of the end of history on Earth. This doesn't mean what you think it means, however. Not APOCALYPSE, but rather EXPANSION. It means the end of human history focusing on our small, limited little planet. We have explored, and therefore fought over, just about every corner of the globe. Now the developed world shifts its eyes to the skies, to what lies beyond; just as it did with the seas.

Pic related. It's us.

When Globalisation™ means for all intents and purposes ethnocide and dispossession of the European peoples the future holds very little promise in regards to technological innovation and space travel.

globalists don't want us to expand to the stars. Put people on other planets and they become much harder to control. They want to keep us here on this rock so they can keep us contained and exploited forever.

You do know that wall-e is a globalist instruction manual, right?
We'll never colonize the stars
We'll go up, and realize we cannot go anywhere, and just drift around until...

We could already be exploring space if niggers didn't exist

Of course. But when affluent nations take time to look back and preserve what we've accomplished here, and Work Together Toward A Common Goal™, eventually it will either be:

A. Infinite attempts to take care of those who refuse to take care of themselves, or

B. Leaving those people to their own devices while we move on with our accomplishments.

If history serves correct, we'll learn our lesson soon enough about plan A and move on to plan B.

Isn't it insane to think there are people out there, who believe earth is "it". As in the only thing that matters, has power, intelligence, as well as permanent uninterrupted free will in the universe? It's da juice fault for keeping it taboo within the general public.

Mind bending if you ask me.

Plan B requires that nations remain sovereign, we cannot accomplish greater things if we are responsible for all the world's problems. I see future interstellar civilization as something akin to the Dune novels, where humans have conquered the stars but still war among each other.

Well, if you think about it we hardly knew of exoplanets existing a mere 100 years ago. That would be like the time of Columbus. Even he didn't realize he stumbled on a new continent. What we've been able to find in the last 10 years with Kepler has been astonishing. And it's really only capable of seeing Jupiter+ sized planets, while humanity is best suited for small rocky planets that are so far fairly unobservable with the tech we've got; so its no wonder we haven't found many. I think we're on the brink of another Amerigo Vespucci telling us "hey, there's actually a lot out here for us..."

It's not the end of the world. Just the end of your world white boy

kek not traveling to the 9th dimention using an gate. top kek m8

I think you're being a little naive here.

The people in power who espouse globalism often speak of very high-minded ideals and hopes for the future, but words are air. Their actions are completely, unambiguously at odds with what they say. They talk of world peace but actively kickstart wars. They talk of a higher quality of life for everyone but work tirelessly to find new ways to exploit the populace. They talk about how multiculturalism and diversity will make society more cohesive while they funnel money into groups that try to start discord along ethnic lines, keeping the people constantly divided and scared. They talk about caring laws and humanitarian government while trying to undermine national vote-based democratic systems and replace them with corporate oligarchies beholden to no elected official.

Globalism as envisioned by its greatest proponents won't lead us to Star Trek. It'll lead us to Metal Gear.

>9th dimension
it's all about the 8th dimension nerd.

Globalisation means everyone is now equally worse off. That's what it means.

Somehow, I'm very pessimistic about that.
Exoplanets where we can land and breathe the air I believe is like 2 in the entire milky way, and we're on one of them, and we probably need to genocide the locals on the other one
Exoplanets (and exomoons) where we can stay in atmosphere controlled chambers while drawing surrounding resources is >10^8

>Pic related. It's us.


Globalism means all the Jews can milk every last resource from every nation on Earth until the end of the world.

Except the globalists have done nothing to indicate their ability to coordinate the world in space travel. The biggest accomplishments have been by individual countries and the only ones making any progress right now are private companies like spacex.

Most of what you say is because while we live on this Earth, there are limited resources. Like I said, there will be the desire to include everyone, and the desire from everyone to be included, but in the end only so many can go on. I think they do this to give hope to the masses of people that will be left behind, because in the end if they don't have hope they will riot and prevent any exploration from happening because we'll be bogged down in focusing all of our achievements toward conflict.


And now children, you see, with niggers becoming 4 billion and muslims becoming 2 billion and poo in loos becoming 2 billion, while gooks and chinks stagnate and whites are in decline, we will GO TO SPACE!!!!

Let's hope the whites do. But hey: remember when white Europeans become under pressure in their home countries, found and created a new world and made it their own? Whatever happened to that?


>Remember when white Europeans became under pressure in their home countries, and found and created a new world and made it their own? Whatever happened to that?

Are you retarded? USA became the most powerful country in the world, and Europeans expanded across the globe. Now we've come to fill it, and the others are getting jealous. So it's time to do what we do best, and keep moving on. Do you not pay attention? It's just like said, the biggest progress is coming from Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin, Orbital ATK. They're all mostly based in America. They're all private companies. They're all headed by very wealthy WHITE MEN. As are Microsoft and Apple, and Google is headed by a pooinloo, but yet again in AMERICA.

There's an unprecedented time-span of peace in the Western world. That's globalism as far as I'm concerned, a coordinated effort rather than conflict. And the savages continue to war with one another.

Through globalization, people will be reduced to 70 IQ chimps. Good luck colonizing space with that

ever played ss13?

This is what a type one future will look like.

Can't forget the fact that all those exoplanets are so far away that most of them could very well be non existing by now, simply cause all the light and stuff takes so long to reach our telescopes.

>muh big corporations
>muh white 0.1%

ESA also landed on an asteroid just recently and is involved in all of your technology at NASA.

That doesn't change the demographic destiny of the West and especially OP's proposition.

Great post user .

>Half population is black
We are not even gona colonize Mars dude


there is still so much we have yet to discover and learn about, we havent even tapped into seeing all of the ocean and its creatures

>all these blue pilled cucks thinking space travel is the future

Space travel is an extreme version of a common belief that it is easier to run away from our problems than to solve them. Those who gleefully look forward to space colonization are either insane or brainwashed by fancy imagery to the point of religious devotion.

The optimistic belief in space travel, colonising Mars, etc.....has dangerous parallels with conventional religion. While it is human to seek comfort in religion, it is a misleading and dangerous way of thinking we should be aware of, and wary of.

As president Eisenhower once said, every ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

We have had the unbelievable 1 in 10 trillion good fortune to be born on a planet with life. And not just life – with great abundance, beauty, and mystery. And there are demented, craven assholes who want to trash the planet with climate change and then try to colonize some unknown, desolate rock careening through the galaxy? Good fucking luck with that.