Is it worth the marathon
Is it worth the marathon
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Sneed's Feed and Seed
The finale is actually pretty tense and satisfying so there's that. I liked it a lot but it isn't everyone's cup of tea. Like I said though thought the finale was really satisfying. People getting comeuppance if that's your thing.
I came here for the mmhmmposting.
*blocks your path*
*calls you a nigger*
Seriously when will somebody explain this joke to me.
>"mmmmmmmmm nootka sound mmmmm" intensifies
mhmm company man?
I have a use for you
be careful now mmhmm
Sneed's Feed and Seed, formerly Chuck's, implies a purposeful rhyming scheme. If Chuck's had a rhyming scheme as well, what a dirty mind might think is Chuck's f*ck and s*ck.
I watched about 5 episodes. Very little happens each episode. Feels like they had to stretch the plot hard.
It's alright. The magical negro has everything JUST AS PLANNED a bit too much, but other than that it has a pretty decent plot. The politics of the situation is fun, wish they focused only on that - the incest plot line that it feels like the show is what slows everything down and is overall pretty pointless.
mhhmmmmm... careful now....
I'd say it is. it's something different from the usual slog on TV
how valuable is your time really?
The greatest lovecraftian show out there.
Careful now...
I definitely got a strong Lovecraft vibe form the show. Can't think of any other good shows with the same feel, so you're probably right.
It was the strangest thing sire, before yer father passed, he would just spend days on end just typing mmmmhmm nootka hmmmm onto a burmese bat cave forum
I have a use for dubs
yea for the mhhhh memes
and for watching s2 with tv
The show was surprisingly comfy on those cold January days, mhmm.
Yes it's hmmmhmmm kino
Dumb american
Incest plot line was great for memes at least
I don't know why this made me laugh so hard
>literally 3 outdoor and 4 indoors sets the series.
its a meme, he's going into every thread posting this
the finale was such a copout. sherlock-tier badly written shlock where a mastermind outsmarts everyone and orchestrates events to unfold perfectly at just the right time while rotting in prison. what a fcking asspull
big guy tv series?
*walks angrily*
*holds watermelons under his arms*
I have a use for this
I have no intention of watching this but routinely take part in nootkaposting anyway
Watch it faggot
*Karambits you vertically and eats your jugular*
Mmm I was like you once but the Mmmhmm
Mr. Delaney, i'm EIC
post the "this motherucker is signing super hot contracts and basically you are fuckin american" pic
Mmmm company man?
Be VERY careful now...
good show. shame about the fanbase here
times you acted like Delaney?
kek, even True Detective S1 is more lovecrafty
mmhmm I don't have a use for you
mmm aagh be very careful now
Ate a egg whole the other day.
Didn't wear gloves, though.
*walks angrily*
*wears tophat tilted slightly forward*
ahhh hmm hmmm
*rides horse angrily*
ahhh nootka hmmmmm
*mutters in african*
*puts powder on face*
mmmm powder hmmm
*unsheathes karambit*
aaah hmmm mmmmm
*bangs sister*
choose your next words...very...carefully
*bangs sister in her dreams via african magic*
mmmm nootka... ahhhh
*opens eyes wide and stares*
hnnnnnnn hmmm
*peels egg with gloves and eats it whole*
*cuts out heart*
mmmmm tell the company hhhhnnnnnn aaahhh
*has vision of his mother in a river*
hhhmmmhhmmm the treaty hmmm
*doesn't wear pants*
good day
> James FUCKING Delaney
I have about as much respect for Taboo as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.
It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.
are you king or are you company?
mhmm be very careful now
>FUCKING American
>It is reddit
Stopped reading there mmm
>Stopped reading there
where do you think all these meme posters came from? thats literally the extent of the humor on the taboo subreddit
I'm dying.
>browses reddit
>knowing it exists = browses!
yeah no. but you'd love it there.
Why do redditfags ruin everything?
Nootkaposting was the last sanctuary in Sup Forums and sure enough here come the fags talking about their shit website
nootkaposting came from reddit, as you well know.
No it didn't as you well know faggot redditor, we were gruntposting from like ep 2, fuck redditor get your own shit
>still denying it
jesus christ just go back already. your substance-less redditposting is not funny to anyone but your reddit ilk
First post ITT fgt, I was here from the start idk what the fuck you cucks were doing on your shitty site, don't really care as always we started something and some faggot e.g. (you), comes in calling it reddit cause like the faggot you are you saw a cheap imitation while on your cucked site. That about right mmh?
>the incest plot line that it feels like the show is what slows everything down and is overall pretty pointless.
Yeah totally pointless when you consider the name of the show
you have to go back.
No really honestly, you do, and please stay their
Chuck's Fuck and Suck
you have to go back. and keep your repetitive unfunny reddit humor there.
So your just a FUCKING NIGGER mmmm useless
>i cant post DA EN WERD on my reddit so im come to LE 4CHEN to vent my edge!
it all makes sense why you come here now. too much of a cuck to say nigger in your safe space so you bring come here and bring your shit humor with you
Be... veeeery... careful now.
called it.
go back.
You just can't help being a leddit cuck eh? Go shill your shit site somewhere else, last mmmmh
Mmmh yes
>still here
go back
>gets exposed as a plebbit pissfaggot
i fucking hate when people ask this question
just fucking watch the 1st episode and if you're intrigued at all, watch the 2nd. who the fuck cares? what you dont have an extra hour to devote to watching the show? and if you dont like it then stop watching it and you have extra time to watch something else.
whenever anyone asks this question the thread is full of stupid fucking memes about the show in question and people shitting on it because its not the 'perfect' show that everyone compares every show to but never can say what it is
Yeah man remember the important puppy plotline in reservoir dogs? Really added to the drama.
Mmmmh powdah
It mmh did
Meh any chance to mmmh, just ignore the niggers
>this thread
But True Detective S1 is very Lovecraftian.
Anybody else listen to this on loop when they take a walk to the shops?
>yfw Aidan Gillen is the main antagonist of s2
>no I have a use for you
mmm alhmmmost