Pray with me, Sup Forums. Help me save Arrow.

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she has a decent ass but not to the point of making the rest of the show worthwhile.

The Arrow is dead. Bury it.

Season 5 was great!

>tfw s1/2 felicity has been dead longer than she was alive

what a terrible thread. just awful.


At least next season has two episodes dedicated to Deathstroke.

Who would have thought LOT would end up being better than The Flash, and Arrow.

How is Deathstroke in that show?

He's my favorite character in the comics, and I know they've heavily changed him for the show (no white hair, serum wears off, no family drama, doesn't act like a fucking sperg all the time) but if he's still good I might watch a few episodes.

>How is Deathstroke in that show?
He's the only good thing about the show, The best season of Arrow is season 2 and that is solely because of Deathstroke

Sweet Jeebus.

do I have to watch season one before to understand everything?

Nah, if you think you're missing something just read episode guides for season 1

*blocks your path*


>mfw the most boring and forgettable character, that was invited to the flash as a prison break reunion ended up being the best character in the entire arrowverse.

oh they are def fucking

but he's heckin' gay, even more gay than the average homosexual


I second this, he fucking enjoys his role and it shows,
LOT overall is all about normal people playing characters they like and acting happy being together on this adventure


This is a good scene given the context of the asymmetry of knowledge between he and Cold. Cold just assumes it's his dumb side kick being an idiot. In reality his dumb side kick has gone through some insane shit including seeing the same friend he is talking to sacrificing himself in a heroic way. If you've achieved any success in life it's like the present "you" going back to a version of yourself in the past that wasn't doing so well and giving them a heartfelt pep talk anonymously. Better quality than you would expect from the CW.


More CW women leaks when?

>broad shoulders
>no hips
>no waist
>man hands

Punished Barry Allen




who team katie here

She had leaks, so yeah I am.

You mean team Caity

Legends of Tomorrow is objectively the best CW show.

izombie is pretty great

*googles pic*

Dang, only a photoshoot. Hoped it was some cropped (for the blue board) leak.

Superhero show i mean

what season am I on if I stopped watching when prometheus' identity was revealed?

Season 5, The last one that aired. Season 6 begins next week.

thank god batman is licensed out for tv shows, who knows how the cw would fuck him up

What the. When did these leaks come out

he is the high king of gay buttsex

Some time ago during The Fappening.

Couple of months ago

i completely stopped watching all CW shows because theyre literally all trash and serve only as softcore porn (looking at you, izombie fanboys).
They always reuse plots and tropes and cliches from other CW shows in their new shows, it got to a point where I was having deja vu from how ridiculously uncreative they are, especially with all the reused dialogue. Theyre writing the same plots over and over with a different setting and calling them new shows.
I regret nothing, my quality of life improved and I found better ways to waste my time as opposed to watching rehashed lazy cultural propaganda that expects me not to cringe every time they copy and paste a scene from one of their shows to another, this network is the most low-effort schlock on television, and theres a lot of competition there. This is bottom of the barrel and Im pretty sure you all know it, you just watch for the "plot" and because you have no alternatives. Dont pretend like the cw isnt your last resort after watching everything else, I remember how it is.
Make the right choice, drop this trash network, and while youre at it stop watching anything hollywood makes in general, but I suppose dropping the CW is a good a start as any towards the road to recovery.

The best character is Sara

Seeing her go from angsty assassin to time pirate captain is the best example of character development in the entire CWverse

I wish she had leaks

>tfw no mgs plotline for flash where a super secret organization tries cloning barry in the future, producing triplets with one bearing his dominant genes - bart allen

I'm watching the new season just to see Laurel then fap furiously

Are you me?


literally anyone else is better

literally anyone


straight guys are the bane of entertainment. You'll watch the most god-awful shit imaginable and fill the wallets of a bunch of hacks just so you can jerk off to a tv show despite the fact that the porn industry exists. These shows are all absolute cancer and your erections are funding an entire network of people who dont deserve a penny.

She's not terrible on The Flash

Has Supergirl been restrained in any episodes?

Just another man of fine taste


Instead of being a cold, ruthless gun for hire he's a lovesick fanatic who swore revenge on Oliver because his waifu died.

Arrow is literally just a soap opera with costumes.


thats every CW show, hollywood cant do cold characters they have to always make an arc and they dont know how to make a "cold personality" arc go towards anything but the inevitable explosion of emotion. They did the same thing to L in deathnote, hollywood cannot into nuanse

Only good posts in the thread. Every other post was made by a fucking manchild.

>better than laurel
mc fucking kill yourself pleb

no Season 5 was mediocre at best its just that seasons 3 & 4 were so bad it looking amazing in comparison

did you see Katie Cassidy's?

Yes, that's why I asked.


oh my god is dat sum motherfucking panabaker?




Caitlin is my waifu


Have you seen her deformed toes?

im convinced its a literal CW shill spamming his softcore porn stars. Every other network shills on our board, even the CIA shills here, wouldnt put it passed the CW.

>softcore porn stars.
If only any or all of the CW actresses were softcore porn stars.

>Barry could be slamming this at mach 5 but he chooses to stay with his screeching le monkey face reporter gf
Seriously why, bros? Iris is literally worse than felicity. all she does is pretend to be a strong independent woman who don't need no man and then screams "AAAAH BARRY HELP ME!" whenever she inevitable gets herself into a bad situation. And her only contribution to the team is fucking pep talks for Barry. it's BULLSHIT.

what the hell, that can't be real

why did she lose weight though?

the CW is literally softcore porn. Theyre selling sex and people are buying wholesale. There is nothing else of worth to be found in this hackfest of a network so that narrows your existence down to either:
a)a bottom of the barrel lowest pleb in existence, or
b)a shill

Honestly the latter is more respectabld, at least then you realize how trash it is and are just doing it for money, thats almost understandable. But legitimately enjoying the worst television network in the US for anything other than the females you jerk off to? I dont believe it for a second.

My waifu!

The fastest man alive can't even keep a LDR going








I should have specified DC comics cwverse. if I included Izombie she would have probably topped every list.

>low on face

what the fuk

It was the best I could do, she has chronic bitch face and a bad hairline.

