Hey, what's the worst movie to win an Oscar for best screenplay this decade?
I'm going with this.
Hey, what's the worst movie to win an Oscar for best screenplay this decade?
I'm going with this.
I don't even know what the oscars are. One of the awards? What makes them differ from emmies or grammies? who cares. go away.
it's a great movie. What is wrong with you OP
It's about 30 minutes of good material stretched to 2.5 hours, the design choices were horrible, nonsense ending, etc etc
How dare you come into my thread and act like you can tell me what to do. Sup Forums has made you bold kiddo.
>blah blah blah blah
yeah okay OP. kys
I've been here since you were seven
>the design choices were horrible
Literally one of the best costume designs and production design in general of recent times. Exceptional world building, everything suited the narrative and was a believable glimpse of how could the future work.
Nice argument.
Finish this sentence: Pete Campbell is an _____
>It wasn't gritty so it's automatically amazing
Can this argument finally die?
>I'm an enormous retard with no taste
Not an argument
Spike Jonze is fucking garbage you must be one insufferable person to think his shit is any good.
Theres a lot of things you could pick for this, especially a lot of blatant forgettable 'oscar bait' movies and instead you picked a genuinely creative and well executed movie.
>It wasn't gritty so it's automatically amazing
Where did I say or even imply anything like that?
Her was objectively fantastic though. Get some taste you capeshit watching faggot
Very shocked at the vitriolic defense of this mediocre romance movie. Guess the sci-fi angle really does hook in the shitting baby plebs. Where's Vincent Gallo when you need him?
If you thought it was mediocre then you either have no idea what that word means or you literally have watched enough movies to form a basis on what is mediocre.
Even someone who didn't enjoy the movie, which would be completely understandable, could see the natural feeling and beautifully crafted world and on some level understand why it would receive acclaim.
>could see the natural feeling and beautifully crafted world
Yes, the 30 minutes out of 2.5 hours I already mentioned. "World building" does not abstain a movie from sucking, Sup Forums.
If you don't enjoy the premise, thats completely acceptable. My point was that you should be capable of looking at a movie like this and see the aspects of it that people value. To look at things and say "I don't like it, therefore it's shit" is to be the biggest brainlet of them all.
Her is one of the worst Oscar films I've seen in a while.
yeah, you should stop posting OP, you've been BTFO several times
One of the few films I've turned off halfway through out of cringe and boredom.
Ah, Spike Jonze. Sometimes I wonder who is Hollywood's biggest cuck, the Coens or him.
>le no belts in the future meme