>character needs to break down a door
>starts hitting it with his shoulder
Character needs to break down a door
>reels in pain as he hurts his shoulder
>Well that didn't work!
>What's plan B?
>character posts "THERE IS NO PLAN B!"
>instead of
>"That WAS plan B!"
>character trying to break floorboards below him
>starts doing butt bounces
>character smashes a bottle to use in combat
>the bottle smashes too much and is unusable as a weapon
>Okay onto plan B
>what's plan B!?
Where's the OTHER door?
>switch to open door is too high
>character lays an egg and throws it
>Guess I'm keeping the child
There IS NO other door!!
>Cuts himself with a shard and dies off arterial bleeding
>alarm goes off
>immediately jumps out of bed
This was my other door!
>Buff chad
>Doesn't have morning wood
>hair perfectly dressed
>radio comes on
>right away we hear something important to the plot
>character needs to break down a door
>is not particularly strong or /fit/
>kicks it open in one try
I've tried this in abandoned houses. It's really not that easy.
>wake up with perfect make up and hair
>and your OTHER shoulder
>MC starts trying to break down door
>All of a sudden it opens from the inside
>it's the MC's female sidekick
>"How did you get in?"
>"The unlocked door over there"
Someone has to have the brains around here
>character is having breakfast
>they have a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, black pudding, hashbrowns, and coffee
>character just takes a tiny sip of coffee and leaves
if someone made all that shit for me I wouldn't leave the table till it was all gone I don't give a fuck if the world is ending or what.
I fucking hate meal scenes because of this
>Gigantic plate of food
>Eats a a single bite of toast
>"Okay I gotta go"
>Man reels back in pain holding his shoulder
>Woman sighs,(partner, backup, whatev) effortlessly kicks it in on the first go
> 'After you...'
that's because it's usually hard to have continuity with food - especially if you're doing multiple takes for whatever reason.
>character walks up stairs
>goes up two at a time even though he's walking.
>radio comes on EXACTLY as a show starts
...that is a good point which I somehow failed to consider
>character is flipping through tv channels
>every channel is at the beginning of a sentence
>character walks up stairs
>doesn't run up them on all fours like the feral animal he is on the inside
>character makes a big deal about going to the diner because he's hungry
>get to the diner and order 4 cokes
>doesn't even take a sip and leaves
It's why they have those buckets on set that they spit into after every take.
If actors actually ate the foot every take they'd look like the average American.
Manlet detected.
I actually go up stairs two at a time whenever I walk up some. Is something wrong with me?
Settle down Quentin
>and your other door
>Armed soldiers/personnel
>some of which are trained police and or military personnel
Yeah, I get why they do it.
It's probably hard for them to speak the dialogue properly as well.
You have to take my backdoor!
The only thing that annoys me about that picture is the backpack.
What possible fucking reason does he need one like that, or any at all.
Everything else has its use.
>character and his buddies eat at diner
>"omelette rice with ketchup please"
Why is this always eaten?
>it's implied two characters engage in coitus
>afterwards, while still naked, the female aggressively covers her breasts with the sheets even if she sits up
>Big Guy's minions shooting the ground instead of their targets
>Not utilizing those hi-jacked armored vehicles that're practically under their control to mow down them boys-in-blue
>those retards who had guns decided to stop shooting and charge that cop-mob instead of falling back to reload and shoot some more
>t. Shoulderlet
>at 10 seconds you can one of the first cops in a bright reflector vest literally shuck and jive through everyone and never getting hit
>henchmen fighting main character
>all get knocked out and stay unconscious for minutes afterwards, implying serious brain damage or death
That shit is the worst in the Sopranos where half the scenes take place while they're eating, but all anyone ever does is stab their plate a bunch of times.
Why the fuck do you even have scenes of people talking over dinner if you're not going to have them eat? And yeah, I get why it happens, but why set up so many scenes like this then?
>rotting food under hot lights
Still, not reasons for the meme though. It's to show how loving the wife is, and how busy husband is really quickly and lazily.
This changes in season 6 or so. By then they started having issues with food because Gandolfini insisted in finishing his plate every time between takes. They would spend a fortune in food just feeding him.
>cultural festival
>class decides haunted house sideshow
>real ghost participates
>zombie movie
>everyone has to act like a fucking retard otherwise movie wouldn't work
>male cop tries to pick the lock on the door
>female steps up and jingles the keys she found somewhere in front of his nose smiling smugly
>immediately brushes teeth and then heads down for some breakfast juice
Fucking savages.
Tony always eats his gabagool during the series and every time he eats pasta he always takes a few bites. Bobby also would always eat whatever was in front of him.
>looking in the pot flower/under the rug for the key
This trope has to go, it's not the 50's anymore.
