ITT: social suicides

ITT: social suicides

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The absolute state of America.

Woah, better not mess with that comedian, she's a serious badass!

What happened to free speech?

I don't understand these people
Why would a billionaire give a fuck about this? He probably cringes about this shit
The presidency and the election where probably just fun and pastime for him

>implying that killed his career
nothing short of murdering someone in a live stream could cause that at this point

not that user but I think he's saying those people that make that game are dead because Pewdie love him or hate him is unstoppable

don't think so Jim


The game is dead because it's bad walking simulator.

>it was a just a prank lmao chill
>lmao stop yelling
>stop harassing
>wtf stop with the death threats it was just a joke


I love how her face is actually MORE scary than the bloody severed head

Anyway that doesn't really constitute a joke and was done for shock value, so she shouldn't have been surprised that Agent Orange went and fucked her career in the ass.

Because Tweeting Cheeto has serious insecurity issues (see: "fake news") and any joke made about him by major news outlets makes him retaliate in excessive fashion. He doesn't even want to be President but he's too proud to give it up.

>streamer cancer

don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him loosing his career

what are some

>We're gonna file false DMCA claims for old videos that have already made their money


It's pure hell, living in it.

kathy griffin did nothing wrong

It's kinda traumatizing for his grandkids and it legitimately makes lefty nuts think it's OK to murder the president.

>haha sjws are always trying to shut down free speech and get offended by EVERYTHING
>OMG how dare she express herself, this is so fucking offensive!!! let's ruin her career and her life!!

Free Speech =/= Hate Speech

His game got bombarded with negative reviews on Steam after pulling that shit. Serves him right for being a faggot.

was inciting violence against the president though... comes very close to not being covered by 1st amendment (though i think it still is)

He didn't lose anything. He's still as popular as ever. Possibly more so.

Freedom of Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences :)

Freedom of Speech only says the government can't prevent you from speaking :)

CNN is a private organization and is allowed to fire anyone they want :)

Inciting violence is not protected by the 1st amendment.


why do you write like a passive-aggressive teen girl responding to an ask box question on Tumblr?


offensive is cute

she straightup uses ISIS imagery to make a political statement and is 100% serious about it.

Thats pretty hard to defend.

Cultural appropriation of Muslims is always wrong.

Someone should take the stoning scene from Life of Brian and change Jehovah to pewdiepie's nigger clip.

that's not inciting violence. you're just looking for more ways to censor people.

>Unless they do it to me

She doesn't care about sending a message to Trump.
That was a desperate bid to get back into relevancy

There's the door sweetie :)

She's so fucking ugly LOL

What's even funnier is they are actively trying to get other developers to DMCA their videos on PPD's channel and no one is doing it. And now they will know be known as the developer who will DMCA you if you say something they don't like. KEK

>rodeo clown wears obama mask as it is typical of them to wear presidential masks since Reagan
>gets fired
>meh fuck that guy right

>Griffin decides to do an ISIS style photo shoot of Trump
>gets shitted on and shit canned
>OMG you guys are so fragile! she did nothing wrong!

Is this getting play on the news? Tell me. I don't own a tv.

The butthurt

Munroe only writes this comic cause he's on the popular side. I hope he diesin the upcoming American civil war. Probably by antifa for not being progressive enough.


he got more donations on his next stream than any of his previous streams, his career is far from dead

>attack someones use of social media and skin color
>"they are the insecure one!"

you people crack me up

The jew reveals himself

Probably a leaf
>if you kill your enemies they win

Is there a reason to hate Trump despite being a butthurt Spic

The sad thing is that she had a point.