Why does she look so ugly on screen in La La Land. She's an actress playing an actresss and she is fucking ugly.
Why does she look so ugly on screen in La La Land. She's an actress playing an actresss and she is fucking ugly
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La La Land is meant to be a lovecraftian depiction of Hollyoowd
Because she's always been shit looking. A better question would by why can't she sing, dance or act in musicial but is praised for it.
Indeed my friend. Though I might add that it had also a strong hint of being Kafkaesque.
Natalie Mars?!
not to mention the underlying themes of eldritch horror
Wow certainly, and you just made me realize how Hitchcockian it was.
*tips fedora*
If anyone looked as ugly as she did in LaLa and you niggers would be having a field day.
Actually, La La Land is very accurate, but the lack of any casting couch scene kinda killed the immersion. Writers doesn't have the balls to show it, and it was a shame.
Seeing Mia fucking a bunch of 50’s perv producers or, even worse, seeing some old Hollywood perv licking her feet, it would have been a little too much for normalfags. They did a vanilla version of Hollywood to get a good hit at box office. On the other hand, they lost a great opportunity to make a cult movie, so…
Chazelle likes to make his actors look authentic which means accentuating their flaws, in Whiplash Miles Teller looks like his skin is falling off and even Melissa Benoist takes the brunt of it with him highlighting her scar.
Gosling still looks good though to his credit
is this just a normalfag oscar bait feel good piece of tripe or is it a legitimate film? i have avoided it to this point assuming it's basically a pc middlebrow glorified chick flick
Because she's ugly.
It's the most baity of oscarbait. It's shit
It's a legitimately good film but it is overrated.
You're a moron and should probably kill yourself.
Lie Lie Land is a live-action Disney movie. Except Disney movies have better soundtracks, characters, and the struggles faced by those characters aren't fucking retarded. Hollywood hasn't put out a movie this self-masturbatory since The Artist. It is honestly unbelievable how shallow this garbage is.
>dude just follow ur dreams no matter how delusional lmao
The movie justifies this idiotic moral by having the characters achieve their insipid dreams through luck and happenstance rather than hard work. Mia shits out a single one-woman show and does one performance of it; of the 8 people in the crowd, one is a casting agent who falls in love with her and delivers her an A-list acting career on a silver platter. Seb's friend bumps into him, and immediately offers him a job. Following that, despite the decline of jazz in LA and having no experience running a business, Seb ends up owning a hugely successful jazz club. I am sure it is very easy to romanticize succeeding in Hollywood through dumb luck when the people making the film did just that. Many of the scenes in the film were homages, but it doesn't justify them. The overlong scenes of Seb and Mia dancing against romantic backgrounds get old very quickly, and just hammer home the fact that there is no substance to this film. It is also surprising that the relationship at the core of this film only came about due to coincidence; these two run into each other 3 times for no reason other than convenience for the writer.
Chazelle obviously has the self-awareness to realize how saccharine and empty the movie was. In order to make it seem like something other than a sugary bowl of sunshine, he attempts to give it a "bittersweet" ending, but he even fails here – both characters get everything they wanted out of life.
>b-but they don't end up together, they were meant for each other
You have to be a teen girl to even consider this line of thinking.
2/10 - at least it looked decent
the phrase "politically correct" upsets you? it is a valid term when discussing hollywood films is it not?
you must be american
It isn't good in any way Gosling and Stone sound like shit
There is nothing really oscarbaity about it; it hits none of the usual notes that oscar bait pictures tend to (biopics, films about pressing social matters, large and epic in scale period pieces or dramatic productions, etc)
Need I remind people that oscar bait is a descriptor used on movies that sell themselves entirely on participating, and ideally, winning an oscar at the academy awards. As opposed to the large summer and holiday blockbusters with large marketing campaigns, or the smaller independent films that sell themselves primarily on gradual word-of-mouth (sleeper hits), the oscar bait makes its money from its nominations and awards. These are the kind of films that get made for the award season specifically and who are heavily advertised only during said season.
>luck and happenstance rather than hard work
That's how Hollywood works actually. You need a lot of luck to be successful. And that's a great part of their magical charm: one day you are a nobody-knows actress, and next day you are the next big thing.
>being this retarded
There's nothing Hollywood love more than movies about Hollywood.
>The Artist
It wasn't even originally going to be released in Oscar season, it was scheduled for an earlier release, got rave reviews, then got pushed back when they realised it could be an Oscar contender
Too bad it didn't quite catch the Orwellian essence of the real Hollywood..
Cult movies are cool but don't pay the bills, you know.
Has she ever looked really good in a movie? She's a 6/10 at best.
>Has she ever looked really good in a movie?
I must have missed that because I was too busy looking at Abigail Breslin.
Except with Jlaw and Stones case its because they suck duck literally.
>nothing oscarbaity about la la land
Why does Sup Forums say the most incorrect things ALL THE TIME
Nope she looked like a frog
Everybody knows Jlaw is a massive slut, but did Emma sucked dicks too? Source of this?
She is the new version of Jlaw. Shes confirmed to have herpes.
How else would such an ugly duck with no chops get pushed? The jews push her in return for sex.
Everything you've heard about JLaw, add Stone as part of a threesome
She is so based if true. Smart Emma just fucked a few jews and now she is rich and famous. She knows the game.
are hooded eyes like the current it-girl feature in hollywood or something?
pls be true
it's so strange when you compare them to any classic Hollywood beauty, they have nothing, dunno what the Jews see in them
why is her nipple so red and in such a weird place
>being dishonest and doing capeshit and oscarbait
>selling herself like a common hollywood whore
Sure if you have no standards. Can't respect her or anything about her career. She isn't even a good actress.
This they are both flat out not pretty
agreed. I do think they're decent-looking but even when they're done up in a classic Hollywood style they still just don't meet the mark.
Stone looks okay
Lawrence looks straight up nasty, you can see her white trash genes straight away like this
You're a frog.