>self proclaimed weirdo, anti social outcast loser character
>has qt gf and healthy circle of friends he sees on the reg.
I'd love a zombie show that has the initial outbreak, make the main character work at a morgue or someplace like that for some real danger, but shows how efficiently the army/CDC would handle it and then at the end it shows how society has had to adapt, everyone locking themselves into their rooms at night in case they die in their sleep and emergency responders being trained in taking out the revenant if their patients die, the sudden rise in doomsday cults and people trying to overthrow the government etc.
>character picks a lock in 5 seconds
>character picks every type of lock the same way
>character kneels right in the corridor in the most suspicious manner to pick a lock
>character can use absolutely everything to pick a lock
>character stole something or did prison time and now he's a lockpicking master
>character has a special kit in his pocket for picking locks
>character lifts carpet, vase or looks in some corner and the key is there
>character pickpockets the key
>snap guns don't exist
>the nerd girl
>after an event in the movie she loses her glasses and her hair bun is let loose
>she happens to be a 10/10
>What's plan B?
>You other shoulder
i like this trope when they pull it off well to be honest
>never uses a simple bumpkey because if they showed that on prime tv there'd be a sudden surge in "break"-ins, since it's so stupidly easy with any older lock
>character is playing a videogame
>mashes down every button available constantly and randomly
You just named every single town...
There are no frogs to show my amazement, no frogs
even arise when they are supposedly playing a racing game where really their right thumb should pretty much be holding down the X or A button and left thumb doing the steering so tilting the joystick every now and then or pressing the d pad
>drops sun visor
>car key falls down
Name the movie.
shooting eating is nightmare because of (1) consistency issues - you can't reshoot something because gandolfini just ate everything on the table and (2) it's hard to make it look good and sound good.
Maybe someone was trying to kick it from the other side at the same time?
House wasn't abandoned and the guy that lives there had his hands full and needs to go to work and you made him late.
You took his job!
>characters break into a house
>dont immediately set of the alarm or wake the neighbors
Action scenes with guns always trigger the shit out of me. Has nobody in hollywood ever heard of cover?
truly nolans greatest kino
you would be surprised how often this actually happens IRL
you need to know a door's pressure points you dingus
nolan's "epic"
literally all they have to do is have the actress shiver or rub her arms to make it seem reasonable but no suddenly she's a fucking prude in front of her husband of 10+ years.
>the dark knight: NO MORE DEAD COPS
>the dark knight rises: there are more dead cops
wtf, Nolan?
can't even keep continuity straight
this is the kind of shit that would interest me. Like, the zombies get cleared away stat but society is shaken afterwards because no one really understands what caused the outbreak, or if the virus is lingering, and opportunists caused significant damage in just the short time the outbreak was active.
>it's hard to make it look good and sound good
I see this complaint a lot but the other day my coworker was like "has she always been pretty?" in reference to my other coworker and literally the only difference is that she had her hair down instead of in a bun like usual. Hair has a huge effect on attractiveness, it's why so many dudes hate pixie cuts.
>that pic
Pure kino.
>character gets in a violent fistfight
>no bruises
>no concussions
>character is playing a videogame
>uses some fucking iphones to play their xbox
>How'd you know to do that?
>I grew up with three shoulders.
Only trope that's somewhat realistic is
>stoner character
>everything he says, his whole life turns around use of weed
my favorite variant of that is from this kids' book I read in like the fifth grade where the main character's best friend is really good at jumping rope, and the reason she's so good is because she's grew up with 5 older brother who were constantly attacking her so she had to learn to defend herself by whipping the shit out of them with a jump rope before eventually learning to use it for its intended purpose.
Don't forget libertarianism.
>"Well that didn't work!"
>Other character opens door, as it is unlocked.
>Female partner walks up and karate kicks the door down
>How did you do that
>I had 3 brothers growing up
>guy comes in room
>wait until boss stops talking to other guy
>finally his turn
>"Boss, there's something you gotta see"
>nods to the tv
>boss turns it on
>TV broadcast JUST starting about something to do with them
I think the most recent I saw this happen was in Narcos S3.
>loyal henchman comes running into the room with vital information that the boss obviously wants to hear
>the boss kills him because "I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO BE DISTURBED!!!!!"
Hecking rude, to be honest.
>"beauty on the inside matters more than beauty on the outside"
>person the hero tells that is a 10/10 who plays "the ugly guy/gal"
>character has an enormous bag of chips
>takes out a single chip
>bites off half of it
always pisses me off. who the fuck eats a cherry/plum like that
You should seriously consider writing a pilot for this.
Would watch/10.
hope some tv exec is reading this
WTF, is this a Batman movie? What were they thinking? Is this a political statement or some shit?
>character says "could care less"
>woman walks over and pulls it open