Which tv show or movie has the absolute worst fanbase?
Which tv show or movie has the absolute worst fanbase?
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Wubba lubba dub dubs dubs!!
Game of thrones
MDE World Peace
Dr. Who.
It's amazing how most people who watch Rick and Morty seem to think they are the only ones who know about the show.
I like it but even my mom knows who those fuckers are.
delete this
same with 4channers.
"Muh sekrit klub" doesn't exist, newfags
Is that a MAGA hat?
Second post best post
holy shit how much basic bitch can you fit in one room?
My parents in their damn 50s know Rick and Morty without ever watching the show.
I don't wear Sup Forums t-shirts irl, thinking I'll look cool and that most people won't get it because my tastes are so underground.
>that bitch snapping her fingers instead of clapping
>he has no friends
Sup Forums is for middle aged people
>lucky 7 trips
Star Wars or MCU without a doubt because they are too stubborn to take criticisms even when you bring up legit points on why they are bad movies and act like you just personally insulted them.
Correct, only because the people who claim to be massive fans of the show and use it as an identity have never heard of the series before 2011.
It's a MTDA hat. Complete with that faggot ass snapping instead of clapping.
>Sup Forums's arch-nemesis fanbase is just a bunch of high schoolers
Dr. Who. I say that as a lifelong Dr. Who fan. If you don't believe me you should check out the autism that is the /who/ general.
kek, the average age here is like 19.
Anyone that watches CWshit
The audience for those shows combine the very worst of tumblr/reddit, waifufags, and braindead normalfags with no taste or standards for quality.
>The audience for those shows combine the very worst of tumblr/reddit, waifufags, and braindead normalfags with no taste or standards for quality.
describes this board perfectly.
trekkies. i say this as a trekkie. threads on here are pretty good though. just stay away from trekbbs
Rick and Morty fans are the worst but it's a good in with nerdy girls. When a show gets as mainstream as R&M or GoT, you can use it as a method to socialize and get laid. GoT got me laid like twice and R&M has probably as well.
I would agree 100% were it not for iZombie. That show is actually high quality.
Everyone post your age
>34 here
I like the show but yes. They're almost as insufferable as Rick and Morty spergs.
Steven Universe
I hate how whenever I listen to John Maus on youtube the comments are now filled with /po/ memes thanks to this show
>If you don't believe me
everyone believes you
22 or 23 here im not sure
While I haven't watched iZombie because I avoid anything on that channel like the plague, I guess it's possible a broken clock can be ring true every now and then. I probably won't check it out though.
From what I've seen the CW has not evolved or improved artistically/technically in the slightest since acquiring Smallville all those year ago. There's no defending the mouthbreathers that watch that trash.
hilarious meme
>"omg dude have you seen last night's episode? Wow the dragons are you kidding me?!?! I was NOT expecting that! That was awesome!"
>"yeah dude and they just confirmed season 14! I'm so excited! There's nothing better than sitting in front of a TV every single sunday evening!"
>"hey btw I feel soooo bad for Hodor. His name actually meant Hold the door. Wow! This is DEEP bro!"
The worst community is probably Sup Forums in the end.
CW has stepped it up. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Jane the Virgin got a lot of critical acclaim. I don't have any interest in watching them but still.
The hero worship Sam gets from his fanbase is so baffling to me.
>every joe rogan video
I've never seen this show discussed outside of thsi board, unless it's to shit on it, and even then it tends to only pop up in threads made for it.
Game Of Thrones
Rick And Morty
Dr Who (although they're mostly harmless manchildren)
Go see the comments section of a song that was featured in any show/movie/game.
it's every fucking comment and that song wasn't even the one used in the show
More like 14
>abloobloo no one wants to discuss these deep and intelligent lyrics in the comments section of youtube :'(((
literally could not give the slightest fuck about what people comment on youtube, I just posted it since it proves you wrong
Rick & Morty is the pumpkin spice latte of TV shows, watching it is basically admitting you believe you're smarter than your boss at Bed Bath and Beyond who voted for Trump.
The weak should fear the strong.
All CW show fanbases. They can't admit to themselves that the only reason they watch that abortion of a tv station is to masturbate.
By all means crank one out to Riverdale or Izombie if you're too cucked for actual porn but don't come here and discuss that shit like they're legitimate tv shows. Its trash made by trash for trash.
Tell me about all the times Reddit & Memey has got you laid because you type like a fucking virgin.
Xe wouldn't want to trigger anyone.
Whew hit too close to home senpai
star wars
that's what you get for streaming music you fucking nigger
Rick & Morty was designed for the 'le epic Bernout redditer' demographic.
i dunno man, the more seriously people take a show the worse the fanbase gets
Compare the 3 shows i have followed recently
>Medium following
>most people posting about it like it and enjoy the good performances and get frustrated by reasonable things
>some people try to read SJW shit into it so they can get annoyed
>Huge following
>so big there are multiple weekly podcasts and shit
>obviously that means more people to be retards about it
>Last Kingdom
>small fanbase, small budgets
>still well written, still enjoyable
the more popular a show the more retards follow it
Papercraft and Origami?
Any Netflix series
Twin Peaks
Every single one is a Dawnson Leery wannabe
31 I can't escape either
>that bitch clicking her fingers
They even made the host president, that's really obsessive fanboy behavior.
This is true. The more popular something gets, the worse it gets on the whole.
fucking /thread
>this isn't your "sekrit" club anymore guise even I know about it!
Only newfags say this stupid shit
> Game of Thrones
I don't know why but there's something deep inside of me that despises when a show gets as popular as Game of Thrones has. I try to ignore all of the podcasts, pop culture website bullshit, etc as I can because it actually takes away from my enjoyment of the show. During season 1 or 2 if you saw someone wearing a GOT shirt you'd know that they're probably a pretty cool guy. Now I think that they're probably a retard who blindly follows pop culture trends. It's fandom has essentially been populated by obnoxious normies who I assume have a low IQ.
> Rick an Morty
I think it's enjoyable sometimes but they need to stop pretending that it's some deep thing that makes you a genius for enjoying.It's a cartoon sitcom with fart jokes in nearly every episode, stop making it out to be something it isnt.
> Anything Disney related
They're essentially the same bunch as Game of Thrones. It's cancer can be proven by the before and after the MCU did after Disney bought it. The fans became 10x more obnoxious once disney marketing took over.
> Little House on the Prairie
Fuck them bitch niggas.
> Walking Dead
It's somehow turned into a bunch of shippers who don't want anyone to die and obsess over random characters who appeared for 2 seconds. I'll never understand how a horror survival show attracted the tumblr shipper crowd.
> Childs Play
They're always trailer trash type people.
Who gets that emotional over TV shows? It's not real you dumb cunt.
Me on the left
lol the guy in the background doesnt even care
which tv show has its own board and a global rule banning it from every other board?
my craving for violence is rapidly rising
I've seen every episode and I really can't imagine being attached to any of these characters, let alone to react like that.
>he glances to see his male friends crying
Muh youtube views.
I'm 19. Can confirm this. Starting browsing Sup Forums when I was 13 on my 3ds
>scaring your doggo over a shitty TV show
R&M on suicide watch.
Only newfags say newfags
nice trips
The walking dead
Game of thrones
Rick and Mortey
all animated shows targeted for kids/teenagers but watched by adults in their mid to late 20s
Is this the original? I've seen that same reaction from shit like the red wedding and the election night.
this, how dare they
With sound!
4channarians is the right term right?
Imagine the smell
It did before faggots like you showed up.