As a white guy with an asian fiancee, how come there are no romantic comedies with white guys and asian girls?

As a white guy with an asian fiancee, how come there are no romantic comedies with white guys and asian girls?

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It doesn't fit the narrative.

the american market doesnt care for asians in major roles for film. simple as that. you'll see plenty of "white male with asian female" couples as side characters though. the other minorities in america (black and latino) are more likely to get some sort of starring role.

i've imagined one of those days a action/dramatic/sci-fi/comedy movie about White Brazilian cop from 1950s and a Japanese Spy from 1960s

inb4 some assblasted insecure Sup Forumslack gets triggered

Here's one

They're married IRL too

>White Brazillian


Have you seen the sequel starring Elliot "If she rejects my cock, she gets the Glovk" Roger?

>autistic jew-asian elite.

Because you have it backwards.


What a qt

>a wild BRBRBR appears

>Actually marries a jew in real life and converts

Oy vey.

>As a white guy with an asian fiancee, ******I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW**** how come there are no romantic comedies with white guys and asian girls?

Why aren't there anything with asian girls in anything

She isn't white tho


wouldn't it though? white men downgrading and creating mentally ill hapas instead of a normal relationship with a healthy white woman

seems exactly what they'd want

roastie detected

because white guys that date asian girls are boring and so are asians in general. not good subject material for comedies.

The "mentally ill hapas" thing is part of the narrative.

Has anyone met a jew-asian offspring? Are they as insufferable as I would assume?

>white men downgrading and creating mentally ill hapas

Wow that's a hot and edgy fact!
Where did you get THAT idea from?

all hapas in existence are the most fucking disturbed "humans" on the planet, a holocaust of evolution
elliot rodgers

"""Sup Forums knowledge"""
lump it together with "all villains in all media must be conflicted" and "video games are/aren't art"

Check'd also user will never recover

omg ur right user ELLIOT RODGERS hey now that you mention it THE COLUMBINE was half asian two oh jeez that's a whole 2 people right there mind=blown i'll be a stronger man now that i have this knowledge

It's usually beta settlers who go for asian women, or weird guys who have a "thing" for them. (Only if they make decent money though.)

Hapas seem to be some of the craziest SJWs that you'll ever see.

>mentally ill hapas

Oh fuck off. There's a handful of examples to "support" this and it's the most pseudo scientific shit I've ever seen.

>Elliot Rodger!
>Emma Sulkowicz!
>no but WMAF is bad while AMWF is good

Hapas are only that way because they either have shit tier parenting and decide it must be their race or they are regular depressed teens and decide it must be their race

No fucking half black half white kid ever had such a hard time accepting themselves. There's no "bridge between two worlds" bullshit they fantasize about in their heads to explain all their problems. Hapas are just rich kids so they have rich kid problems and complain about them on reddit.

all biracial people are deranged and self-hating, regardless of the specifics of the parents

being born in america will exacerbate the symptoms

WMAF looks to be a spy/action flick exclusive; the edgy, slick couple. romantic comedies are reserved for jews and white people

>It's usually beta settlers
Source? It's usually just ordinary people, unless that's what you mean by beta.

ok sounds objective
report back when you acquire your white gf user

This. I blame ass mad asian men who feel "their" women are being taken by white men.

i don't know what you meant to imply with this post

It took 5 seconds to prove you're full of shit. Most biracial people are actually proud of their heritage and find it advantageous.

r/asianmasculinity is at it again. Can you guys just fuck off for once, even Sup Forums isn't this obnoxious.

I fucking thought I was posting in the Sup Forums thread of this for a minute.

>No fucking half black half white kid ever had such a hard time accepting themselves.
Because they're black.

