What's the feeling on Woody Allen? Actually a great filmmaker, or overrated faux-deep comedian?

What's the feeling on Woody Allen? Actually a great filmmaker, or overrated faux-deep comedian?

>inb4 Pedophile
I don't really give a shit. I'm just talking about his movies.

Overrated hack that has been making the same movie ad nauseam for like forty years.

He makes great movies. Even his worst are quite enjoyable.

also kike, so fuck him

I really like his movies but mainly for sentimental value nowadays because his movies are what got me into cinema.

He was genuinely funny, Take The Money and Run, Bananas, Love and Death and Sleeper have made me laugh harder than any Mel Brooks film did. They were on par with Zucker Abraham Zucker on their height, but he also made more kino-er films than them (like Crimes and Misdemeanors)

He was good in the 60s and 70s and then spun his wheels a little too hard. People make fun of him playing himself so much, but replacing himself with hot guys turned it all to the same hollywoodisms he used to avoid.

I only watched 3 of his movies and realized I'd never need to watch anything by him again

By that logic, you must hate most movies

I like his films. They're usually pretty funny and take from older films like noirs and screwball comedies. Most of his new stuff isn't as enjoyable though.

Crimes and misdemeanors is easily his best movie with Husbands and Wives being a close second imo

soft spot for Annie Hall tho even if it fits the category

His movies aren't that impressive. His best was annie hall and even that was kinda hard to get through


I've never been able to stand his movies, which I myself always thought was weird because I usually don't dislike a filmmakers entire work. His mannerisms get on my nerves and I suppose the characters he writes get those same mannerisms? Only thing I can think of.

He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

He's a pedophile, and not in a good way.

Agreed, Crimes and Misdemeanors was where I actually saw what the big deal with Woody Allen was (Annie Hall and Manhattan failed to meet expectations)

At least credit Welles next time you copy and paste this shit

No. It's my quote.

>fucks daughter
>gets away with it cus lol jews up to their zanyness again *cue curb your enthusiasm music*

I think his movies are enjoyable, but not that great in terms of being "films". He has a more distinct writing style than a filmmaking/directorial one. The only films I can remember as being different on that are match point and cafe society(due to Storaro's overwhelming cinematography that is).
Other than that I like him and his lightweight films and I have a very soft spot for Midnight in Paris which kinda got me into film(plus made me get over my shitty contrarian attitude).

I'd like his films, but they always have that nervous fella in them.


>making the same movie ad nauseam for like forty years

I don't really understand this, of course he has a certain style and formula but he's made a lot of distinctive work over the years involving full-blown absurdist comedy, science fiction, surrealism, mockumentary and pioneering the Kung Pow style. What's Up, Tiger Lily?, Take the Money and Run, Purple Rose of Cairo, Zeliq, Radio Days, Stardust Memories, Interiors, Match Point, Midnight in Paris, Blue Jasmine, pretty sure there are more out there.

well he makes interesting films and they are all decently made but kind of forgettable and unimportant in cinema


All his films suck