ITT: movies men will NEVER understand
ITT: movies men will NEVER understand
Never heard of this movie until people started shilling it on Sup Forums is it something I should care about. It's got JLaw in it so I'm gonna guess not
The director made two good movies, Pi and Black Swan
ITT: movies ruined by Jlaw's inability to act like a non monkey
If you think this film is about anything but mass immigration and the non-white infestation of white countries you need to go back to plebbit
Why do you hate Requiem?
What a pleb. Pi, The Fountain and Noah are his best.
what? It's made by just about the jewiest jew imaginable. Stop false flagging you dumb redditor
Sup Forums IQ: the post
this movie is just a hamfisted allegory for roman catholic beliefs... it's just the main part of genesis and the birth and death of jesus.
i thought it was pretty dumb.
literally movies atheists will never understand: THE MOVIE
the amount of absolutely confused, flabbergasted and buttmad normies at my screening yesterday was hilarious. they couldnt even figure out the MOST HAMFISTED BIBLICAL ALLEGORIES. it was hilarious.
say what you will about jlaw or the director or even the film but giving this a mainstream release in 2000+ theaters is normie trolling of the higest order and I love it.
yeah, it's easily going to be the most hated movie of the year, and it doesn't help that jlaw stars in it.
literally the first words i heard once the credits rolled were "what the fuck".
I dunno. Frozen?
You're pretty dumb.
first time in a while ive had numerous walk outs in a screening
plot is about as student film tier as you can get
production design was very good
m8, ur on Sup Forums
Nice flicks. Requeim is the only tolerable Aronofsky.
to think he was going to direct wolverine but quit to direct noah
makes you think
He also wanted to make super edgy batman flick that would have made suicide squad look like the 60s TV adaptation
yer i read that, batman was a living in a garage and made all his stuff himself
i would have watched that
My nigga
I like Reqiuem but the others i mentioned are better imho
alfred was to be a jive talking nigger. Sup Forums would have rioted.
He had wanted to do Noah since high school or middle school. He talked about it in the behind the scenes. He had one of his old school teachers who he liked in the doc.
>no mention of The Wrestler
Plebiest plebs from Plebtown.
requiem is actually really similar to mother! in that both have a simple premise and rely on the viewer being too dumb to figuring it out early on. if you realize early on that requiem is just a horror film in which addiction is the monster and that mother! is just catholic doctrine played out in the broadest possible strokes, the films become cringy and a chore to sit through.
He literally already did it with Noah, which critics liked more than Mother!
Yet audiences will like Mother! more, bc jlaw and memes. Makes you think
sounds like james cameron and avatar
I fucked up my post. I meant noah was a film religiousfags would never understand not atheists.
I'm an atheist and I loved the fountain and noah. I'm spiritual but I don't practice.
I'll admit that I liked the 10 minutes or so of noah where crowe goes insane and wants to kill everyone in order to exterminate mankind.
>muh wrestle man movie
>muh mickey rourke
His others are more kino
I liked the entire thing
Noah was pretty cool, more than it had a right to be
the downfall of our society most have progressed further than I thought since cinemagoers clearly are neither religious (or at least not christian) nor are they familiar with the most basic tenants of christian faith which I would have thought even the staunchest atheists must be due to it being ingrained into our culture.
tldr THEY already won
True that's why Pi, The Fountain and Noah are better.
Pi is just shinya tsukamoto for psueds who skipped math classes
let me take a WILD guess
jlaw is the mother?
that's all i need to know about this movie. no thanks.
Aronofsky made one good movie, The Wrestler.
Don't you mean WOMEN? Men are the only ones able to truly understand the Bible and the Word of God.
It's a great director, so probably.
Darron Assmonkey literally made up the most convoluted bullshit ever made on screen, he outdid Alejandro Jodorowsky by going off the mark into a new dimension of retardation that even he wouldn't laugh at. Not only was JLaw Cock telescope such a horrible pick for this role, she made the movie far more irritable than it should have been just looking at her face magnified those shitty effects ten fold. They had to skip the sex scene because there was nothing left to be had, the world has already seen what she has in the sack and it ain't all that. Good lord not even the homos that were sitting behind me were interested in this pleb flick, they were more down and deep throating the STDs out of each others cocks, this is one movie that i would forgive a roastie from walking out and just bursting out some typical roastie line. This is was a waste time, money, energy and brain cells let me go bareback my fleshlight and drink the semen after and then hotglue my anime figurines so i can forget the biggest absolute regret i have ever had in my life.
Requiem is like one of those 50s anti-drug PSAs dragged out to feature length. It's unintentionally hilarious.
>Jennifer Lawrence’s Grotesque Spoof of the Nativity
>Mother, an exercise in torture porn, may be the vilest movie ever released by a major Hollywood studio.
looks good to me
>falling for jewish tricks
Its advertising and shilling jlaw OMIGOD SHES ACTING
There was no torture it was just her being a selfish bitch the entire movie. In fact the audience was actually cheering that scene where justice gets thrown at her
If you guys actually want to watch this movie, do not watch any trailers as they spoil the entire movie from the cuts.
what did it mean when the older couple shattered the diamond heart?
Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden tree. The whole movie is just a 2 hours of making the bible
>movies men will NEVER understand
>He thinks it's about pregnancy.
disregarding how the previous circle ravaged its mother?
it's about god's/religion's abusive treatment and disregard of women
thanks for proving OP's point
Didn't you get the memo? Like Black Swan you're not supposed to like The Wrestler as it's one of his more popular films
Noah was incredibly bad, it was like watching a 15 year old write a story about spiritual struggle while trying to hamfist his retarded vegan hipster worldview into it.
It almost works as satire but i dont think it was intended that way.
AND? How will men never understand that?
