Evicted last night Boston Hitman
Exit Q&A youtube.com
Final first HOH part 1 yaboi
Final first HOH part 2 tba
Evicted last night Boston Hitman
Exit Q&A youtube.com
Final first HOH part 1 yaboi
Final first HOH part 2 tba
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Epic Jury Segment
I agree. Everyone is more likable in the Jury House except Matt and Raven.
Rewatching it was fun, by the time Alex bumped fists with Cody I couldn't help but turn around on her and the rest, minus Raven and Matt. Christmas will always be bad too.
Raven is so delusional
>Autism intensifies
Is Sup Forums voting for Cody as AFP? I mean Kevin's alright, but that's not exactly satisfying.
When the entropy comes I will murder anyone I overhear discussing Big Brother.
Why do they cast only one person over 40 and with such an age difference? Cody, Mark and Kevin were the best this year.
I voted cody because Kevy already won $25k
>I was helping Paul pull strings
>Everybody was!
>....I didn't
based Cody holy shit
Yea lmao when Alex was like RESPECT DUDE to that instead of like a "Eh who cares??" or whatever, I was positively glowing
5:10 Julie just shitting on Raven was so funny
how butt blasted is cody every week when paul isnt the one walking into jury? Aall after jessica was one week away from being in jury with him where they would have had a full week to themselves
It's probably quite the opposite. Cody has probably been smug as fuck as he watched each of Paul's braindead lackeys get cut, giving them the ole 'told you so' as they walked in.
I even gained a little bit of respect back for Matt, you could really tell he realizes how much of a mistake it was pairing with Raven. He never defended her the entire time and even started joining in with everyone as they laughed at her delusions. There's no way he ever talks to her outside the house
so basically he's a bitter black womyn that chastises her friend when their relationship is sour but deep down wants what her friend has for even just a day
>he wanted to be the one cut by paul
I don't think so.
That implies his hatred/behavior toward the rest of the house is petty and unwarranted when in reality it couldn't be more deserved.
Voting 20 times for Kevin everyday
Wow what kind of faggot fairy queen are you? Not an intelligent one, that is for sure.
I guarantee the fans are more salty about Paul then Cody is. I guarantee Alex and Jason are more salty about things this season than Cody is.
Get the tranny cock out of your fucking asshole and mouth and grow the fuck up and grow a brain, retard tranny lover
Why is Kevin and Mark the only ones with balls? Cody and Matt are all bark and no bite
When has Kevin ever had balls?
When he bitched out Matt and Josh
>kevin's kid is back
How can anyone defends Cody game?
What game? Other than scoring the hottest chick in the house that is
Him and Matt are tied for least participation award
Cody is a beta who thinks he is alpha
he got outplayed by the best BB player in history, nothing he could do, Paul is just that good
Friendly reminder that the comfy jury segment would have been a daily occurrence live on feeds if CBS hadn't interfered and let Cody evict Paul week 1
>big brother on my Sup Forums
Seriously, everyone aside from Matt and Raven was so likable in those segments and it's a shame we were basically robbed of what could have been a great season
>Matt complaining that Cody won't participate in a jury segment after Matt tried to get a rise out of him
>The same guy who laid in bed all summer and refused to follow the Have Not rules complaining about someone else's participation
What are you talking about, guy?! We're in jury, guy!
Guys. What if Cody decides to abstain from voting at the finale?
Who does America hate the most? Alex, Jason, Cody, or Paul? That's the only people normies always bitch about
the four most likable houseguests imho + mark
>the worst and blandest player
>the worst superfan
>the worst gay houseguest
this season has it all
>Paul sleeping alone
what went wrong?
Alex is the most unlikable person I've ever encountered
That's all Josh
I'm fucking obsessed with Gorgeous QT Allison
She looks a lot like Becky before the train
xmas will win pt 2 and the scales and take paul to the end
how did josh win hoh?
first time was a crapshoot, second alex couldnt compete and they threw it to josh
Between those 4? Probably Paul, he's the most visible. But Raven is the most hated
>scoring the hottest chick
She's an IG whore who already forgot about him and is currently fucking Chandler Parsons as we speak
jokers poll: who was more delusional raven or 10k kryssie?
raven is winning by 91% LOL
and everyone else
Raven, Matt (what a pair) and Alex.
