What did (((they))) mean by this?
What did (((they))) mean by this?
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back to Sup Forums, you white trash shit.
That they should support Hyde more since he isn't part of the rich establishment.
heidecker is also a cuck who pays alimony to his BLACKED wife. Both are fucking pathetic white bois.
>heidecker sucks executive cock and has had multiple terrible forced shows on adult swim
>Hyde is a youtuber who has had his up and coming shows canceled because sjw need ruin everyone they disagree with
>only 2.5 million
thats humiliating if that is all he has to his name after all the things he has been involved with.
Sams show was so good and so controversial they had to pull it off television
Afterwards adult swim begged sam for scripts of season 2 they can use for future projects. That how whipped they were
Fucking Adult Swim shills bringing shit like that up as if it means anything at all
>Why don't you like MDE
>Sam is clearly suffering from mental problems
>every redditor just keeps shitting on him
It's so damn depressing. Just watch the last Hyde Wars. He's really suffering. Even Charls.
Look at these reddit cucks crying for a safespace
never skip leg day, sam
> everything i dont like is reddit
back to Sup Forums you fat fuck
take the blacked spammers with you while your at it
Really makes you THINK
>What did (((they))) mean by this?
That you need to move on with your life you fat cock sucking hobo.
Wow, nice crosspost there friendo
>reddit screenshot thread
>not reddit
What do you mean by this?
Gotta invest wisely Sam
Lib Swim is shit
>sam hyde's Sup Forumssquad is a bunch of redditors
Raise your hand if you're not surprised
>Who cares if you have a message and integrity; go along with the crowd, sell out and make money goyim...
>live in a shithole cuntry without universal healthcare
>blames ethnic subgroup for lack of healthcare