It's a House insults minorities and fatties in a way it wouldn't be tolerated in today's tv

>it's a House insults minorities and fatties in a way it wouldn't be tolerated in today's tv

What's your favourite episode Sup Forums?

the one where he gobbles Vicodin and talks about lupus

House's Head

Help Me

the 3 leg amputees

The one with Chase being a grave digger for the nigger

Be not Afraid

>Patient: Nobody can figure out what's wrong with me
>House: Well your shirt is gaping at the collar, that means you've lost weight. You're flushed, that's fever, and you're short of breath. Finally, there's the KS lesion on your face, that means you're HIV positive, you've progressed to full blown AIDS, so you're sick because you're immune system is shocked and someone sneezed at you. Excuse now
>Patient: Brilliant but my immune system is fine.
>House: Your concentration camp physique begs to differ. Get your T-cell count rechecked.
>Patient: I've already done that
>Chase: They've checked for T-cell lymphoma?
>Patient: It was negative.
>House: All of this will be very fascinating to an HIV specialist, now let go of my cane before it becomes your new boyfriend.
>Patient: I will marry it if you look at my file!
>House: Congress says you can't, so...
Uhh... did Raimi write this episode?

He was a true Aspie

the "perfect girl" that was a boy was disturbing

I'M A GIRL!!!!

You mean ir was hot.

Early seasons episodes mostly, or at least I think they are early season episodes
The girl who wouldn't feel any pain- Insensitive
The guy whose half body had different personality - Both Sides Now
The model girl who was a boy or something - skin deep

Man, I love that episode.

The disturbing part was when they revelealed her dad fucked her.


the one where the hot girl is actually a guy


>reverse image search
what did they mean by this?

that and Chase kissing the cancer girl makes me think there were pedo writers in that show

s2 is very dark. They lose about a third of their patients including a baby.

you know that IRL like a quarter of all people that enter a hospital die there?

By Chase, you mean Wilson.


It's just weird for the show. Hardly any patients die after s2.

>The model girl who was a boy or something

>no one said No Reason

I knew you were plebs, but I underestimated the depth of you plebbery

>remembering the names of episodes

kys desu

It's not hard when the title of the episode is based on the events/theme in it.

Daily reminder that Taub was the best side character.
Only 3 patients die in 2 episodes during season 2.

Where the fuck do you live?

And then followed up with one of the best jokes about how technically the dad was gay

>t. Rwanda nigger


>it's a Pierce insults minorities and fatties in a way it wouldn't be tolerated in today's tv

yup this, runners up, Wilsons Heart, Three Stories and the episode where he is in the building the collapse with the woman who is pinned that ends up needing an amputation. It was basically the only network drama i thought was really good (several years latter Hannibal joined it)

I enjoyed "the greater good" a lot. Was about a doctor who gave up trying to cure cancer to pursue her passion for cooking.

The one where house is shot and hallucinating
The one that explains house backstory
The amber finale reveal

google image search doesnt gives shit.

is thera a pic about her fac?

>Aryan Chase kills a nigger king

A true kino of the House.


Season 4 two part finale

House's Head
No Reason
Both Sides Now
Three Stories
Nobody's Fault/Chase

>"No fucking coon will exterminate niggers in my watch. That is the destiny, the duty and the joy of the White Man. We'll conquer the Dark Continent again. You'll miss Rhodes when we go Belgian on your black asses."

I think that was a little out of character for the goodie two shoes catholic twink

>not based kutner

>not based 13

>not based Chase


Three Stories

>fat people, the only people you can still make fun of.
>and Christians. Oh and black people.

>not based Amber