At what speed do you watch movies in? I usually go 2x but slow down a little in dialogue
At what speed do you watch movies in? I usually go 2x but slow down a little in dialogue
0.25. I don't want to miss anything.
I don't even watch movies any more. Just Sup Forums and youtube.
depends. I'll usually start at normal speed and then speed up slowly in increments through the film. Some films are much more visual in their storytelling than others, and I don't want to miss any brief visual cues so I'll go to 1.5x max. Some films I'll just get fucking bored by so I'll bump it up to 2x.
2x and double screen.
I also double hand my books.
I process the film at night in my sleep. Efficiency first.
Any current player should have pitch correction so the dialog doesn't get all chipmunky and hard to follow even up to 3 or 4x. Anything much over that feels more like 'skimming' than watching to me. But I suspect it's just a matter of getting used to that.
I find it interesting that anyone watches any faster than regular speed. What's the reason behind it for you guys?
1.5x. Any higher and scenes look too wacky.
Same speed, but I do it because I am to dumb to follow the plot at normal speed.
I can check off movies on letterboxd faster
I just have so many fuckin movies to watch. It helps me feel like I'm not wasting my time watching shitty films. I'll often slow a movie down if I find myself really enjoying it.
i just wait for Sup Forums to give me my opinion
It's all reddit shitposting.
It started out as a Sup Forums thing, certain retarded viewers unironically did watch movies at faster speeds for one reason or another, but the meme quickly gained traction with reddit and almost every post relating to the topic now is a shitpost where some reddit funny guy thinks of himself as a comedic genius for simply getting that watching movies in this way is totally retarded.
watching movies costs too much time anyway. I just go straight to the webms for the relevant moments and memes.
Watch five seconds, then rewind and go through it again frame by frame, sometimes magnifying on certain details, replaying it full speed then again frame by frame. Also always with the subtitles for deaf people.
I'm pretty sure this means I'm enjoying movies more than the regular Sup Forums pleb.
Joints 4x
Flicks 3x
Movies 2x
Films 1x
Kino 0.5x
gold standard of Sup Forums
this is the correct answer
also adhd
also 2x but with subtitles as I can read really really fast
I just skip through the chapters looking for things to shitpost about, takes me about 2 mins for a 90 min flick.
I know you aren't baiting and it makes me angry.
t. Pleb who doesn't watch movies in any sort of volume.
I cut my kino in sections of 5 minutes, so I can enjoy it while I'm doing something else as I do other things ( visiting the lavatory for example).
I'm currently rewatching part 7/23 of MoS, at 2x speed because I already seen it yesterday, but forgot some bits and pieces.
I usually just watch at 1x but offset subtitles a bit so I don't get spoilered by them if something important is happening.
unironically this
You know the 'certain retarded viewers unironically did wach movies at faster speeds' are professional critics, right? That's where the actual idea of it starts. People who, as their real life job have to watch hundreds of movies a year. And it's also common for film school students for exactly the same reason. There are very literally more movies released every year, along with hundreds or thousands of classic older movies than you could ever come close to catching up to or keeping up with, if you watched at 1x speed. It's obviously not as necessary for people who are just fans. But for exactly the same reasons, they can end up learning how do this.
kek, is this pasta i haven't seen before, if not, nice
If you watch a film sped up, you can never appreciate its pacing.
i have my pc and my mac, one is for shitposting and edging and the other plays movies at 1.25x speed while i download more and do pushups/curls/planks/neck bridges and occasionally startup a match in top 500 overwatch(flex healer) all while microdosing lsd and 3kmg phenibut and 500mg caffeine
>implying that isn't retarded
I only watch my kino at 0.5x speed with the sound and monitor off to really soak in the athmosphere.
If the intention of this thread is to trigger autists, then you succeeded with me
I scrub through movies on my phone on youtube.
I usually just watch a CinemaSins vid of a movie, I kinda want to see, but don't feel like investing time in.
Not because of the "sins" but because the vids usually contain a good summary of important movie scenes.
