Why do people like this slow, dry dull piece of nothing? How do people even sit through it?
Literally Nothing Happens for an Hour: The Movie
this kind of people are the reason that interesting movies are dead
incredible score and beautiful visuals
Nice grammar, retard.
blade runner: a movie everyone pretends to like
the book is better in this instance.
We don't have ADHD
>too dumb to understand a simple straightforward narrative
What a dope!
>I can put up with sitting around being bored for 2+ hours
>If you can't you have ADHD
>If you don't like Blade Runner you're mentally ill
Nice strawman.
Probably the most beautiful movie I've ever seen. Just watching the visuals is enough for me.
Hot take: Many people enjoy this movie because they're conditioned to. Muh visuals can only take you so far, the plot and characters are absolutely substanceless.
Pulp Fiction as well
Pulp Fiction is a masterwork.
>Models cars flying around a jpg of a city covered with burnson burners
Maybe this flew on its release, but its 2017, the visuals you're circlejerking look like trash now.
I don't find anything in this movie boring
The visuals still holds up extremely well, don't know what the fuck you are talking to about.
If bait, congratulations you got me
I have tried to watch it at least 10 times over the years because I keep hearing good things about it.
I fell asleep every time. I still don't know how this movie ends. And I don't care.
I hate how the word "literally" completely lost it's meaning today.
Maybe you are more of a Superhero movie kind of guy
Don't know what you're talking about. I think it has aged extremely well. The CGI full movies of today certainly won't age as well.
>le CGI is bad meme
Only if it's used bad. Every Fincher film has more CGI than a standard Hollywood blockbuster. The Social Network has more VFX shots than the 2014 Godzilla.
Pretty sure all of his films will age good.
"jealousy" has also lost it's useful meaning. not as ironic as the loss of the definition of "literally" though.
This. Its just dull. I like plenty of slow paced films and for some reason Blade Runner just puts me to sleep. Maybe its the soothing soundtrack.
>Why do people like this slow, dry dull piece of nothing?
They probably saw the uninterfered-with version that predates Ridley Scott's anal fissure.
Sometimes films aren't only about what happens to the main characters or what drives the story forward. Sometimes it's about the atmosphere, the feelings, the emotions, the worldbuilding and the history. If you only care about story then read the book
I didn't care for it on first viewing, probably focused on the story more than the visuals and wasn't impressed. Then I played the old point and click game which reuses a lot of shots from the movie and the music but since it's a game it feels more immersive and easy to get lost into, you get more time to notice details in the backgrounds and allow the atmosphere to develop. Then did a second viewing and it blew my mind.
I don't really get it either. I've only watched the Final Cut which is supposed to be the best yet to me didn't really flow, so I can't imagine how bad the others are.