>Cody decided first week to play it safe and ingratiated himself and not target paul
>freak event happens where a unanimous target self evicts
>decides to then make a big move and smart move to get out the vet
>turns out he got fucked by production and the vet has 3 weeks safety, can play every comp too and the vet now has lemmings wanting to work with him because he's popular and they could achieve some fan by latching on
I will give you that him and Jess fucked up the week she won with Ramses leaving.
only reddit bb sub, /bb/ and the same peoples twitter accounts hate alex
He won't get paid. He's gonna vote Paul like the other tards cause that's what CBS is paying them to do.
My mom hates Alex and she's the core demo
I'm not voting for Cody because he played a great game, I am voting for him only to see the look on everyone's faces when they announce his name.
Then and only then, will they know how badly they fucked up and what they are in store for when they return to social media and real life.
RHAP said it best:
>If you want to say Fuck you to production, Vote Cameron.
>If you want to say Fuck you to the houseguests, Vote Kevin.
>If you want to say Fuck you to Paul, Vote Cody.
also they didnt end his hoh so they could go with the narrative of cody vs paul
everyone can vote for whoever they want, i am not here to get you to change your vote but its called FAVORITE PLAYER.... not spite the rest of the house player
if cody truly is your favorite thats great vote for him but it feels like your vote is misguided
Everyone on YouTube and normiebook hate her wtf are you on?
i blame it on ramses tho
cody was out of the house and still thought alex was against paul
jessica went into hiding and tried to damage control with everybody
ramses should have campaigned for the veto, that was her friend and she didnt know paul wanted him out. ramses didnt even campaign for votes.
>pandafags are this delusional
favorite PLAYER
paul is the only one, who PLAYED the game, he deserves first place, second place and AFP money
jury stipend should be stripped of all jurors and gifted to Paul as well along with Cody, Jason, Mark and Kevin being incarcerated, they are MONSTERS that should be kept away from normal human beings
Corey fucked Morgan and Jessica. He's going to be the next James(BB6)
wasted your time typing that terrible bait lad.
this is also misguided my newest of friends... you dont have to play the game or be a good player to be a FAVORITE
its a popularity contests based on personality and paul has arguably the worst in the house but again to each his or her own. if you enjoy shitty little manlets who make up stories to make themselves look better than vote for him
desu it should be called AFHG
i would like to see them have 2, one for most strategic player and one for most likeable(social) player
krusty was delusional and just dumb, raven is sick in her hear
Winning that grand prize money is a popularity contest too. Only reddit-girls talk about "muh reality tv show strategy".
It's all about making people like you and winning comps when you need to.
you're stupid and are spreading fake news. corey is a homosexual and morgas is a virgin
>should be called AFHG
That's actually what it's officially called. AFH (America's Favorite Houseguest). Not sure how the "AFP" meme got started.
it is called America's Favorite Houseguest
when it was limited to jurors it was called America's Favorite Juror
it has never been called AFP
LOL ok, nice. thats what it should be
>he actually posts giffies in 2017
He fucked Morgan and Clay fucked Shelby.
you're mistaken. they probably double teamed shelby, because she's a whore, tho
Morgan is pure.
You Love You Lose BB Edition
my mom hates her too haha
she also hates jessica, but she warmed up to cody eventually. and i tell her all sorts of shit i read on /bb/ so now she hates paul too kek
>pandafag still doesnt know what samefag means
AF"P" is what reddit-girls call it.
it's obviously Americas Favorite Paulfag
>tfw I voted Cody
>tfw I will get to see him win and see Paul BTFO, Paulfags BTFO and pandafag BTFO
it'll be glorious
the cherry on top would be Josh winning final 3 and voting Paul out
Kevin is winning AFHG. Cody his hated by the shows target demographic
Ok this meetup needs to fucking happen
>bigot roots for another bigot
>Cody his hated by the shows target demographic
bitch where?
fucking crybaby bitch
Dude is a total ass and made fun of Audrey for being transgender.
nice narrow way to view the world, asshole. you have no hope
literally no one gives a shit and deep down know he's correct
The rest of the world isn't your alt right echo chamber
>the shows target demographic
who cares about them, /ourgirl/ changed that only all access subscribers votes count now