Children forced to go to school

Is forcing kids to go to schooling if they don't want to wrong / violating human rights?

We preserve the humanity's technological advancements that way and school develops their brain and makes them more ratrional. It should stay forced

Is forcing kids to eat their vegetables if they don't want to wrong / violating human rights?

>Giving your children the education jew.

WTF is wrong with you man.

How else are they going to indoctrinate new votes?

Send them to the coal mines if they don't want to go to school

complusory schooling has been a topic of debate for a very long time and i'm pretty interested in what this board has to say about it.

The msot convincing arguments I've seen in favor of compulsory schooling usually hinge on social and interpersonal development.

everyone should be schooled in something for a well-functioning society

but not everyone educated with the same subjects, forcing a low standard/low expectations for all but catering to the lowest common denominator and unsuitable immigrants

Forcing children to go to school is a violation of the NAP.

Kids are way more social outside of school though user

I never talked to people at school but did outside of it

>implying kids that don't want to go to school (that equals not wanting to learn) will advance technology for the government jews to make money off

>12 years learning shit I'll never apply again
>go to community college
>buy it up
>university's don't give a shit about your 12 years of suffering
>get degree
>in debt


Depends on the school system

In my opinion schooling should begin at age 5, consisting of half days of learning to read and do mathematics.

"Summer" should be abolished altogether, as the original purpose for summer no longer applies to 99% of the population (to aid in farmwork during a crucial period of the year). There's also evidence that children forget a lot of things during summer.

You should get the equivalent of 2 months of vacation from schooling, spread out in week and two-week chunks throughout the year.

Along with summer being abolished, we should implement the idea of a trimester school year, with three semesters throughout the year rather than two.

In addition, the last two years of high school are extremely similar to the first two years of college and there's no reason why they couldn't be collapsed into a single two years.. At 16 you should go to something like a junior college, a trade school or to a four year university.

At 20 you should either join the work force or continue your education in graduate school.

I also think that engineering colleges and medical colleges should be separate from colleges for writers and artists.

Overall, there's too much wasted time and too many people making money who don't actually do any work (endless administrators, provosts, vice provosts, deans, presidents, assistant deans, assistants to the presidents, etc.).

Totally wrong as the left control the teaching profession so the kids get fed pc bullshit and jew lies all day.

Burn it down Donnie

What they should do is have 7 years of standard education. Follow that up with 5 years learning important skill sets for work, help kids discover what they want to by allowing them to study in that area of expertise. College would be optional, but easier to go into since kids would have jobs.

My dad dropped out at 16 with Cs and Some B's and now is working for a cigarette company earning 50 gbp a year with tax (with regular hours and most days comes home early) But my mum earns 30-40 k a year being a midwife doing long shifts


Children don't have rights. That's why we can arbitrarily define when they can "consent", and it's conveniently just before the parents kick them out of the house.

So yeah, kids have the same status as women do in Saudi arabia.

School should be mandatory, but schools these days are liberal/Jew indoctrination centers. Private school is where its at.

What else do you have to say about how the economy was better 30 years ago and old people today basically got a free ride compared to today?

Kids brains have not yet reached the point where they can competently make use of their right to self-determination. This is why we instead put responsibility of making decisions for children in the hands of their guardians.

It is a similar principle to why we don't let mentally disabled or substance abuse patients make life altering decisions or sign contracts. For kids, the older they get is the more mentally capable they are, their mental development is a spectrum.

On a side note, it is a violation to force parents to send their kids to school. They have the right to make that decision on behalf of their kids.

Prove that you are capable of self determination.

My ability to logically way the potential consequences of my action and make decisions based on the conclusions I draw.

Young children are still developing their brains and gaining the knowledge necessary to do this.

The problem is not that we force then to go to school z the problem is that we give children too much freedom and individuality to the point where they grow to be selfish, self centered, disrespectful and disloyal. What we need these days are youth movements, similar to the Hitler Youth or the Russian Pioneers where they will be taught discipline, respect for adults, working as a team, responsibility, patriotism and how to stay healthy anf in good shape.

I think it should be the parent's decision. Not the government's and certainly not the child's.

The parents should be legally obliged to provide an education of a reasonable standard for their child, whether that be at home, a (registered and qualified) church or community centre, or at a private or state school. I'm not sure what steps should be taken against parents who fail to meet that obligation though, taking away someone's kids should only be considered in cases of serious abuse.

It would be best if the child understood why an education is important and went along willingly, but you don't allow them to make other life-changing decisions at that age, why would you let them choose the level or direction of their education?

Mum got her job 2 years ago and dad 7

They had me at a young age

no, children instinctively dont want to go to school and I dont blame them, but you have to make them go. If not they will only grow up to be retarded cry babies with no grasp of the real world and once their parents die they will be fucked.

> If not they will only grow up to be retarded cry babies with no grasp of the real world and once their parents die they will be fucked.
To be honest that sounds like a big portion of millennials these days.

school fucked them over by giving them everything they wanted and offered them safe spaces, It really all depends on what school you go to

i have NEVER seen a worse place for socialising than scool EVER IN MY LIFE.

socialising is more than beeing around others people.

So... scouting?

Or what kind of parents you have, because most parent these days just don't raise their kids at all and rely on schools.

That's what private schools are meant for. America was better when there weren't public schools and American kids weren't brainwashed with standardized testing and shit like common core.

Now we're taxed, even if we don't have kids, to support this jew run school system with books written by jews and bankers.

that too jew bro

Get rid of standardized tests. Let the market pick what it likes and what it doesn't.

Forced scouting, and not your usual one where they still treat the kids like special snowflakes and make them do crap like baking cookies or folding clothe, I'm talking about semi military where they make you do tough manual labor, train you to get over hard situations, make you do exercises every day, teach what discipline and authority is and more.

Forgot pic

They don't know better because they're young

Wtf that's not the pic I got

>violating human rights

Pretty much. But parents have the legal authority over their children. Luckily my mother let me be homeschooled, which I absolutely loved.

Definitely homeschooling my kids.

Ask the black community

Fuck off chink, this isn't China.

>mfw free tuition through county community college and FASFA
>didn't even need Bernie Sanders
I'll be using it to learn a trade in manufacturing once god emperor brings back the jobs.

Wasting your time in school for 13 years is punishment for winning the wrong existential lottery at the wrong time. I'd take being a blacksmith's apprentice on boring old earth over that mundane shit again.

>human rights
daily reminder that this is not a real thing

it is all about choice to watch cartoons/play vidia at home like they used to or sit and do boring stuff like reading/counting.

when my grandma could chose to whach cow on pasture, babysit noisy siblings ore go to school she picke the school even though kids were being physicly disciplined for every reason

b-but muh TYT told me USA charges a goziliins for colleges and you become a slave for debt D:

So you have no proof? You just assert it?

>Young children are still developing their brains and gaining the knowledge necessary to do this.
So that's why the mortgage crises happened and why the divorce rate is nearly 50%?

>spend 13 years in school
>spend another 5-6 years in university
>apply for job

>get all the training I need for the job within weeks

what's the point?

critical thinking skills. the only place you learn how to htink is in school, goy!