Series of the year? Short answer: Probably
Also, poor ol' Ted did nothing wrong.
Series of the year? Short answer: Probably
Also, poor ol' Ted did nothing wrong.
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>le did nothing wrong meme
we all know he sent packages to people that exploded people in the immediate vicinity sir
He did wrongs and you could argue the system wronged him a long time ago. I understand his pain, the isolation from being an outsider since childhood. Then going to Harvard, knowing he's incredibly gifted with a 167 IQ. He then thought he was a chosen one where he was selected as a program for a select group under a respected Harvard alumni. He looked at Murray as a deity, he probably indulged everything to that man for a good year if I recall. Then suddenly they turn on him, intense abuse for 3 years on a weekly basis by grown men. He was just a poor lost kid who wanted to be loved and accepted, thought this was an initiation. But this was cruel sadistic monsters who ran tests on him, then he couldn't find work that challenged him after his scholarly efforts.
Being of extreme intelligence usually means a form of autistic spectrum, which is telling his inability of social assimilation. Eventually he felt like a man backed into a corner who was thrown into a world where even him someone immensely gifted of 167 iq could fail, falling deep through the cracks of the system. The world can be a cruel unfair joke at times and he wanted to make a difference for those who he knew would meet the same fate as him that would fail despite extreme outlier gifts.
This doesn't forgive him, but sometimes you need to try and understand how the monster became a monster before just dismissing and walking away. We seriously need to find a way to prevent more outliers of intelligence from feeling the pain of neglect and an unequal rigged world. Then the mental health care stigma that looms in america/western civilization needs to be removed, some people genuinely need help in some places be it: math, science, english and some cases mental stability, there is no perfect being.
Ted was a good man who wanted positive change and feared the future he foresaw. But he was exposed to unusual cruelty and was an unfortunate casualty of a broken system/evolving marketplace.
His manifesto was surprisingly clairvoyant. I wouldn't say I agreed with it, but he definitely wasn't a nutter, just an extremist.
Childhood is idolising the postal system.
Adulthood is realising Ted made more sense.
Good series, but I wish they focused more on him. Opposed to glorifying the detective who brought him down, it was somewhat interesting, but not what I wanted.
Hoping this gets picked up by netflix, you have to have an interest in the unabomber in order to see this.
mkultra and a jew "psychologist" messed up his head and made him crazy
wouldnt be surprised if they skim over this in the show
go back
I was looking for a documentary about the unabomber few days ago, thx OP
Does it make you feel bad that you keep making these threads and yet no one cares? It would make me feel bad
Stop making sense you liberal nigger-lover
>Also, poor ol' Ted did nothing wrong.
american did wrong by trusting pollacks
>Ted did nothing wrong.
Ted was a dangerous murdering criminal you fuckhead.
Reddit post
it's been degraded to the point of meaning x did wrong but had sympathetic qualities nowadays
It's a good show, but not so fast to make it series of the year.
Has anyone read his latest books?
fucking idiot, he was literally psychologically broken for over 3 years, it's public record
very prophetic
On the other hand it is possible that human control over the machines may be retained. In that case the average man may have control over certain private machines of his own, such as his car or his personal computer, but control over large systems of machines will be in the hands of a tiny elitesjust as it is today, but with two differences. Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system. If the elite is ruthless they may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity. If they are humane they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite. Or, if the elite consists of soft-hearted liberals, they may decide to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human race. They will see to it that everyone's physical needs are satisfied, that all children are raised under psychologically hygienic conditions, that everyone has a wholesome hobby to keep him busy, and that anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes "treatment" to cure his "problem." Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove their need for the power process or to make them "sublimate" their drive for power into some harmless hobby. These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they most certainly will not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals.
madman or genius?
doesn't take a genius to come to these conclusions, although he was one
watching just because I have nothing else to watch right now.
I like it when australian man's accent fails him every few minutes.
Could he get a retrial? His legal counseling failed him and it seemed as if the judge conspired with them. Then it isn't like this is a massive secret, but we deny or ignore it because we find it to be best and fit what we want. It just seems as if the justice system lacks integrity and will do whatever to get the job done sadly. Ted had that detective beat, but he got beat in a game he couldn't win. It's sad honeslty.