Lmao no

this said multiracial not biracial

please give the source when i reverse image search nothing shows up

>white woman are overrated

>cue the mental illness stats for mixed people

fuck me white woman are bitches
actually as a guy dating a pino, ill say pino woman are pretty bitchy to

you mean somebody on Sup Forums told you it was true and you went "huh, i never noticed", and the brain trap snapped shut. now it doesn't matter how much evidence you find to the contrary, the hunch will always be there; because you like the idea.

in a country with a dwindling white population and a skyrocketing mixed, with all sorts of visual confirmation from television, everyone bumping into each other at school and in the streets - interracial relationships are highly normalized.

on the contrary, it doesn't take a "weird" kid to fall into one of these mixed setups - mixed race is actually as norp as it gets.
if your family, or a dating website, isn't setting you up directly, you have to put in hard work and patience to meet a girl who shares your background. ESPECIALLY if the majority of your time is spent online.

Because white trash whores are jealous cunts

based Harold

The hardest part about being multiracial seems to be that people treat you differently.

Also, in the context of this thread, 58% of White-Asian people say their background has been an advantage with 3% who said it was disadvantageous.

So yeah, I'm guessing the "all multiracial people are messed up" thing is bullshit.

white women are soooo ugly i want based #mixed babies haha

>WMAF is bad while AMWF is good

1. white people are more socially valuable in western society
2. women choose men

wmaf can only attract socially inferior asian women while amwf are alpha enough to overcome social advantages and attract white women

my cousins are white-pino and they are really hot

i'm just letting you know how objective and calm you sound, it's all very agreeable and lends credibility to your authentic and hard-earned argument that you didn't scrape up off an image board.
i'm sure no malice factored into it and your healthy social life will soon grant you a samerace gf, that you may rest peacefully.

>and a skyrocketing mixed
It's primarily the non-whites doing this. Only 7% of whites marry a non-white.

>you have to put in hard work and patience to meet a girl who shares your background
Are you describing yourself as an Asian male? (5.6% of the population).

>white people are more socially valuable

Based on what, exactly? Income level, educational achievement, IQ scores?

t.asian male
i have only ever been with white girls(i'm white)

why is the word "hapa" suddenly doing the rounds on Sup Forums lately

facial attractiveness/smell

Correlation =/= causation.

SES background would be a significant lurking variable, particularly in White-Asian relationships.

Who's second pic, top row?

>asian wife
Is this - truly - the easy mode of dating?

>strong beautiful parents = strong beautiful kids
It's not always about race. Hapa shit is just memes. Good genes reign supreme...gentlemen. ;)

Combination of success, power, culture, beauty, IQ, etc. Also if you don't want another boring brown eye, brown hair, brown skin person, pretty much your only option is white.

Come back when you have an argument.

The insecurity even tops /r9k/.

exclusive secret meme knowledge like the words "goy" "dilation" "kino" and formerly "fedora"
we activists here on Sup Forums are gonna change the world

I think Dumb and Dumberer had one

Sup Forums seems like the sort of place hapas would hang out.

not really, most asian girls have conservative over protective parents
you will have a lot of hoops to jump through.specially Japanese girls who dont even like Japanese men let a long the betas here on Sup Forums

Only if she needs a green card. The ones here chase after better quality whites.

Who is this Zuck knockoff?

that movie was so shit

whites are globally the most attractive and desired people, it's not exactly news lol

mixed asian with mixed friends love white guys
full asians think it's weird and will fuck you for a while mainly but not marry

are you blind? how many asians were in your school's "cool" crowd? how many asians do you see in top frats? how many asian politicians are there? how many asians are there in hollywood?

you are truly deluded if you think all races are equal

Asian people are more successful than whites in a number of ways, though.

The median net worth of Asian Americans is $445,600, compared to the general population's $385,000.

They're also more likely to attend college/university and graduate. They receive better exam scores than the general population and also perform better on IQ tests.

I'm not trying to say one race is better than the other, but Asians clearly perform well and are socially valuable as a result.

cause we work hard , invented nearly everything form modern medicine to the internet. and made the world a better place to live for everyone

You should want, like I, more World Peaceā„¢.


so what brought the red pill upon you? all seems to be going well!

still not enough


With nigga women there's a chance of death.

True. Though if you admit this, then you also are agreeing to "white privilege."