Noah is one of the biggest pleb filters I've seen you have to go back. It's biblicalkino and one of the most faithful biblical films even with the liberties taken.
Black Swan could have been good but Portman sucks as the white swan and black swan (without makeup)
So is this movie good or not?
Does this movie have my mother? I am.
>implying the movie had to be about wrestling
you can literally swap the job description with anything where age is a detriment and there are a lot of misconceptions about it.
no, watch holy mountain instead
but was it worse than Tarsen's magnum opus The Cell?
it's mostly shit. you may sort of enjoy the payoff in the end assuming you didn't already see the outcome coming.
jlaw wears a sexy see-through gown at the beginning where you can see clear shots of her tits and ass. she's a 9/10 in this movie.
not really. The main focus is on Noah and his family's struggle with saving the sinners(meat-eaters) or cutting themselves off and letting them drown.
Noahs story in the bible meanwhile is about trust, faith and perseverance.
And none of that shit in the bible is kino you biblefag. Aronofsky did it the right way.
not everybody was raised in america
Why did Jlaw keep her tea flavor in such a pretentious bottle. also what did the tea do for her?
What the fuck was that weird fucking animal thing in the toilet?
>logan vs the tree of light not being his best kino
seriously Sup Forums it's like your not even trying
Pi, mother!, and Requiem for a Dream were pretty good. I've never seen Black Swan and I don't ever plan to, since it's a shitty Perfect Blue knockoff.
it's good to be self aware
um excuse me but the cell is a fucking masterpiece
No matter how hard they try, women will never understand Master and Commander.
How's the nude scene with jlaw
these are questions i would like to know the answers to
she's never nude
sorry kid
you see dem titties when they're all curbstomping her.
They're pretty alright I guess
Je, tu, il, Elle
Il deserto rosso
A Woman Under the Influence
Vivre sa Vie
Ascenseur pour l'échafaud
Scener ur ett äktenskap
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels
La Religieuse
Matrimonio all'italiana
Tagebuch einer Verlorenen
Лeтят жypaвли
Io La Conoscevo Bene
But oh no! If only my small female brain could understand Fight Club and Master & Commander! :-(
Do I have to be an untalented moon-faced bitch to understand this movie?
If only my small male brain could understand 50 shades of grey.
Love hierarchy
Man > woman > children
literally nobody is impressed that you know how to use wikipedia and ctrl+v
>disregard of women
mother earth you dumb fuck
someone post the baby-eating scene
I'm never gonna watch this so this is the only scene i'm actually interested in
its worth seeing just for that desu, its legitimately one of the most shocking sequences in a wide-release film
not shilling btw
so what is this movie even about i don't really know also i dont care about spoilers so who dies i already seen the webm of Jlaw getting beat and it showing her tiddies
I just got out of the cinema, it's very good. The sound design is perfect.
baby is being carried by crowd
you hear an over the top SNAP and his lil head leans back quickly
mother runs to the front of the crowd and sees a brown pile of mush which used to be the baby
the crowd is eating tiny bits of brown whatever that is explained to be the baby
its really not shocking at all. you know its coming so theres no surprise to it, and the 'eating' is as shocking as watching a group of people eating soft chocolate
youre a fucking faggot and a shill
I didnt see this in the catalog as i searched "Mother"
Just got back, was glad i went in cold having not seen any trailers or read any reviews. A very good, very ambitious film, as with most Aronofsky's if not quite great. Thoroughly intense, impressive acting all around, lovely low-light cinematography. Great use of space. And really, for a big budget Hollywood film, it's pretty intensely nightmarish.
As he often wears his influences on his sleeve this film is at least partially inspired by Repulsion/Rosemary's Baby era Polanski, with a dash of the VVitch and maybe a little Bergman-eque existential dread. I've seen, in passing, some claiming it's a "rip-off' of Rosemary's but that's pretty reductive. It follows a similar skeleton of a story, certainly, but the concept itself is as old as folklore and early religion. It also seems to be self-reflexive, in a way his 8 1/2 or Stardust Memories as it's about the act of authorship, creating and the lack thereof. Also celebrity, as quite (a little too?) obviously one of the final scenes even references the Jlaw nude leak. And clearly about marriage/domesticity, but the creative themes felt a little more ripe. The final act got a little silly, but what the hell, i applaud the ambition. Pfeiffer is a goddess among women.
wtf user youre supposed to call aronofsky a hack and jlaw a no-talent bitch
youre a pretentious moron without an original opinion in your body
the rosmarys baby comparisons were marketing and deliberate. a scam they decided to use in order to get people to listen to their message
its a retellign of the creation of man. god, mother nature, adam, eve, cain, able, are all characters. how you missed to point so severely brings your mental integrity into question
jesus fuck
What can possibly be pretentious? I'm trying to discuss the film you bitter twat. That stuff is the text. Clearly the subtext refers to the act of creating. Life and art.
>movies can only have one set-in-stone meaning
>my interpretation is the correct one
>these are the people your posting with
Just let that sink in.
you must be fucking retarded if you think the film is only about the bible
there is no subtext, you pretentious moron.
the filmmaker and the leads have all stated that it is a biblical retelling and a warning of how man abuses mother nature while adoring the creator. it shows the consequences.
its not even an interpretation, its gospel from the mouth of the writer/ director
the only character credit with a capital letter is Him aka God. i mean for fucks sake the 'publicist' aka herald even says 'boy is it hot in here' when she enter the house aka earth. its so on the nose its astounding.
>the only character credit with a capital letter is Him aka God. i mean for fucks sake the 'publicist' aka herald even says 'boy is it hot in here' when she enter the house aka earth. its so on the nose its astounding.
yes of course how could i be so blind
I thought it was supposed to be medicine.