I just read the wiki synopsis
I worked my way through Deep Space 9 recently at 1.2x for all but a few select episodes. It's great. Makes all the dialog a bit snappier. Almost feels more modern. The only downside is some bits of music go a bit distorted an some of the action looks a bit Benny Hill. Saves around 10 mins per episode which over 7 seasons works out at around 24 hrs saved.
I always wondered how some of you could marathon an entire movie in one sitting. I'll have to try watching at 3 or 4 times speed with subtitles on maybe that way I can watch more than one movie a week.
this guy gets it.
not a pasta, just inspired by a friend of mine who got triggered that I paused a movie, went to sleep, and finished it tomorrow
He probably posts here right now
You're all joking right?
I admittedly watch films sped up occasionally but never in a situation where I'd care about the pacing in the first place. Basically if I'm watching some shit film that I'm only watching because my waifu is in it or something.
I only listen to movies while running at 125% speed.
>not watching an entire movie subliminally in a 1 second flash of images
I thought you guys were supposed to be refined cinema aficionados
I just sniff the printed side of the disc
I watch movies at the pace of 1 frame per day, every day I take a screenshot of the next frame and I set it as my wallpaper.
Still haven't finished my first film "Alien", that's why I shitpost on Sup Forums, I only know about the first 8496 frame of this movie.
i just look up the ending on youtube
every decent player faggot
People who are joking don't watch enough kinos. They only watch flicks.
Then I can pause the movie have a wank and not lose any time
>one movie a week
this is everyone joking ITT and thinking this is a meme, but is right, if you want a decent catalog before your 50s you'll have to go a little nuts
> speed >1x
kys pleb
plot synopsis on wikipedia for me. if the film doesn't have a wikipedia article i just imagine what it might be like based on the title.
exactly. I can always rewatch the shit I really like at normal speed.
x1.1 for kinos
x1.25 for movies
I dont watch flicks
anybody claiming to go over 1.3 is memeing
Unironically x2.35 speed with subtitles. Been gradually pushing up the speed over the past two years.
If scenes are really boring or slow, I might go up to x3+.
i watch 4 movies side by side at 5x speed
get on my level plevs
If you can't watch a film at 2x at least, then you are no Kinoisseaur
>Capeshit (marvel, dc, disney etc.) x2,5
>Flicks x2
>movies x1,25
>Films x1
>Kino x0,5-0,75
>Kinographique print every picture and go through them manually while playing the music from an LP source.
>print every picture and go through them manually
>not re-drawing each frame by hand in order to fully experience the director's creative vision
I share a board with these plebs.
Depends on the length of the movie, I always turn up the speed so it will Finnish in Exactly 60 minutes
x4 during dialogue
x0.25 during action
a minimum of 4x, honestly.
aw sorry man i tapped out at 10 sec webms of movies,sorry im not that hard-core tbqh
Just bought a 144hz monitor so I can watch up to 6x speed without losing any frames!
I only look at the imbd screenshots. If I watch a movie my phone will crash.
That's why I homebrewed my PS Vita
you can only see 24fps pleb
Not if you you don't blink, then you can push it to 25
>implying that having a 144hz monitor but forcing a movie to play interpolated 12 frames isn't the true kinopill
Nope, I see 20/20
I always turn the frame rate up to 60 then watch it at 2x speed
Wish i could do this on tv,dvd, on demand. I hate when theyre trying to make tension and make me yawn instead
It takes me a whole day to watch a movie because i stop every 10 minutes because something in the movie reminds me of something i have to look up straight away. If i'm forced to see a film without doing that i become an annoyed asshole and will give it 1 star on IMDB.
>character says something
>pause and think about what he said for 5 minutes, occasionally rewinding to see it again
I just literally skip the boring parts
R U mich?
what the fuck do you think a kino: is
If it's slow paced 1.25x if it's fast paced 0.75. Genuinely not memeing.
Sneed speed
good post
Flicks: 3x
Movies: 2x
Films: 1x
Kinos: 0.77777777777777x
apèxquiœa: 1 still frame a day projected above my bed.
this guys knows cinema
I only watch the highlights
nice meme
0.7 because everyone sounds drunk and that is funny to me
I normalize the running time to 90 minutes.
So if a movie is 120 minutes long, I watch it at 1.33x.