What does Sup Forums think of this?
pls keep Sup Forums shit tame, just wanna know opinions on the film
What does Sup Forums think of this?
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They should've kept the original ending
How did that go?
>Norton's brother dead in the bathroom, like in the original
>Cut to Norton in his house some time afterwards, with black and white filter again
>he looks in the mirror
>starts shaving his head
Oh fuck off you disgusting fucking Sup Forumsbaby virgins. Grow the fuck up out of your mothers basements.
>movie about neo-nazis
>please keep Sup Forums discussion away
not very bright are you
Why did that stupid n- I meanblack person kill Danny? He didn't even fucking do anything to him far as I could see besides get in with a racist group he wasn't even that into.
wew lad, I can see why it got cut.
retards can't think for themselves and would prob deem it nazi propaganda
>easy money
A little preachy and unrealistic, but otherwise a great movie. The original ending would have been much better.
Danny blew smoke into his face
Plenty of psychopathic pieces of shit who would kill somebody for such a petty reason, sadly, especially in that type of environment
10/10 scene.
top kek
Realistically, he's net worth is peanuts
which is why its so funny
depends how much heroin he's holding at the moment. could be as much as $6000. heroin is expensive. so hes likely just got some oxys & fentanil.
yvan eht noij
I thought heroin made you skinny not obese
Another thread on American History X
Some good opinions in there
I liked it in a sense that people could be manipulated in order to do evil things on both sides.
The white supremacist movements and every other movements have suffered from this tunnel vision idealism where youth and people with unsatisfactory lives have been taken advantage of and influenced by people who wish to gain power or make money off of these people.
As a white supremacist, it saddens me everytime watching this movie, angry white youth being indoctrinated into klans groups with intent of violence.
>As a white supremacist,
How does it feel being clinically retarded? Just curious.
Hate groups always use the guise of not being about violence and preach about being a support group. White supremacists are autists who care too much about MUH GENETICKS.
one of my favorite movies.
It's really good.
I especially like how the racially charged scenes are done in black and white. When the contrast between blacks and whites rises the amount of nuance and colours diminishes, and I find that really subtle and clever.
>really subtle
I like it as well but cmon now
Cry more you fucking pussy.