What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Please don't do this OP, please don't

drunk bitch with bad comedy skills

>she's STILL at it

pls be real

Somebody confirm this PLEASE LET IT BE REAL

>he's new to Sup Forums
m8, you're gonna LOVE it here

how can you be this stupid and still function in real life?


oh god make it stop

So it's not real?? :\

Nothing to see here lads

What if we manage to get Jenna and Branden together?
At least they won'T be lonely anymore right?

/deadmeme/ general?

Oh god ...

God, you white people are cringe


Fuck no.
Branden should be paired with an actually good hearted woman.
He deserves better.

No, but this is

>Why did you tag me?



someone post this and the edward furlong stuff

ed furlong was a fake account iirc

She's too good for this world

Uhm, quick rundown please?

Is there anything more sad than Fembots?

I don't get the ice cream thing.

>Oh fugg not this shit again

She left her former husband when she was somewhat successful and he was still a nobody, couple years later she's the nobody and he's one of the biggest directors in Hollywood with a new hot gf half Jenna's age but she's trying to get his attention on Twitter by making remember when jokes while also making it clear she's eating too much comfort food because she's sad and lonely now.

Yeah I get most of that. Is there some significance with the brand of ice cream? Did they always eat that together or something? Does it have to do with the gold people from GotG2?

Everyone else who can't get a date instantaneously if they so wanted.

I'm pretty sure Krasinski is in love with Fischer, it's just that Emily Blunt is blackmailing him to keep him away from her or something
Truly despicable

This one was one of the funniest shit i've seen on Sup Forums bless whoever made it.

jenna this has to stop

is 4chanx broken for anybody else?

>...Just awesome

Emily Blunt is blackmailing him by being fucking hot as fuck

Hi it's Nickie Blonsky from Hairspray boo.


Nope I'm on Clover


jenna, you have to come to grips with reality. he's moved on. i'm sorry.

doesnt she have a cuck at home to whom shes married with? what the fuck does she do sending messages to a married man?

just think of when her husband finds her crying for no reason at all at night before sleeping, and then he goes "oh it might be THAT".

Nobody spoonfeed the Redditor newfaggot

He doesn't care. I bet he regularly invites John over to fuck his wife but why have Jenna when you've got the FULL METAL BITCH?

Do you have a rundown that I could take a look at, just so I know what type of rundown you're looking for ?