting so many white nationalist debate points and not countering them at all. That movie felt like a skin head recruitment flick at points.
The good people, for the most part, lived their lives undisturbed.
It's once you start going down that bad path does it become hard to stop. Derek got in with the wrong crowd and became a murderer. The same thing happened with the black kid.
Affirmative Action
Nice greentext, newfag
He was black
why prisons are full of blacks ?
I hate niggers.
Thats been the biggest criticism of this movie since the beginning, mostly because Norton pushed his cut.
why would you stay and engage a group of niggers in conversation? if that were me I would've biked it outta there the moment I see em crawling out the shadows.
Ok, let's say you bike away as soon as you see them. What if they shoot you for being racist?
I mean even though the woman was beaten up and robbed, at least she wasn't a racist. If she was a racist nobody would feel bad for her.
How can you read shit like this and turn around and think we need to ban guns?
Posting a shop that obvious
That's fine I'd rather take my chances as a fast moving target than a cuck target. The outlier blacks who aren't violent would do the same around blacks.
In the original ending Edward Norton shaves his head again after the nig kill his brother so you tell me
How are Limeys this fucked up? Do I really need a license for my smartphone?
>Was he related to one of the guys Derek killed?
Nope, it was because danny disrespected him earlier in the movie. The moral of the story was that niggers are physically incapable of responding to a perceived slight with anything less than murder.
This can't be real.
>So am I like... supposed to not hate blacks at the end of this movie?
Yep. That's the liberal mindset you're supposed to adopt. No matter how horrible a black person acts, no matter what they do, as long as it's done to a white person, it's righteous and good because white people deserve it and worse according to liberals. That's the moral of the story. Oh, and if a black person does something bad to a non-white, the black person isn't at fault because it's all whitey's fault (again, according to liberals).
Learn it.
>literally kill blacks and advocate for white supremacy when you are in fact not white
>legitimate and statistically backed criticism of niggers
sure thing Sup Forums
>Was this nigger retarded
was this water wet
was this fire hot
was this OP gay
It's complex. Therefore deep and important.
Also the film is a gigantic fucking mess because;
>original script was a gangster/crime film
>director wanted to me Le Profound Art Film Statement On Race
>Norton took over production and demanded it be "Give Me An Oscar: The Movie"
It of course does a very good job of making the skinheads sympathetic, and a very poor job of explaining why they are wrong and an extremely dumb justification for why skinheads exist.
In the finished film it was because "Le Vicious Circle Of Hate" - it was a bizarre overreaction to Danny standing up to him bullying that kid.
In the original script he was a member of the gang that the guys Derek killed were from (and in the original script Derek was a major meth dealer and the blacks were there to rob him after getting a tip off from fat nazi and old nazi and that's why Derek killed them)
>movie makes skinheads into cartoonish villains
>"that's not fair, why can't movies make them the least bit human"
>movie makes them the least bit human
>"le never relax around blax XDXDXDXD"
This is why we can't have good movies.
Beat me to it
niggers love killing Whites
Do they really have to pay a penis inspection tax?
kys millennial
There's a difference between skinhead gangs and ethno-nationalism. Why assume that he gave up his beliefs? Almost all ethno-nationalists are critical of skinheads.
>remove third world genetic trash incapable of maintaining a modern society
>a very poor job of explaining why they are wrong
it was very clearly spelled out by the black doctor though
the point isn't that "racism is wrong", it's "dedicating your life to racism is useless"
the movie isn't averse to showing that black people tend to commit crime, and it isn't averse to showing that white people tend to treat black people like shit. the movie never attacks neo nazis or "fuck whitey" blacks for their beliefs, but rather for the fact that they ruin their own lives by engaging in it. i'm guessing this is why people think it's a "redpilled" film, since it challenges black people too, which movies rarely do because of (((hollywood))). it's very clearly spelled out when the black doctor guy asks the protagonist "has anything you've done ever made your life better?" all the neo nazi bullshit the protagonist has engaged it hasn't brought black crime to an end, nor has it vindicated his father. it's just selfish catharsis that only serves to perpetuate racial issues.
i don't really understand why so many people have trouble understanding the film. it's not a complex film. all the messages the movie wants to say are very clearly explained to the viewer by the characters. the only way you'd misunderstand it is if you disregard what the only smart black character in the movie says
>please dont hurt with me
What did he mean by this ? Please respond, native burgers.
>ywl never have prime fairuza balk nazi gf
It's not.
Surely this gentleman wouldn't have such an anti-white agenda, right? I mean look at him, he's a white man himself!
Great post
>This movie isn't telling you to pick sides, its telling you to free yourself from unnecessary hate
I was thinking this may be the case, but that they just had a poor way of conveying that message.
>"Here's a pretty straightforward film about race, let's give it an ambiguous type ending that'll go over the heads of 98% of our audience and then blame them for "not getting it"
>Te original ending has Derrick going back to being a Nazi after his brother is killed.
I actually think that would've made things a lot clearer.
Surprised I didn't know that.
Good analysis
>Was this guy retarded
Just black m8, so yes
he did nothing but kill a nazi
tell me again who gamergate doesn't harass colored people
>beating the shit out of a plebbitor
>implying the nigs aren't /ourguys/
>He didndunuffin
>Jamal was a good boii loving his mama and shieeet.
Skin heads are just niggers with white skin.
Evry white nationalists with a brain in his skull hates them like the pest.
Spoken like a true nigger.
It's exactly what that nigg was thinking when he shot him
Tell me how does it feel to have a nigger brain in your skull ?
Alt-Right/Hotep alliance mofugga.
Spoken like a true dickless beta nu male.
Wtf I love the political subversion by mass immigration now. I have my subtle and hidden cuck racism to make me feel good about myself.
Wtf I love not taking responsibility as long as I can make a more general moral argument now.
Fkn retard.
Wtf let's all be nigger then.
Wtf i love niggers now
Never gonna happen.
Nice strawman
Good selective argument crafting as well
Especially liked the understanding of why people are upset with the presentation of the motivation of the nazis.
>FBI stats are racis
Doesn't work like that, dumbo.
they covered the most milketoast and pissweak white nationalist subjects, it was an embarrassment, the biggest red pills are hitler did nothing wrong, the holohoax didnt happen, and elite jewish dynasties run a warped banking system that has made the entire world their slaves, and started WW2 to keep hitler from breaking free of it, they didnt touch on that at all, they complained about a kosher tax and hinted at loss of freedoms and white genocide.
I enjoyed the movie, especially that the final villain was soo charismatic and smart for once, and had good reasons for what he did, but they failed to present real reasons to be a white nationalist, and frankly if they did the movie would never have been made and harry potter would have been too big a pussy to make it, not to mention he was the least convincing "ex iraqi navy seal" i've ever seen, hes 4 foot tall and skinny no ex iraq military man looks like that.
>prime fairuza balk will never spit in your face and call you a dirty nigger
hi cuck
>The Believer > AH X
niggers are a cancer and a scourge destroying everything civilized
The kikes & leftists applaud at blacks taking over what used to be a nice white area. There is just a totally different world view, thats how they can produce this movie and not understand how sane people will view it.
>the point isn't that "racism is wrong", it's "dedicating your life to racism is useless"
And most blacks in the USA have dedicated their lives to hating white/getting back at whitey
Seems to have worked out fine for them.
They even have cucked self-hating whites making stupid videos telling other whites that defending their town or neighborhood is morally wrong.
>Be male white supremacist (read: American)
>Get shot
Samefag spotted, your meme-spouting gave it away clear as crystal.